

  1. Simony E., Grossman S. & Malach R. (2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121, 41, e231970912.  Abstract
  2. Bayne T., Seth A., Massimini M. et_al. (2024) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 28, 10, p. 876-877  Abstract
  3. Bayne T., Seth A. K., Massimini M. et_al. (2024) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 28, 5, p. 454-466  Abstract
  4. Malach R. (2024) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 18, 1367922.  Abstract


  1. Broday-Dvir R., Norman Y., Harel M., Mehta A. D. & Malach R. (2023) Cell Reports. 42, 6, 112614.  Abstract


  1. Liu A. A., Henin S., Abbaspoor S. et_al. (2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 6000.  Abstract
  2. Brandman T., Malach R. & Simony E. (2022) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16,  Abstract
  3. Malach R. (2022) Journal of Consciousness Studies. 29, 7-8, p. 93-114  Abstract
  4. Michel M. & Malach R. (2022) Journal of Consciousness Studies. 29, 7-8, p. 158-164  Abstract


  1. Norman Y., Raccah O., Liu S., Parvizi J. & Malach R. (2021) Neuron. 109, 17, p. 2767-2780.e5  Abstract
  2. Malach R. (2021) Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2021, 2, niab028.  Abstract
  3. Raut R. V., Snyder A. Z., Mitra A., Yellin D., Fujii N., Malach R. & Raichle M. E. (2021) Science advances. 7, 30, abf2709.  Abstract
  4. Khuvis S., Yeagle E. M., Norman Y., Grossman S., Malach R. & Mehta A. D. (2021) The Journal of Neuroscience. 41, 15, p. 3386-3399  Abstract
  5. Broday-Dvir R. & Malach R. (2021) Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 31, 1, p. 213-232  Abstract
  6. Hahamy A., Wilf M., Rosin B., Behrmann M. & Malach R. (2021) Brain : a journal of neurology. 144, 1, p. 340-353  Abstract
  7. Brandman T., Malach R. & Simony E. (2021) Communications Biology. 4, 1, 79.  Abstract


  1. Berkovich-Ohana A., Furman-Haran E., Malach R., Arieli A., Harel M. & Gilaie-Dotan S. (2020) Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 15, 11, p. 1203-1216  Abstract
  2. Berkovich-Ohana A., Noy N., Harel M., Furman-Haran E., Arieli A. & Malach R. (2020) NeuroImage. 211, 116626.  Abstract


  1. Grossman S., Yeagle E. M., Harel M. et_al. (2019) Cell Reports. 29, 12, p. 3775-3784  Abstract
  2. Strappini F., Wilf M., Karp O., Goldberg H., Harel M., Furman-Haran E., Golan T. & Malach R. (2019) Cerebral Cortex. 29, 9, p. 3618-3635  Abstract
  3. Grossman S., Gaziv G., Yeagle E. M. et_al. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 4934.  Abstract
  4. Norman Y., Yeagle E. M., Khuvis S., Harel M., Mehta A. D. & Malach R. (2019) Science. 365, 6454, p. 657-671 1030.  Abstract
  5. Grossman S., Gueta C., Pesin S., Malach R. & Landau A. N. (2019) Psychological Science. 30, 6, p. 907-916  Abstract


  1. Cohen O., Malach R., Koppel M. & Friedman D. (2018) 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2018 - Proceedings.  Abstract
  2. Dayan E., Barliya A., de Gelder B., Hendler T., Malach R. & Flash T. (2018) Scientific Reports. 8, 1, 10881.  Abstract
  3. Broday-Dvir R., Grossman S., Furman-Haran E. & Malach R. (2018) NeuroImage. 171, p. 84-98  Abstract
  4. Eilam R., Segal M., Malach R., Sela M., Arnon R. & Aharoni R. (2018) GLIA. 66, 5, p. 1098-1117  Abstract


