Marina Santoro"The Legend of Tomorrow"Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor1
Is the world an orderly place? Most of us hope the answer to this seemingly simple question is positive. If the world is an orderly place, we can look at the picture of the present and guess, or estimate, what the future holds. Thus, when we recognize order (such as in symmetry, or even in broken symmetry that echoes the symmetry), we can surmise what awaits around the corner, beyond our field of vision. This knowledge is soothing, creating a sense of harmony, aesthetics, and beauty.
Marina Santoro dreams about the borderline between yesterday and tomorrow, between what was, or is, and what may be. She then sets the visions from her dreams on canvas, and this is how she hopes to bridge the gap between freedom and even chaos, and order. For structured thought to allow space on the canvas also for the unconscious, she draws with her non-dominant hand.
Marina Santoro lives, creates, and exhibits her work in Israel and the USA.