Pre-Workshop Meeting

A pre-workshop meeting is planned on Monday, March 27 at the Tel Aviv University Campus.
Talks will be given by students, postdocs, and by some of the senior workshop participants.

Meeting location:
Kaplun building room 324
The Facualty of Exact Sciences
Tel Aviv University campus

Hour Speaker Subject
9:00-9:50 Gerald Miller (UW)

"Freedom for quarks in the nucleus?"
The story of free and bound nucleons

9:50-10:10 Georgios Laskaris (MIT) Probing SRCs using proton beams at the HADES spectrometer *
10:10-10:30 Maria Patsyuk (MIT) Photonuclear measurements off nuclear targets in "GlueX" *

Coffee break

11:00-11:50 Misak Sargsian (FIU) “Probing Short Distances on the Light-Front”
11:50-12:10 Adi Ashkenazi (TAU) Probing SRCs at A1 MAINZ *
12:10-12:30 Efrain Patrick Segarra (MIT) Investigating in-medium nucleon structure functions with BAND"*
2:00-2:50 Or Hen (MIT) "An experimental introduction to short range correlations in nuclei"
2:50-3:10 Afroditi Papadopoulou (MIT) ”Incorporation of short-range correlations into the GENIE event generator”*
3:10-3:30 Florian Hauenstein (ODU) Measurement of (e,e'p) in A = 3 asymmetric nuclei
  Coffee break
4:00-4:50 Nir Barnea (HU)

"Do two walk together?"

A theoretical introduction to short range correlations in nuclei

4:50-5:10 TBA  
5:10-5:30 TBA  


A pedagogical talk

  • * To be confirmed

Please contact Eli at EIP@TAUPHY.TAU.AC.IL concerning the pre workshop program and participation