  1. Norman Y., Yeagle E. M., Harel M., Mehta A. D. & Malach R. (2017) Nature Communications. 8, 1301 .  Abstract
  2. Neuman Y., Howard N., Falissard L. & Malach R. (2017) Semiotica. 2017, 218, p. 65-79  Abstract
  3. Golan T., Davidesco I., Meshulam M. et_al. (2017) eLife. 6, e27819.  Abstract
  4. Keller C. J., Davidesco I., Megevand P., Lado F. A., Malach R. & Mehta A. D. (2017) Human Brain Mapping. 38, 6, p. 2830-2842  Abstract
  5. Hahamy A., Macdonald S. N., van den Heiligenberg F. et_al. (2017) Current Biology. 27, 9, p. 1350-1355  Abstract
  6. Wilf M., Strappini F., Golan T., Hahamy A., Harel M. & Malach R. (2017) Cerebral Cortex. 27, 1, p. 750-763  Abstract
  7. Cohen O., Doron D., Koppel M., Malach R. & Friedman D. (2017) 2017 8TH INTERNATIONAL IEEE/EMBS CONFERENCE ON NEURAL ENGINEERING (NER). p. 403-406 (trueInternational IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering).  Abstract
  8. Podvalny E., Yeagle E., Megevand P., Sarid N., Harel M., Chechik G., Mehta A. D. & Malach R. (2017) Current Biology. 27, 2, p. 155-165  Abstract


  1. Meshulam M. & Malach R. (2016) NeuroImage. 143, p. 106-115  Abstract
  2. Golan T., Davidesco I., Meshulam M. et_al. (2016) eLife. 5, September2016, 17243.  Abstract
  3. Berkovich-Ohana A., Harel M., Hahamy A., Arieli A. & Malach R. (2016) Data in Brief. 8, p. 910-914  Abstract
  4. Berkovich-Ohana A., Harel M., Hahamy A., Arieli A. & Malach R. (2016) NeuroImage. 135, p. 125-134  Abstract
  5. Eilam R., Aharoni R., Arnon R. & Malach R. (2016) eLife. 5, JUN2016, e15915.  Abstract
  6. Wilf M., Ramot M., Furman-Haran E., Arzi A., Levkovitz Y. & Malach R. (2016) PLoS ONE. 11, 6, e0157143.  Abstract
  7. Ramot M., Grossman S., Friedman D. & Malach R. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 17, p. E2413-E2420  Abstract
  8. Deouell L., Grill-Spector K., Malach R., Murray M. & Rossion B. (2016) Neuropsychologia. 83, p. 1-4  Abstract
  9. Dayan E., Sella I., Mukovskiy A., Douek Y., Giese M. A., Malach R. & Flash T. (2016) Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 26, 1, p. 234-245  Abstract


  1. Goldberg H., Christensen A., Flash T., Giese M. A. & Malach R. (2015) NeuroImage. 122, p. 306-317  Abstract
  2. Noy N., Bickel S., Zion-Golumbic E. et_al. (2015) Human Brain Mapping. 36, 10, p. 3988-4003  Abstract
  3. Moutard C., Dehaene S. & Malach R. (2015) Neuron. 88, 1, p. 194-206 12832.  Abstract
  4. Noy N., Bickel S., Zion-Golumbic E. et_al. (2015) Consciousness and Cognition. 35, p. 206-224  Abstract
  5. Podvalny E., Noy N., Harel M., Bickel S., Chechik G., Schroeder C. E., Mehta A. D., Tsodyks M. & Malach R. (2015) Journal of Neurophysiology. 114, 1, p. 505-519  Abstract
  6. Berkovich-Ohana A., Wilf M., Kahana R., Arieli A. & Malach R. (2015) Brain and Behavior. 5, 7, e00346.  Abstract
  7. Hahamy A., Behrmann M. & Malach R. (2015) Nature Neuroscience. 18, 2, p. 302-309  Abstract
  8. Yellin D., Berkovich-Ohana A. & Malach R. (2015) NeuroImage. 106, p. 414-427  Abstract
  9. Hahamy A., Sotiropoulos S. N., Slater D. H., Malach R., Johansen-Berg H. & Makin T. R. (2015) eLife. 2015, 4,  Abstract
  10. Harmelech T., Friedman D. & Malach R. (2015) Journal of Neuroscience. 35, 6, p. 2588-2595  Abstract


  1. Cohen O., Druon S., Lengagne S., Mendelsohn A., Malach R., Kheddar A. & Friedman D. (2014) PRESENCE-TELEOPERATORS AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS. 23, 3, p. 229-241  Abstract
  2. Davidesco I., Zion-Golumbic E., Bickel S. et_al. (2014) Cerebral Cortex. 24, 7, p. 1879-1893  Abstract
  3. Cohen O., Koppel M., Malach R. & Friedman D. (2014) Journal of Neural Engineering. 11, 3, 035006.  Abstract
  4. Salomon R., Levy D. R. & Malach R. (2014) Human Brain Mapping. 35, 4, p. 1491-1502  Abstract
  5. Cohen O., Ramot M., Malach R., Koppel M. & Friedman D. (2014) Proceedings of the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014. Brunner C., Steyrl D., Müller-Putz G., Bauernfeind G., Scherer R. & Wriessnegger S.(eds.). p. 133-136  Abstract
  6. Goldberg H., Preminger S. & Malach R. (2014) NeuroImage. 84, p. 254-264  Abstract


