

  1. Bussi Y. & Keren L. (2024) Nature Methods. 21, p. 2212-2215  Abstract
  2. Azulay N., Milo I., Bussi Y. et_al. (2024) BioRxiv.  Abstract
  3. Gazzi A., Fusco L., Orecchioni M. et_al. (2024) Nano Today. 54, 102084.  Abstract


  1. Amitay Y., Bussi Y., Feinstein B., Bagon S., Milo I. & Keren L. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 4302.  Abstract
  2. Sender R., Weiss Y., Navon Y. et_al. (2023) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120, 44, e230851112.  Abstract
  3. Greenbaum S., Averbukh I., Soon E. et_al. (2023) Nature. 619, 7970, p. 595-605  Abstract
  4. Elhanani O., Ben-Uri R. & Keren L. (2023) Cancer Cell. 41, 3, p. 404-420  Abstract


  1. Fusco L., Gazzi A., Shuck C. E. et_al. (2022) Advanced Materials. 34, 45, 2205154.  Abstract
  2. McCaffrey E. F., Donato M., Keren L. et_al. (2022) Nature Immunology. 23, 5, p. 814  Abstract
  3. Keidar Haran T. & Keren L. (2022) Molecular Systems Biology. 18, 5, e10726.  Abstract
  4. Greenwald N. F., Miller G., Moen E. et_al. (2022) Nature biotechnology. 40, 4, p. 555-565  Abstract
  5. McCaffrey E. F., Donato M., Keren L. et_al. (2022) Nature Immunology. 23, 2, p. 318-329  Abstract
  6. Elhanani O., Keren L. & Angelo M. (2022) Single-Cell Protein Analysis. p. 147-156  Abstract
  7. Risom T., Glass D. R., Averbukh I. et_al. (2022) Cell. 185, 2, p. 299-310.e18  Abstract


  1. Cable J., Elowitz M. B., Domingos A. I. et_al. (2021) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1506, 1, p. 74-97  Abstract
  2. Patwa A., Yamashita R., Long J., Angelo M., Yankielowicz-Keren L. & Rubin D. L. (2021) Communications Biology. 4, 1, 852.  Abstract
  3. Pe'er D., Ogawa S., Elhanani O., Keren L., Oliver T. G. & Wedge D. (2021) Cancer Cell. 39, 8, p. 1015-1017  Abstract
  4. Bai Y., Zhu B., Rovira-Clave X. et_al. (2021) Frontiers in Immunology. 12, 652631.  Abstract
  5. Baranski A., Milo I., Greenbaum S., Oliveria J., Mrdjen D., Angelo M. & Keren L. (2021) PLoS Computational Biology. 17, 4, e1008887.  Abstract


  1. McCaffrey E., Donato M., Yankielowicz-Keren L. et_al. (2020) BioRxiv.  Abstract
  2. Chen Z., Soifer I., Hilton H., Keren L. & Jojic V. (2020) Journal of Computational Biology. 27, 8, p. 1204-1218  Abstract
  3. Keren L. & Angelo M. (2020) Nature Reviews Cancer. 1, 2, p. 156-157  Abstract


  1. Keren L., Bosse M., Thompson S. et_al. (2019) Science Advances. 5, 10, 5851.  Abstract
  2. Hausser J., Mayo A., Keren L. & Alon U. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 68.  Abstract


  1. Keren L., Bosse M., Marquez D. et_al. (2018) Cell. 174, 6, p. 1373-1387  Abstract


  1. Keren L., Hausser J., Lotan-Pompan M. et_al. (2016) Cell. 166, 5, p. 1282-1294.e18  Abstract
  2. Barenholz U., Keren L., Segal E. & Milo R. (2016) PLoS ONE. 11, 4, 0153344.  Abstract


  1. Keren L., Van Dijk D. D., Weingarten-Gabbay S., Davidi D., Jona G., Weinberger A., Milo R. & Segal E. (2015) Genome Research. 25, p. 1893-1902  Abstract


  1. Sharon E., Van Dijk D. D., Kalma Y., Keren L., Manor O., Yakhini Z. & Segal E. (2014) Genome Research. 24, 10, p. 1698-1706  Abstract


  1. Keren L. & Segal E. (2013) GENOME BIOLOGY. 14, 11, 138.  Abstract
  2. Keren L., Zackay O., Lotan-Pompan M. et_al. (2013) Molecular Systems Biology. 9, 701.  Abstract
  3. Lubliner S., Keren L. & Segal E. (2013) Nucleic Acids Research. 41, 11, p. 5569-5581  Abstract
  4. Shalem O., Carey L., Zeevi D., Sharon E., Keren L., Weinberger A., Dahan O., Pilpel Y. & Segal E. (2013) PLoS Computational Biology. 9, 3, e1002934.  Abstract


  1. Raveh - Sadka -. S. T., Levo M., Shabi U. et_al. (2012) Nature Genetics. 44, 7, p. 743-750  Abstract
  2. Sharon E., Kalma Y., Sharp A. et_al. (2012) Nature Biotechnology. 30, 6, p. 521-+  Abstract


  1. Zeevi D., Sharon E., Lotan-Pompan M. et_al. (2011) Genome Research. 21, 12, p. 2114-2128  Abstract


  1. Stern A., Keren L., Wurtzel O., Amitai G. & Sorek R. (2010) Trends in Genetics. 26, 8, p. 335-340  Abstract