Where Science Meets Art

Lihi Turjeman
"Tomorrow Is Another Present"
Michael Sela Auditorium

Lihi Turjeman reflects back upon the future. She sees the reality of our lives, here and now, as it may be interpreted by archaeologists in times ahead studying our own era. Directed into the future, her gaze then returns to us, to examine what has endured, that which may well be the core of our existence, even as its significance eludes our present understanding. In other words, while viewed as a look back, the exhibition’s point of departure is the distant future, making the "explored past" our present.

This practice is somewhat reminiscent of Christopher Columbus, who sailed westward with the aim of reaching the east. But rather than a nautical map, Turjeman offers a cosmic "wormhole" of sorts, in a map constructed on the coordinates of longitude, latitude, and depth, along with those of the fourth dimension – time. They emerge from the opening of a shattered urn, reassembled as part of that futuristic archeological research. This, more or less, is as far as the information conveyed to us, the spectators-passengers, goes; there is no telling where lies the end of the four-dimensional roadmap.

Born in Petah Tikva, Lihi Turjeman lives and works in Tel Aviv and Turin. She holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in art from Bezalel. Her works have been featured in galleries and museums in Israel, Italy, France, and more, and have earned recognition through various accolades, including the Ministry of Culture Award in Israel. She was also selected for artist residency programs in Paris, New York, and Tel Aviv.

The Artist Residency Program at the Weizmann Institute of Science is supported by the Braginsky Center for the Interface between Science and the Humanities.