  1. Harmelech T. & Malach R. (2013) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 17, 12, p. 606-615  Abstract
  2. Fekete T., Wilf M., Rubin D., Edelman S., Malach R. & Mujica-Parodi L. R. (2013) PLoS ONE. 8, 5, e62867.  Abstract
  3. Harmelech T., Preminger S., Wertman E. & Malach R. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 22, p. 9488-9497  Abstract
  4. Gilaie-Dotan S., Hahamy-Dubossarsky A., Nir Y., Berkovich-Ohana A., Bentin S. & Malach R. (2013) NeuroImage. 70, p. 189-198  Abstract
  5. Privman E., Malach R. & Yeshurun Y. (2013) Neural Networks. 40, p. 44-51  Abstract
  6. Ramot M., Fisch L., Davidesco I. et_al. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 37, p. 14715-14728  Abstract
  7. Meshulam M., Ramot M., Harel M., Kipervasser S., Andelman F., Neufeld M. Y., Kramer U., Fried I. & Malach R. (2013) Journal of Neurophysiology. 109, 9, p. 2272-2281  Abstract
  8. Davidesco I., Harel M., Ramot M. et_al. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 3, p. 1228-1240  Abstract


  1. Neuronal reflections
    Malach R. (2012) Consciousness. p. 343-365  Abstract
  2. Dinstein I., Heeger D. J., Lorenzi L., Minshew N. J., Malach R. & Behrmann M. (2012) Neuron. 75, 6, p. 981-991  Abstract
  3. Ramot M., Fisch L., Harel M., Kipervasser S., Andelman F., Neufeld M. Y., Kramer U., Fried I. & Malach R. (2012) Journal of Neuroscience. 32, 31, p. 10458-10469  Abstract
  4. Malach R. (2012) NeuroImage. 62, 2, p. 1163-1169  Abstract
  5. Ovadia-Caro S., Nir Y., Soddu A. et_al. (2012) PLoS ONE. 7, 5, e37238.  Abstract
  6. Soddu A., Vanhaudenhuyse A., Bahri M. A. et_al. (2012) Human Brain Mapping. 33, 4, p. 778-796  Abstract
  7. Brennan J., Nir Y., Hasson U., Malach R., Heeger D. J. & Pylkkaenen L. (2012) Brain and Language. 120, 2, p. 163-173  Abstract


  1. Hesselmann G. & Malach R. (2011) Cerebral Cortex. 21, 12, p. 2829-2837  Abstract
  2. Malach R. (2011) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15, 11, p. 507  Abstract
  3. Ramot M., Wilf M., Goldberg H., Weiss T., Deouell L. Y. & Malach R. (2011) NeuroImage. 58, 1, p. 213-225  Abstract
  4. Hesselmann G., Hebart M. & Malach R. (2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 36, p. 12936-12944  Abstract
  5. Salomon R., Bleich-Cohen M., Hahamy-Dubossarsky A. et_al. (2011) Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 36, p. 12972-12981  Abstract
  6. Mukamel R., Nir Y., Harel M., Arieli A., Malach R. & Fried I. (2011) Human Brain Mapping. 32, 8, p. 1181-1193  Abstract
  7. Dinstein I., Pierce K., Eyler L., Solso S., Malach R., Behrmann M. & Courchesne E. (2011) Neuron. 70, 6, p. 1218-1225  Abstract
  8. Privman E., Fisch L., Neufeld M. Y., Kramer U., Kipervasser S., Andelman F., Yeshurun Y., Fried I. & Malach R. (2011) Cerebral Cortex. 21, 3, p. 616-624  Abstract
  9. Preminger S., Harmelech T. & Malach R. (2011) NeuroImage. 54, 2, p. 1692-1702  Abstract


  1. Harel A., Gilaie-Dotan S., Malach R. & Bentin S. (2010) Cerebral Cortex. 20, 10, p. 2304-2318  Abstract
  2. Paz R., Gelbard-Sagiv H., Mukamel R., Harel M., Malach R. & Fried I. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 13, p. 6046-6051  Abstract
  3. Amedi A., Raz N., Azulay H., Malach R. & Zohary E. (2010) Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 28, 2, p. 143-156  Abstract
  4. Hasson U., Malach R. & Heeger D. J. (2010) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 14, 1, p. 40-48  Abstract
  5. Gilaie-Dotan S., Gelbard-Sagiv H. & Malach R. (2010) NeuroImage. 50, 2, p. 383-395  Abstract


