Uri Bader
Academic degrees
- 1999, The Technion, Israel, Mathematics, B.Sc. (summa com laude).
- 2004, The Technion, Israel, Mathematics, Ph.D, supervised by Prof. Amos Nevo.
Academic appointments
- 2015- Associate Professor Mathematics, the Weizmann Institute.
- 2011-2015 Associate Professor Mathematics, the Technion.
- 2007-2011 Senior Lecturer Mathematics, the Technion.
- 2004-2007 L.E Dickson Instructor Mathematics, University of Chicago.
- 1997-2004 Teaching Assistant Mathematics, the Technion.
Short visits
- 2012 May-July Orlenas, France.
- 2009 Sep-Oct HIM, Germany.
- 2004 May IHES, France.
- 2004 Jun-Aug ENS-Paris(CNRS), France.
Research interests
My subject of research is (In nite) Group Theory from dynamical view point. Naturally, I am led to consider subjects as: Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Lie Theory and Representation Theory, as well as Differential Geometry and Geometric and Measurable Group Theory.
Teaching experience
- Undergraduate classes: Calculus, Rings and Fields, Differential Geometry, ODE, Real analysis, Functional Analysis.
- Graduate classes: Commutative algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Groups, Arithmetic Groups, Measure Theory, Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Random walks on Groups and Boundary Theory. Algebraic Number Theory.
Awards and Honors
- 2005 the Technion Math. faculty prize for excellence Ph.D. thesis.
- 2003 Wolf prize for excellent Ph.D. students.
- 2002 Haim Hanany prize.
- 2001 Elisha Nethaniahu prize.
- 2000 Technion Excellency in teaching award.
Ph.D students
- Izhar Oppenheim, graduated: 2012.
- Omer Lavy, graduated: 2015.
Master students
- Vladimir Finkelshtein, graduated: 2012.
- Alon Lessel, graduated: 2014.
- Ido Nachum, graduated: 2015.
- Miel Sharf, graduated: 2015.
Supervised postdocs
- 2010: Daniele D’Angeli.
- 2011: Tobias Hartnick.
- 2012: Jean Lecureux.
- 2013: Tobias Hartnick.
- 2014: Baptiste Olivier.
- 2015: Adrien Boyer, Dustin Mayeda.
Research grants
- 2009, GIF Young Scientists granted project: Equivalence relations on groups.
- 2009-2012, ISF grnat: Boundary Theory for Groups.
- 2009-2012, European union grant: FP7-People-IRG 223820- UB07.
- 2010-2014, BSF grant: Topics in Measured Group Theory (with A. Furman).
- 2012, Minerva grant for summer school “Flows on homogeneous spaces” (with Roman Sauer).
- 2012-2017, ERC starting grant: Ergodic group theory.
- 2016-2020, ISF Moked Mehkar grant: Action Now.
Thesis: Conformal actions of simple Lie-groups on Pseudo-Riemannian
Supervisor: Amos Nevo, 2004.
Refereed articles
- U. Bader and A. Nevo; Conformal actions of simple Lie-groups on compact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. Journal of Di erential Geometry 60 (2002), 355-387.
- U. Bader and Y. Shalom; Factor and normal subgroup theorems for lattices in products of groups. Invent. Math. 163 (2006), no. 2, 415-454.
- U. Bader, A. Furman, T. Gelander and N. Monod; Property (T) and rigidity for actions on Banach spaces. Acta Math. 198 (2007), no. 1, 57-105.
- U. Bader and U. Onn; Geometric representations of GL(n;R), cellular Hecke algebras and the embedding problem. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 208 (2007), no. 3, 905-922.
- U. Bader, Ch. Frances and K. Melnick; An embedding theorem for automorphism groups of Cartan geometries. GAFA 19-2 (2009), 333-355.
- U. Bader; Conformal Actions on Homogeneous Lorentzian Manifolds. Journal of Lie-Theory 20 (2010), 469-481.
