
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in acceleration mode at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, one of the world’s top-ranking centers of basic research. As this program moves into high gear, Weizmann is seeking top AI scientists and industry professionals who want to join in the journey, and chart the course forward. This flagship, $100 million initiative, will build on the Weizmann Institute’s existing leadership in computer vision, machine learning, neurobiology, data science, and robotics, by recruiting senior engineers with rich industry experience, as well as PhD-level research fellows.

Together, this expanded and integrative team will address AI’s broadest questions: What human-like capabilities can be programmed into intelligent machines? Once such machines are built, how will they interact with humans? And, how will these technologies impact society as a whole?

At the Weizmann Institute, computer scientists and neurobiologists work together to determine how human-like capabilities might be programmed into intelligent machines, for the benefit of humankind. Exploring the fundamental science that underlies AI applications for everything from agriculture and manufacturing, to security and biomedicine, this basic research will have a massive impact on the evolving man-machine relationship. Dedicated to curiosity-driven discovery, the Weizmann Institute is an educational and scientific community where the potential of AI can be explored and expanded, free from the commercial interests that drive R&D in the industrial sector.

With its expanded AI research program, the Weizmann Institute intends to remain at the vanguard of basic science excellence, while advancing engineering approaches designed to:

  • enable the creation of AI systems capable of making autonomous decisions based on complex patterns of human social behavior
  • incorporate human-like learning in autonomous systems
  • create intelligent systems capable of accelerating progress in niche areas of human endeavor

Expanding the Weizmann Institute’s AI discovery pipeline will accelerate scientific progress, while sparking new AI technologies for everything from disease diagnosis to drug discovery, from materials to manufacturing, and from archeology to economics.

The Weizmann Institute of Science invites talented candidates to apply, and to join the team that will be laying the groundwork for the game-changing AI innovations of tomorrow.


Affiliated Faculty and Research Scientists


shimon ulman ronen basri yaron lipman ohad shamirohad shamir