  1. Fisch L., Privman E., Ramot M. et_al. (2009) Neuron. 64, 4, p. 562-574  Abstract
  2. Salomon R., Malach R. & Lamy D. (2009) PLoS ONE. 4, 10, e7527.  Abstract
  3. Gilaie-Dotan S., Perry A., Bonneh Y., Malach R. & Bentin S. (2009) Cerebral Cortex. 19, 7, p. 1687-1703  Abstract
  4. Preminger S., Harmelech T., Laufer O., Gilaie-Dotan S., Arieli A. & Malach R. (2009) 2009 Virtual Rehabilitation International Conference. p. 200-200  Abstract
  5. Soddu A., Boly M., Nir Y. et_al. (2009) Coma Science: Clinical And Ethical Implications. p. 261-274 (trueProgress in Brain Research).  Abstract


  1. Motes M. A., Malach R. & Kozhevnikov M. (2008) NeuroReport. 19, 17, p. 1727-1731  Abstract
  2. Ben Bashat B. D., Sivan I., Ziv M., Aizenstein O., Pianka P., Malach R., Graif M., Hendler T. & Navon G. (2008) Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 28, 5, p. 1245-1250  Abstract
  3. Gelbard-Sagiv H., Mukamel R., Harel M., Malach R. & Fried I. (2008) Science. 322, 5898, p. 96-101  Abstract
  4. Goldberg I., Ullman S. & Malach R. (2008) Consciousness and Cognition. 17, 3, p. 587-601  Abstract
  5. Nir Y., Mukamel R., Dinstein I. et_al. (2008) Nature Neuroscience. 11, 9, p. 1100-1108  Abstract
  6. Lerner Y., Epshtein B., Ullman S. & Malach R. (2008) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20, 7, p. 1189-1206  Abstract
  7. Nir Y., Dinstein I., Malach R. & Heeger D. J. (2008) Nature Neuroscience. 11, 5, p. 523-524  Abstract
  8. Quiroga R. Q., Mukamel R., Isham E. A., Malach R. & Fried I. (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 9, p. 3599-3604  Abstract
  9. Gilaie-Dotan S., Nir Y. & Malach R. (2008) NeuroImage. 39, 4, p. 1926-1937  Abstract
  10. Golland Y., Golland P., Bentin S. & Malach R. (2008) Neuropsychologia. 46, 2, p. 540-553  Abstract
  11. Bitterman Y., Mukamel R., Malach R., Fried I. & Nelken I. (2008) Nature. 451, 7175, p. 197-201  Abstract


  1. Malach R. (2007) Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 30, 5-6, p. 516-517  Abstract
  2. Heller R., Golland Y., Malach R. & Benjamini Y. (2007) NeuroImage. 37, 4, p. 1178-1185  Abstract
  3. Deouell L. Y., Heller A. S., Malach R., D'Esposito M. & Knight R. T. (2007) Neuron. 55, 6, p. 985-996  Abstract
  4. Nir Y., Fisch L., Mukamel R., Gelbard-Sagiv H., Arieli A., Fried I. & Malach R. (2007) Current Biology. 17, 15, p. 1275-1285  Abstract
  5. Privman E., Nir Y., Kramer U. et_al. (2007) Journal of Neuroscience. 27, 23, p. 6234-6242  Abstract
  6. Golland Y., Bentin S., Gelbard H., Benjamini Y., Heller R., Nir Y., Hasson U. & Malach R. (2007) Cerebral Cortex. 17, 4, p. 766-777  Abstract
  7. Gilaie-Dotan S. & Malach R. (2007) Cerebral Cortex. 17, 2, p. 325-338  Abstract


  1. Lerner Y., Hendler T., Malach R., Harel M., Leiba H., Stolovitch C. & Pianka P. (2006) NeuroImage. 33, 1, p. 169-179  Abstract
  2. Perception without a perceiver - In conversation with Zoran Josipovic
    Malach R. & Josipovic Z. (2006) Journal of Consciousness Studies. 13, 9, p. 57-66  Abstract
  3. Nir Y., Hasson U., Levy I., Yeshurun Y. & Malach R. (2006) NeuroImage. 30, 4, p. 1313-1324  Abstract
  4. Goldberg I., Harel M. & Malach R. (2006) Neuron. 50, 2, p. 329-339  Abstract
  5. Hasson U. & Malach R. (2006) Percept, Decision, Action. J. Chadwick D., Goode J., Diamond M. & Foundation N.(eds.). p. 203-216  Abstract


