

  1. Vitale I., Pietrocola F., Guilbaud E. et al. (2023) Cell Death and Differentiation. 30, 5, p. 1097-1154  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Yoon S., Bogdanov K. & Wallach D. (2022) Cell Death and Differentiation. 29, 2, p. 306-322  Abstract


  1. Wallach D. (2018) Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology. 10, 10, 028431.  Abstract
  2. Wallach D. & Kang T. B. (2018) Immunity. 49, 1, p. 19-32  Abstract
  3. Kang T., Jeong J., Yang S., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2018) Cell Death Differ. 25, 6, p. 1107-1117  Abstract
  4. Galluzzi L., Vitale I., Aaronson S. A. et al. (2018) Cell Death and Differentiation. 25, 3, p. 486-541  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Boege Y., Malehmir M., Healy M. E. et al. (2017) Cancer Cell. 32, 3, p. 342-359.e10  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Yoon S., Kovalenko A., Bogdanov K. & Wallach D. (2017) Immunity. 47, 1, p. 51-65.e7  Abstract


  1. Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2016) Compendium of Inflammatory Diseases.  Abstract
  2. Wallach D., Kang T. B., Dillon C. P. & Green D. R. (2016) Science. 352, 6281, aaf2154.  Abstract
  3. Yoon S., Bogdanov K., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2016) Cell Death and Differentiation. 23, 2, p. 253-260  Abstract
  4. Wallach D. (2016) Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 50, p. 105-114  Abstract
  5. Roles of TNF and Other Members of the TNF Family in the Regulation of Innate Immunity
    Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2016) Encyclopedia of Immunobiology. 2, p. 454-465  Abstract


  1. Wallach D. (2014) Seminars in Immunology. 26, 3, p. 181-182  Abstract
  2. Wallach D., Kang T. B., Yang S. H. & Kovalenko A. (2014) Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews. 25, 2, p. 157-165  Abstract
  3. Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2014) eLife. 2014, 3, e02583.  Abstract
  4. Kang T., Yang S., Toth B., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2014) Regulated Cell Death Part B - Necroptotic, Autophagic and other Non-apoptotic Mechanisms. p. 67-81  Abstract
  5. Wallach D., Kang T., Rajput A. et al. (2014) Necrotic Cell Death. p. 117-133  Abstract
    [All authors]
  6. Wallach D., Kang T. B. & Kovalenko A. (2014) Nature Reviews Immunology. 14, 1, p. 51-59  Abstract


  1. Wallach D. (2013) Cytokine. 63, 3, p. 225-229  Abstract
  2. Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2013) Molecular Cell. 50, 1, p. 1-2  Abstract
  3. Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2013) Immunity. 38, 3, p. 402-403  Abstract
  4. Kang T. B., Yang S. H., Toth B., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2013) Immunity. 38, 1, p. 27-40  Abstract


  1. Dillon C. P., Oberst A., Weinlich R., Janke L. J., Kang T. B., Ben-Moshe T., Mak T. W., Wallach D. & Green D. R. (2012) Cell Reports. 1, 5, p. 401-407  Abstract


  1. Wallach D., Kovalenko A. & Kang T. B. (2011) Trends in Immunology. 32, 11, p. 505-509  Abstract
  2. Wallach D. (2011) Cytokine. 54, 3, p. 233-234  Abstract
  3. Rajput A., Kovalenko A., Bogdanov K., Yang S., Kang T. B., Kim J., Du J. & Wallach D. (2011) Immunity. 34, 3, p. 340-351  Abstract
  4. The Biennial International TNF Conferences and Their Proceedings Preface
    Wallach D. (2011) Advances In Tnf Family Research. 691, p. V-VIII  Abstract
  5. Rajput A., Kang T. B., Bogdanov K., Kim J., Ben-Moshe T., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2011) Advances In Tnf Family Research. 691, p. 253-260  Abstract


  1. Wallach D., Rajput A., Kang T. B., Kim J., Bogdanov K., Yang S. & Kovalenko A. (2010) Cytokine. 52, 2-Jan, p. 74-74  Abstract
  2. Wallach D., Kang T. B., Rajput A., Kim J., Bogdanov K., Yang S. & Kovalenko A. (2010) Clearance Of Dying Cells In Healthy And Diseased Immune Systems. 1209, 1, p. 17-22  Abstract