- U. Bader and R. Muchnik; Boundary Unitary Representations – irreduciblity and rigidity. Journal of Modern Dynamics 5 (2011), no.1, 49-69.
- U. Bader, P.E Caprace, T. Gelander and S. Mozes; Simple groups without lattices. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2011), 1-13.
- U. Bader and U. Onn; On some geometric representations of GLn(O). Communications in Algebra Volume 40, Issue 9, 2012, 3169-3191.
- U. Bader, A. Furman and R. Sauer; Ecient subdivision in hyperbolic groups and applications. Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, to appear, 24 pages.
- U. Bader, T. Gelander and N. Monod; A fixed point theorem for L1. Inventiones Math. 189 No. 1 (2012), 143-148.
- U. Bader, A. Furman and R. Sauer, Integrable measure equivalence and rigidity of hyperbolic lattices. Invent. Math.194 (2013), no.2, 313-379.
- U. Bader, A. Furman, Boundaries, Weyl groups, and Superrigidity. Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, 19 (2012) 41-48.
- U. Bader, A. Furman and R. Sauer, Weak notions of normality and vanishing up to rank in L2-cohomology. Int.Math.Res.Not. IMRN, 2014, no. 12, 3177-3189.
- U. Bader, A. Furman, A. Gorodnik and B. Weiss, Rigidity of group actions on homogeneous spaces. III Duke Math Journal, 164 (2015), no.1, 115-155.
- U. Bader, C. Rosendal and R. Sauer, On the cohomology of weakly almost periodic group representations, Journal of Topology and Analysis, 6 (2014), no.2, 153-165.
- U. Bader and A. Furman, Boundaries, rigidity of representations, and Lyapunov exponents. to appear in the Proceedings of the ICM 2014, 27 pages.
- U. Bader, B. Duchesne and J. Lcureux, Furstenberg Maps For CAT(0) Targets Of Finite Telescopic Dimension. to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System, 16 pages.
- U. Bader and P. Nowak, Cohomology of deformations. Journal of Topology and Analysis, 7 (2015), no.1, 81-104.
- U. Bader and A. Furman, Algebraic Representations of Ergodic Actions and Super-Rigidity. Submitted, 25 pages.
- U. Bader, A. Furman and R. Sauer, On the structure and arithmeticity of lattice envelopes. to appear in Comptes Rendus Mathematique.
U. Bader, T. Gelander, Equicontinuous actions of semisimple groups.
to appear in Geometry Groups and Dymnamics. -
U. Bader, B. Duchesne, J. Lecureux, Amenable Invariant Random
Subgroups, to apear in the Israel Journal of Mathematics. -
U. Bader, B. Duchesne, J. Lecureux, Almost algebraic actions of
algebraic groups and applications to algebraic representations, to ap-
pear in Geometry Groups and Dymnamics. -
U. Bader, J. Dymara, Boundary unitary representations - right-
angled hyperbolic buildings, to apear in Journal of Modern Dynamics.
Plenary talks
- Main speaker at the conference "Geometric Analysis", Kyoto Japan, June 2016.
- Main speaker at the school “Rigidity”, Tokyo Japan, November 2014.
- Special lecture series at Wroclaw Poland, September 2014.
- Talk series at the Fields insinuate, Toronto Canada, February 2014.
- Talk series at the Fields insinuate, Toronto Canada, February 2014
- Main lecturer (talk series) at “Lectures on Furstenberg-Poisson boundaries”, Luminy France, January 2014.
- Main lecturer (talk series) at “Geometric and Analytic Group Theory”, Ventotene Italy, September 2013.
- Main lecturer (talk series) at “Geometric and Dynamical Aspects of Discrete Groups”, Lille France, September 2013.
- Main lecturer (talk series) at “Locally compact groups beyond Lie theory”, Spa Belgium, April 2013
- Main lecturer: Group Boundary theory and its applications, Orleans, May 2012.