  1. Amedi A., Malach R. & Pascual-Leone A. (2005) Neuron. 48, 5, p. 859-872  Abstract
  2. Mukamel R., Gelbard H., Arieli A., Hasson U., Fried I. & Malach R. (2005) Science. 309, 5736, p. 951-954  Abstract
  3. Avidan G., Hasson U., Malach R. & Behrmann M. (2005) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17, 7, p. 1150-1167  Abstract
  4. Shmuel A., Korman M., Sterkin A., Harel M., Ullman S., Malach R. & Grinvald A. (2005) Journal of Neuroscience. 25, 8, p. 2117-2131  Abstract


  1. Levy I., Hasson U. & Malach R. (2004) Current Biology. 14, 11, p. 996-1001  Abstract
  2. Mukamel R., Harel M., Hendler T. & Malach R. (2004) Cerebral Cortex. 14, 5, p. 575-585  Abstract
  3. Levy I., Hasson U., Harel M. & Malach R. (2004) Human Brain Mapping. 22, 1, p. 15-26  Abstract
  4. Hasson U., Nir Y., Levy I., Fuhrmann G. & Malach R. (2004) Science. 303, 5664, p. 1634-1640  Abstract
  5. Lemer Y., Harel M. & Malach R. (2004) NeuroImage. 21, 2, p. 516-526  Abstract
  6. Grill-Spector K. & Malach R. (2004) Annual Review of Neuroscience. 27, p. 649-677  Abstract


  1. Lerner Y., Pianka P., Azmon B., Leiba H., Stolovitch C., Loewenstein A., Harel M., Hendler T. & Malach R. (2003) Neuron. 40, 5, p. 1023-1029  Abstract
  2. Amedi A., Raz N., Pianka P., Malach R. & Zohary E. (2003) Nature Neuroscience. 6, 7, p. 758-766  Abstract
  3. Hendler T., Rotshtein P., Yeshurun Y., Weizmann T., Kahn I., Ben-Bashat D., Malach R. & Bleich A. (2003) NeuroImage. 19, 3, p. 587-600  Abstract
  4. Avidan G., Levy I., Hendler T., Zohary E. & Malach R. (2003) NeuroImage. 19, 2, p. 308-318  Abstract
  5. Loewenstein A., Malach R., Goldstein M. et_al. (2003) Ophthalmology. 110, 5, p. 966-970  Abstract
  6. Hasson U., Avidan G., Deouell L., Bentin S. & Malach R. (2003) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 15, 3, p. 419-431  Abstract
  7. Hasson U., Harel M., Levy I. & Malach R. (2003) Neuron. 37, 6, p. 1027-1041  Abstract
  8. Bypassing the spatial limits in human fMRI
    Malach R. (2003) Psychiatric Neuroimaging. 348, p. 99-104  Abstract


  1. Convergence of visual and tactile shape processing in the human lateral occipital complex zohary
    Amedi A., Jacobson G., Hendler T., Malach R. & Zohary E. (2002) Cerebral Cortex. 12, 11, p. 1202-1212  Abstract
  2. Avidan G., Hasson U., Hendler T., Zohary E. & Malach R. (2002) Current Biology. 12, 12, p. 964-972  Abstract
  3. Malach R., Levy I. & Hasson U. (2002) Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 6, 4, p. 176-184  Abstract
  4. Hasson U., Levy I., Behrmann M., Hendler T. & Malach R. (2002) Neuron. 34, 3, p. 479-490  Abstract
  5. Avidan G., Harel M., Hendler T., Ben-Bashat D., Zohary E. & Malach R. (2002) Journal of Neurophysiology. 87, 6, p. 3102-3116  Abstract
  6. Lerner Y., Hendler T. & Malach R. (2002) Cerebral Cortex. 12, 2, p. 163-177  Abstract
  7. Gilaie-Dotan S., Ullman S., Kushnir T. & Malach R. (2002) Human Brain Mapping. 15, 2, p. 67-79  Abstract


