


T cell (red) interaction with B cells presenting high levels of pMHCII (Blue) and low levels of pMHCII (cyan).  Grey and yellow represent the contacts with B cells with high and low levels of pMHCII respectively.



T cell (red) interaction with B cells (cyan) presenting high levels of pMHCII. Green represents the contact area between the two cell types.



T cell expressing genetically encoded calcium indicator (GCaMP3, grey) interacting with a B cell presenting high levels of pMHCII (red).



T follicular helper cells (green) moving within the germinal center light zone. Red represents antibody-antigen complexes.



T cells (green) and B cells (blue) within an activated lymph node. Germinal centers can be seen as clusters of B cells (blue).



Activated T cells (yellow) crawling over dendritic cells (red) during an immune response elicited by vaccination.



A z-stack scanning of the lymph node follicle. Dendritic cells and tingle body macrophages are green. Clustered B cells in germinal center (cyan) can be detected deep within the lymph node follicle. Germinal center T cells are in blue. 



An interaction of a naive T cell and an activated dendritic cell during the initiation of the immune response.