Decoherence-protected qubits

Superconducting qubits are microwave circuits in which the cooper-pair condensate effectively behaves as a one-dimensional quantized particle. By inserting Josephson junctions, the circuit can be made nonlinear, allowing us to isolate the qubit from higher-energy levels. Different circuit topologies with varying parameter regimes have created a zoo of different qubits, all of which suffer from different kinds of decoherence processes. We aim to construct circuits that have built-in protection against noise from the environment

Autonomous quantum error correction is a promising strategy, where we design the environment to continually stabilize the qubit in the appropriate subspace without compromising the qubit superposition state.

Another tool we have at our disposal is our novel ultra-long coherence time cavity which allows us to delve into the impact of transmon decoherence on quantum memory stability. This innovation makes previously inaccessible decoherence processes approachable, surpassing the limitations of short-lived cavities

Relevant literature:

Kapit et al., Hardware-Efficient and Fully Autonomous Quantum Error Correction in Superconducting Circuits. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 150501 (2016).