  1. Rotshtein P., Malach R., Hadar U., Graif M. & Hendler T. (2001) Neuron. 32, 4, p. 747-757  Abstract
  2. Hasson U., Hendler T., Ben Bashat B. D. & Malach R. (2001) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 13, 6, p. 744-753  Abstract
  3. Grill-Spector K. & Malach R. (2001) Acta Psychologica. 107, 1-3, p. 293-321  Abstract
  4. Amedi A., Malach R., Hendler T., Peled S. & Zohary E. (2001) Nature Neuroscience. 4, 3, p. 324-330  Abstract
  5. Lerner Y., Hendler T., Ben-Bashat D., Harel M. & Malach R. (2001) Cerebral Cortex. 11, 4, p. 287-297  Abstract
  6. Levy I., Hasson U., Avidan G., Hendler T. & Malach R. (2001) Nature Neuroscience. 4, 5, p. 533-539  Abstract


  1. Grill-Spector K., Kushnir T., Hendler T. & Malach R. (2000) Nature Neuroscience. 3, 8, p. 837-893  Abstract
  2. Hendler T., Hasson U., Ben-Bashat D., Kahn I. & Malach R. (2000) NeuroImage. 11, 5 PART II, p. S749  Abstract


  1. Grill-Spector K., Kushnir T., Edelman S., Avidan G., Itzchak Y. & Malach R. (1999) Neuron. 24, 1, p. 187-203  Abstract


  1. Toward direct visualization of the internal shape representation space by fMRI
    Edelman S., Grill-Spector K., Kushnir T. & Malach R. (1998) Psychobiology. 26, 4, p. 309-321  Abstract
  2. Grill-Spector K., Kushnir T., Edelman S., Itzchak Y. & Malach R. (1998) Neuron. 21, 1, p. 191-202  Abstract
  3. Grill-Spector K., Kushnir T., Hendler T., Edelman S., Itzchak Y. & Malach R. (1998) Human Brain Mapping. 6, 4, p. 316-328  Abstract


  1. Malach R., Schirman D., Harel M., Tootell R. & Malonek D. (1997) Cerebral Cortex. 7, 4, p. 386-393  Abstract


  1. Tootell R., Dale A., Sereno M. & Malach R. (1996) Trends in Neurosciences. 19, 11, p. 481-489  Abstract
  2. Spector K., Edelman S. & Malach R. (1996) Brain Theory: Biological Basis And Computational Principles. p. 247-260  Abstract


  1. Malach R., Reppas J. B., Benson R. R. et_al. (1995) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92, 18, p. 8135-8139  Abstract


  1. Selective elimination of hypothalamic neurons by grafted hypertension-inducing neural tissue
    EILAM R., Malach R. & Segal M. (1994) Journal of Neuroscience. 14, 8, p. 4891-4902  Abstract
  2. Malach R., Tootell R. B. & Malonek D. (1994) Cerebral Cortex. 4, 2, p. 151-165  Abstract
  3. Functional architecture and connection rules in primary visual cortex of macaque monkey
    Grinvald A. & Malach R. (1994) Structural And Functional Organization Of The Neocortex: Proceedings Of A Symposium In The Memory Of Otto D. Creutzfeldt. 24, p. 291-304  Abstract
  4. Malach R. (1994) Trends in Neurosciences. 17, 3, p. 101-104  Abstract


  1. Relationship between intrinsic connections and functional architecture revealed by optical imaging and in vivo targeted biocytin injections in primate striate cortex
    Malach R., Amir Y., Harel M. & Grinvald A. (1993) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90, 22, p. 10469-10473  Abstract
  2. Amir Y., Harel M. & Malach R. (1993) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 334, 1, p. 19-46  Abstract
  3. Evidence for plasticity of intrinsic horizontal connections in area 17 of the rat
    Ankaoua D. & Malach R. (1993) Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 29, 9, p. 555-569  Abstract


  1. Kenan-Vaknin G., Ouaknine G. E., Razon N. & Malach R. (1992) Brain Research. 594, 2, p. 339-342  Abstract
  2. Kenan-Vaknin G., Malach R. & Segal M. (1992) Brain Research. 574, 1-2, p. 147-156  Abstract
  3. KENANVAKNIN G., Katz H. (. & Malach R. (1992) Brain Research. 571, 2, p. 338-341  Abstract
  4. Malach R. (1992) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 315, 3, p. 303-312  Abstract


  1. PAPERNA T. & Malach R. (1991) Journal of Comparative Neurology. 308, 3, p. 432-456  Abstract
  2. Hypertension induced by hypothalamic transplantation from genetically hypertensive to normotensive rats
    EILAM R., Malach R., BERGMANN F. & Segal M. (1991) Journal of Neuroscience. 11, 2, p. 401-411  Abstract


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