Proteopedia is a collaborative, 3D web-encyclopedia of protein, nucleic acid and otherbiomolecule structures. Created as a means for communicating biomolecule structures to a diverse scientific audience, Proteopedia presents structural annotation in an intuitive, interactive format and allows members of the scientific community to easily contribute their own annotations. There are >130,000 pages in Proteopedia contributed by more than 3,300 users from over ~55 countries worldwide, with many pages translated into over a dozen different languages.

The X-ray structure of the Aricept-AChE complex shows that Aricept (shown in magenta) has a unique orientation along the active-site gorge, extending from the anionic subsite (W84) of the active site, at the bottom, to the peripheral anionic site (near W279), at the top, via aromatic stacking interactions with conserved aromatic acid residues. Aricept does not, however, interact directly with either the catalytic triad or the 'oxyanion hole' but only indirectly via solvent molecules (see: AChE-Aricept Complex page in Proteopedia )