********************************** last updated: 13.03.07 some things have been changed/added 1. The raw data is now the EXACT raw data used in the article 2. Another field termed NormCCFluor was added to the cell struct in each clone -this field contains normalized data, i.e. data was acquired in different dates thus each data set was normalized to the average mean of that date. 3. The function nature_generateMatrices.m was changed so it will extract the normalized data too. ********************************** past update: 25.12.2006 Data is located in mat file: Proteins_article_extra_light.mat Data is stored in a struct named PROTEINS which has the following outline: (for simpicity, the readme is written with the protein TOP1 as an example) to find the protein TOP1 within the struct >>nature_findProtein(PROTEINS,'TOP1') ans = 15 -Each protein may have several clones the first clone is accesible as follows: >>PROTEINS(15).CLONE(1) ans = CLONENAME: '310505p6f1e11' cell: [1x1146 struct] fullCellCycles: [1x1146 double] - the raw data for each clone is stored within a struct named cell - this struct includes data for every single cell in each time point in the movie consists of: x,y localization of the cell within the Field of View (FOV), area of the cell, total fluorescence of the cell age of the cell (number of frames from cell birth to cell division) The index number of the Mother,Sister and daughters of the cell (when available) Synchronized data between cell birth and cell division - denoted with 'CC' >> PROTEINS(15).CLONE(1).cell ans = 1x1146 struct array with fields: Type BirthFrame OriginalTrack LocX LocY Fluor Area Age CCFluor CCStdFluor CCArea CCMean CCLocX CCLocY CCFrames SmoothDaughter1 SmoothDaughter2 SmoothMother SmoothSister OriginalCCNumber OriginalMatFileName OriginalDate OriginalFOV -To generate matrices that include data of 1 Cell cycle, 2 Cell cycles, etc. >>cell = PROTEINS(15).CLONE(1).cell; >>[Fluor cellCycleFluor Fluor_2CC cellCycleFluor_2CC ... Fluor_3CC cellCycleFluor_3CC Fluor_4CC cellCycleFluor_4CC ... ]= nature_generateMatrices(cell); -matrices whose name ends with CC are synchronized to the cC thus an interpolated value is given for each percentage of the Cell cycle ('CC')