Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics 

Shimon Ullman, Head

The principal interests of the department lie in the areas of computer science and applied mathematics. Research in computer science includes the study of computational complexity, the development and analysis of algorithms, cryptography, proof theory, parallel and distributed computing, logic of programs, specification methodologies, the formal study of hybrid systems, combinatorial games, biological applications, brain modeling, visual perception and recognition, robotics and motion control. Research in applied mathematics includes dynamical systems, combinatorics, numerical analysis, the use of mathematical techniques to elucidate phenomena of interest in the natural sciences, such as biology and geophysics, and on the development of new numerical tools for solving differential equations, computing integrals, providing efficient approximations to complex continuous models, and solving other mathematical problems.

The departmental computer facilities include a multiple-CPU server, SGI, Sun and DEC workstations, and NCD X-terminals. The vision and robotics laboratories contain state-of-the-art equipment, including an Adept four-axis SCARA manipulator, an Eshed Robotec Scorbot ER IVV manipulator, Optotrak system for three-dimensional motion tracking, and a variety of input and output devices.

R. Basri

Developing new methods for object recognition and classification.

Designing algorithms for perceptual grouping and segmentation.

Applying methods from computer vision to visual robot navigation.

A. Brandt

Multi-level computational methods, scientific computation.

U. Feige

NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems, computational complexity, algorithms, cryptography, random walks, combinatorial optimization.

T. Flash

Robotics, motor control and learning, movement disorders, computational neuroscience, virtual reality.

O. Goldreich

Probabilistic proof systems, Pseudorandomness, Foundations of Cryptography, Complexity theory.

S. Goldwasser

Probabilistic proofs, cryptography, computational number theory, complexity theory.

D. Harel

Visual formalisms, software engineering, biological modeling, graph drawing and visualization, odor communication and synthesis

M. Irani

Analysis and interpretation of visual motion, video information analysis and applications, computer vision, image processing.

D. Michelson

Numerical analysis, differential equations, dynamical systems.

M. Naor

Cryptography and Complexity

Distributed Computing

Concrete Complexity

D. Peleg

Distributed computing, communication networks, graph algorithms, approximation algorithms.

A. Pnueli

Temporal logic, specification, verification (deductive and algorithmic), development and synthesis of reactive, real-time and hybrid systems, verification of hardware designs, and optimizing compilers, translation validation.

R. Raz

circuit complexity, communication complexity, propositional proof theory, probabilistic checkable proofs, lower-bounds, quantum computation, derandomization.

V. Rom-Kedar

Transport and mixing in fluid flows.

Structure of highly chaotic systems (smooth billiard potentials).

Structure of near-integrable Hamiltonian systems.

A. Shamir

Cryptography, cryptanalysis, electronic money, smartcard security, internet security, complexity theory, the design and analysis of algorithms.

E. Shapiro

Biomolecular computing, computing with protein machines, biochemical and computational theories related to the origin of life.

S. Ullman

Vision, image understanding, brain theory, artificial intelligence.