Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)

Find DOIs for almost any journal article

If we have an online subscription to the journal, a click on the DOI (Digital Object Identifier, i.e. perpetual weblink) will get you straight to the paper. Either journal name (common acronyms like JACS, JOC, JPC A, PRB, JCP, CPL,... accepted) or the journal's ISSN are required, not both. Issue number can usually be left blank. Important: only enter last name of first author. [The "official" lookup form resides at]

First Author ISSN
Journal Title
Volume Issue Page Year

How and why?

Online journals and books are great. Unfotunately, if somebody links to the URL of an article and the website gets reorganized, the journal changes hands, the publisher gets bought up,... then the URL will no longer work. Ouch!
Some years ago, a consortium of scientific publishers stuck their heads together in an attempt to come up with a solution for persistent links to items published online. This standard is known as the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
A useful side benefit of DOIs is that it makes it much more convenient to link to other online documents from within an online paper. Eventually, DOIs might supersede conventional journal references altogether.
A DOI basically consists of two parts separated by a slash: a prefix (which identifies the publisher, e.g. 10.1002=Wiley, 10.1021=ACS,...), and a suffix which identifies the item.
How does this work in practice? A central website maintains a huge database of DOIs of published items. If you browse to, say,, it will look up in its database what the current URL is for this DOI (or where to look it up on the publisher's website) and redirect your browser there. You will automatically get the correct article in your browser, no matter where it is (assuming that the DOI database for publisher 10.1021 is up to date).

How to make DOI links for journal articles

Here follow descriptions of how to do this for some major publishers

Some relevant websites

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