Program for Day 1, Thursday, July 29th 2004      (View Day 2)

    Location: Lomond Auditorium at the SECC's Loch Suite (plan, image)

8:45 Opening remarks - Marvin (Meir) Edelman & Ilan Samish
Docking and Assemblies (Chair - David Gilbert), 9:00 – 10:15
9:00 Rob Russell (invited presentation): A Structural Perspective on Protein Interactions & Complexes. (Invited-1)
9:30 Maxim Tortov: Protein-Protein Docking Simulations with Local Backbone Flexibility. (36)
9:45 Q. Jane Su, Orit Foord, Scott Klakamp, Holly Tao, Larry L. Green: Modeling and Simulation of Antibody-Antigen Interaction: An Integrated Approach. (72)
10:00 Yuval Inbar, Haim J. Wolfson, Ruth Nussinov: Prediction of Multi-Molecular Assemblies by Multiple Combinatorial Docking. (76)
10:15 Coffee Break
Structure Prediction (Chair - Ilan Samish), 10:45 – Noon
10:45 Ron Unger (invited presentation): Using Accumulated Dot Matrices to Detect RNA and Protein Structures. (Invited-2)
11:15 Andreas Heger & Liisa Holm: Fast Fold Recognition by Consensus Alignment within Transitive Closure. (18)
11:30 Johannes Soeding & Andrei N. Lupas: Homology Search By HMM-HMM Comparison Detects More Than Three Times As Many Remote Homologs as PSI-BLAST or HMMER. (41)
11:45 Jaspreet S. Sodhi, Kevin Bryson, Liam J. McGuffin, Jonathan J. Ward, Lornenz Wernisch, David T. Jones: Predicting the Location and Identity of Protein Functional Sites, Application to Genomic Fold Recognition. (53)
12:00 Lunch + Laptop Session
15:00 Discussion session - Challenges in Docking and Structure Prediction. Chair - David T. Jones
Structure Analysis (Chair - Kim Henrick), 16:00 - 16:30
16:00 Eran Eyal, Marvin Edelman, Vladimir Sobolev: The Influence of Crystal Packing on Protein Structure. (15)
16:15 Oxana V. Galzitskaya, Sergiy O. Garbuzynskiy, Bogdan S. Melnik, Michail Y. Lobanov, Alexei V. Finkelstein: Comparison of X-ray and NMR Protein Structures. (22)
16:30 Coffee Break
Structure Analysis II (Chair - Vladimr Sobolev), 17:00 - 18:00
17:00 Maxim Chapovalov & Roland L. Dunbrack: Using Statistical Analysis of Electron Density to Evaluate Protein Side-Chain Conformations and Rotamer Disorder. (31)
17:15 Inge Jonassen & William R. Taylor: A Method for Evaluating Structural Models using Structural Patterns. (47)
17:30 Gregorio Fernandez, Christine Kiel, Luis Serrano (invited presentation): In silico Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions: How and When It Can Work. (Invited-3)
18:00 Break
19:00 Get-together Dinner at Moat House Hotel. Vegeterian and Kosher food is available. Please send requests to:
20:30 Round Table session - The Role of Structural Bioinformatics in Computational Biology. John Moult (chair); Panel members - Geoffrey (Geoff) Barton, Douglas (Doug) Brutlag, Arne Elofsson, John Norvell, Janet Thornton.
22:00 Lights out...
Top Day 2