- Trends and Perspectives in Mathematics, Beit Hatfutsot Tel-Aviv, November 211.
- Plenary talk at the Israeli Mathematical Union meeting, Rehovot, June 2010.
- Main lecturer at the school “Geometry and Rigidity of Groups”, Munster Germany, August 2009.
- Main lecturer at the school Geometry and Probability on Groups, Orsay France, January 2009.
- A main lecturer at the “Geometric group theory” conference, Luminy France, February 2007.
Invited talks
- Measured Group Theory, Vienna Austria, Feb 2016.
- Dynamics of Geometric Group Actions, Bonn Germany, Jan 2016.
- Manifolds and groups, Venotene Italy, Sept 2015.
- Geometric Group Theory, Wroclaw Poland, July 2015.
- Workshop on Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces, Nahsholim Israel, June 2015.
- Geometry, Groups and Topology, Karlsruhe Germany, October 2013.
- Group Theory, Measure, and Asymptotic Invariants, Oberwolfach Germany, August 2013.
- Action Now conference, Berlin, Oct 2012.
- Course geometry of infinite grous, Lille, June 2012.
- Measured group theory, IHP Paris, July 2011.
- ERGODIC GEOMETRY, Orsay France, May 2011.
- Trends in Dynamics, Northwestern University, April 2011.
- Geometric Group Theory, Bedlewo Poland, June 2010.
- CAT(0) Spaces and Affine Buildings , Sde-Boker Israel, February 2010.
- Geometric Group Theory, Bedlewo Poland, June 2009.
- 13th Jerusalem Midrasha Mathematicae AMENABILITY GROUPS AND DYNAMICS, Dec 2008.
- 14th Amitsur Symposium, Technion Israel, July 2008.
- “Harmonic Analysis and Group Actions in Analysis Geometry and Probability”, Zakopane Poland, April 2008.
- “Totally Disconnected Groups, Graphs and Geometry”, Blaubeuren Germany, May 2007.
- “Dynamics of Lie group actions on parameter spaces” workshop, Sde Boker Israel, January 2007.
- “von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory”, UCLA, March 2007.
- “Rigidity, Dynamics, and Group Actions” conference, Banff, July 2005.
- “Wasatch Topology conference”, May 05, Utah.
- “MIDRASHA: discrete sub-groups of semisimple Lie-groups”, the Hebrew university, Israel, March, 2002.
- “The European conference in Ergodic theory, Geometric rigidity and Number theory, the Isaac Newton institute, Cambridge, July, 2000.
- “The international conference of Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory”, The Technion, June, 2000.
Organizing events
Co-organizer of the "action now seminar", the Israeli wandering sem-
inar on group actions, 2008-2016. - Co-organizer of the school “Generalized cohomologies”, 2015.
- Co-organizer of the “action now seminar”, the Israeli wandering seminar on group actions, 2008-2014.
- Co-organizer of the seminar “Groups Dynamics and Related Topics”, 2014.
- Co-organizer of the Technion Topology seminar, 2010-2013.
- Co-organizer of the conference “Mapping Class Groups and Teichmuller Theory”, 2014.
- Co-organizer of the conference “Young Geometric Group Theory”, 2013.
- Co-organizer of the Minerva summer school “Flows on homogeneous spaces”, 2012.
- Co-organizer of the conference “Geometric Group Theory”, 2011.
- Co-organizer of the workshop “Property (T) and around”, 2011.
- Co-organizer of the summer school “Growth”, Summer 2010.
- Co-organizer of the summer school “things you can do with SL(2), Summer 2008.
- Co-organizer of the parallel session “Group Actions” at the IMU meeting, May 2007.
- Technion Math. department colloquium co-organizer, 2009-2010.
- Technion Math. department Scouting committee, 2010-2014.
- Technion Math. department graduate studies committee, 2011-2014.
- Technion Center of Mathematical Science committee, 2014.