Department of Organic Chemistry

Ronny Neumann, Head

The areas of research in the Department of Organic Chemistry include synthetic and mechanistic organic and organometallic chemistry, novel reactions for organic synthesis, bond activation by metal complexes, polymeric reagents and catalysis. Bioorganic chemistry includes the studies of plant antiviral agents, the molecular mechanism of action of rhodopsin, artificial ion carriers and molecular sensors. Biological chemistry includes studies on structure,function, and mode of action of biologically active peptides and proteins; thermophilic enzymes; enzymes involved in DNA repair, DNA and RNA processing; studies of ordered, compact states of nucleic acids; and biomedical applications of EPR and NMR. Computational chemistry deals with the prediction of molecular properties by first principles (ab initio) and semiempirical quantum mechanical calculations.

M. Bachi

Organic synthesis through free radical reactions.

Synthesis of Yingzhaosu A and related antimalarial drug candidates.

Stereocontrol through Sulfur-Mediated Temporary Intramolecularization of Reactions.

Y. Burstein

Thermophilic enzymes

  1.  Isolation, characterization and cloning of enzymes from extremophilic microorganisms.

  2.  Structure, function and thermal stability relationship studies of extremophilic enzymes.

  3.  Crystalization and determination of the three-dimensional structures of extremophilic enzymes.

M. Fridkin

Chemical-Biological and Clinical studies on novel drugs, primarily of peptidic nature,related to therapy of infectious ,inflamatory and neoplastic diseases.
M. Fridkin, Y. Koch I. Gozes (TAU ) I. Offek (TAU ) R. Catane (TEL-HASHOMER )

  1.  Anticancer, Antibacterial Antiinflammatory

Novel synthetic and analytical methdologies are being developed.

  1.  Solid-phase synthesis

  2.  Classical solution chemistry

  3.  Combinatorial technologies

Studies include: drug design, pro-drugs, long-acting drugs and drug delivery.
M. Fridkin, Y. Shechter

Novel iron chelatores as potential drugs for neurodegenarative diseases
M. Fridkin, M. Youdim ( Technio9n )

  1.  small-molecules

  2.  amino acids and peptides

G. Martin

Computational Quantum Chemistry
G. Martin, D. Milstein, M. van der Boom, R. Neumann, M. A. Iron, L. Kronik

  1.  High-accuracy ab initio thermochemistry: method development and applications.

  2.  Development of novel, more universal, density functionals

  3.  Application of density functional methods to organometallic systems, with special reference to homogenous catalysis.

  4.  Ab initio prediction of rotation-vibration spectra beyond the harmonic approximation.

  5.  Intermolecular interactions

D. Milstein

Organometallic chemistry and catalysis

  1.  Bond activation by electron-rich transition metal complexes.

  2.  Rational design of homogeneous catalysis and synthetic methodology based on transition metal complexes.

  3.  Impact of molecular order on catalysis and reactivity.

  4.  Generation and stabilization of elusive (potentially biologically active) molecules

R. Neumann

Catalysis and oxidation - Green chemistry

  1.  Catalytic oxidation, activation of molecular oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, nitrous oxide and ozone - Green chemical transformations.

  2.  Polyoxometalates as novel catalysts for oxidation reduction and acid catalyzed reactions.

  3.  New organo-polyoxometalate materials.

B. Rybtchinski

Organic self-assembly: nanoreactors and nanocapsules

Solar fuels: photoinduced water splitting for hydrogen production

Artificial photosynthesis: light-harvesting materials for solar energy conversion

A. Shanzer

Supramolecular chemistry

  1.  Biomimetic ion binders, diagnostic tools in imaging technologies (fluorescent probes) and potential therapeutic agents. Synthesis, using classical and combinatorial chemistry methods and evaluation.

  2.  Synthesis and properties of molecular based devices; molecular sensors, switches and logical gates for application in nanotechnology.

  3.  Surface bound functional assemblies.

M. Sheves

Molecular mechanism for the function of retinal proteins

  1.  Spectroscopic properties of retinal proteins.

  2.  Molecular mechanism for visual pigments photochemistry.

  3.  Protein-chromophore interactions in bacteriorhodopsin.

M. van der Boom

Design, synthesis, and characterization of chromophores and metal complexes for the generation of new molecule-based photonic materials

Understanding and control over molecular orientation, interactions and properties in functional thin films

Mono- and multilayer based memory and sensor elements

Halogen bonded thin film assemblies