  1. Kovalenko A., Kim J., Kang T. B., Rajput A., Bogdanov K., Dittrich-Breiholz O., Kracht M., Brenner O. & Wallach D. (2009) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 206, 10, p. 2161-2177  Abstract
  2. Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2009) Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews. 20, 4, p. 259-269  Abstract
  3. Scharner D., RöSsig L., Carmona G. et al. (2009) Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 29, 4, p. 571-578  Abstract
    [All authors]


  1. Wallach D. & Kovalenko A. (2008) Nature Immunology. 9, 12, p. 1325-1327  Abstract
  2. Kang T. B., Oh G. S., Scandella E., Bolinger B., Ludewig B., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2008) Journal of Immunology. 181, 4, p. 2522-2532  Abstract
  3. Ben Moshe M. T., Kang T. B., Kovalenko A., Barash H., Abramovitch R., Galun E. & Wallach D. (2008) Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews. 19, 3-4, p. 209-217  Abstract
  4. Krelin Y., Zhang L., Kang T., Appel E., Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2008) Cell Death and Differentiation. 15, 9, p. 1350-1355  Abstract
  5. Wallach D., Kang T. & Kovalenko A. (2008) Cell Death and Differentiation. 15, 10, p. 1533-1541  Abstract


  1. HöVelmeyer N., Wunderlich F. T., Massoumi R. et al. (2007) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 204, 11, p. 2615-2627  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Kang T. B., Kovalenko A., Kim J., Oh G., Ben-Moshe T., Rajput A. & Wallach D. (2007) Cytokine. 39, 1, p. 19-20  Abstract
  3. Peter M. E., Budd R. C., Desbarats J. et al. (2007) Cell. 129, 3, p. 447-450  Abstract
    [All authors]
  4. Ben Moshe M. T., Barash H., Kang T. B. et al. (2007) Hepatology. 45, 4, p. 1014-1024  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Gyrd-Hansen M., Farkas T., Fehrenbacher N. et al. (2006) Molecular and Cellular Biology. 26, 21, p. 7880-7891  Abstract
    [All authors]
  2. Wei S. H., Ming-Lum A., Liu Y., Wallach D., Ong C. J., Chung S. W., Moore K. W. & Mui A. L. (2006) Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research. 26, 5, p. 281-290  Abstract
  3. Wallach D., Arumugam T. U., Boldin M. P. et al. (2006) Arthritis Research. 4, p. S189-S196  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Citri A., Harari D., Shohat G. et al. (2006) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281, 20, p. 14361-14369  Abstract [All authors]
  5. Kovalenko A. & Wallach D. (2006) Molecular Cell. 22, 4, p. 433-436  Abstract
  6. SáNchez-ValdepeñAs C., MartíN A. G., Ramakrishnan P., Wallach D. & Fresno M. (2006) Journal of Immunology. 176, 8, p. 4666-4674  Abstract
  7. Helfer B., Boswell B., Finlay D. et al. (2006) Cancer Research. 66, 8, p. 4273-4278  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Schuchmann M., RüCkert F., Garcia-Lazaro J. F. et al. (2005) World Journal of Gastroenterology. 11, 46, p. 7248-7253  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Wallach D. (2005) Nature Chemical Biology. 1, 2, p. 68-69  Abstract


  1. Ramakrishnan P., Wang W. & Wallach D. (2004) Immunity. 21, 4, p. 477-489  Abstract
  2. Kang T., Ben Moshe T., Varfolomeev E. E. et al. (2004) Journal of Immunology. 173, 5, p. 2976-2984  Abstract
    [All authors]
  3. Xanthoulea S., Pasparakis M., Kousteni S., Brakebusch C., Wallach D., Bauer J., Lassmann H. & Kollias G. (2004) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 200, 3, p. 367-376  Abstract
  4. Greenberger S., Shaish A., Varda-Bloom N. et al. (2004) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 113, 7, p. 1017-1024  Abstract
    [All authors]


  1. Zalcenstein A., Stambolsky P., Weisz L., Muller M., Wallach D., Goncharov T., Krammer P., Rotter V. & Oren M. (2003) Oncogene. 22, 36, p. 5667-5676  Abstract
  2. Schuchmann M., Varfolomeev E., Hermann F. et al. (2003) Hepatology. 37, 1, p. 129-135  Abstract
    [All authors]
  3. Kovalenko A., Chable-Bessia C., Cantarella G., Israel A., Wallach D. & Courtois G. (2003) Nature. 424, 6950, p. 801-805  Abstract


  1. Heussler V. T., Rottenberg S., Schwab R. et al. (2002) Science. 298, 5595, p. 1033-1036  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Wallach D. (2002) Nature Immunology. 3, 9, p. 802-803  Abstract


  1. Zhang S. Q., Kovalenko A., Cantarella G. & Wallach D. (2000) Immunity. 12, 3, p. 301-311  Abstract
  2. Eliaz R. E., Wallach D. & Kost J. (2000) Pharmaceutical Research. 17, 12, p. 1546-1550  Abstract


  1. Holtmann H., Winzen R., Holland P. et al. (1999) Molecular and Cellular Biology. 19, 10, p. 6742-6753  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Hot papers - Signal transduction - MAP3K-related kinase involved in NF-kappa B induction by TNF, CD95 and IL-1 by N.L. Malinin, M.P. Boldin, A.V. Kovalenko, D. Wallach - Comments
    Wallach D. (1999) Scientist. 13, 17, p. 11-11  Abstract
  3. Watts A. D., Hunt N. H., Wanigasekara Y., Bloomfield G., Wallach D., Roufogalis B. D. & Chaudhri G. (1999) EMBO Journal. 18, 8, p. 2119-2126  Abstract
  4. Li Y., Kang J., Friedman J., Tarassishin L., Ye J., Kovalenko A., Wallach D. & Horwitz M. S. (1999) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96, 3, p. 1042-1047  Abstract
  5. Wallach D., Varfolomeev E., Malinin N., Goltsev Y., Kovalenko A. & Boldin M. (1999) Annual Review of Immunology. 17, p. 331-367  Abstract


  1. Sylla B. S., Hung S. C., Davidson D. M., Hatzivassiliou E., Malinin N. L., Wallach D., Gilmore T. D., Kieff E. & Mosialos G. (1998) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 95, 17, p. 10106-10111  Abstract
  2. Varfolomeev E., Schuchmann M., Luria V. et al. (1998) Immunity. 9, 2, p. 267-276  Abstract [All authors]
  3. Wallach D., Kovalenko A., Varfolomeev E. & Boldin M. (1998) Current Opinion in Immunology. 10, 3, p. 279-288  Abstract
  4. Akiba H., Nakano H., Nishinaka S. et al. (1998) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273, 21, p. 13353-13358  Abstract [All authors]
  5. Wallach D., Boldin M., Kovalenko A., Malinin N., Mett I. & Camonis J. (1998) Current Opinion in Immunology. 10, 2, p. 131-136  Abstract
  6. Carpentier I., Declercq W., Malinin N. L., Wallach D., Fiers W. & Beyaert R. (1998) FEBS Letters. 425, 2, p. 195-198  Abstract
  7. Hot papers - Biochemistry - Involvement of MACH, a novel MORT1/FADD-interacting protease, in Fas/APO-1 and TNF receptor-iduced cell death by M.P. Boldin, T.M. Goncharov, Y.V. Goltsev, D. Wallach - Comments
    Wallach D. (1998) Scientist. 12, 3, p. 13-13  Abstract
  8. Aderka D., Sorkine P., Abu-Abid S., Lev D., Setton A., Cope A., Wallach D. & Klausner J. (1998) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 101, 3, p. 650-659  Abstract


  1. Goltsev Y., Kovalenko A., Arnold E., Varfolomeev E., Brodianskii V. & Wallach D. (1997) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272, 32, p. 19641-19644  Abstract
  2. Wallach D., Boldin M., Varfolomeev E., Beyaert R., Vandenabeele P. & Fiers W. (1997) FEBS Letters. 410, 1, p. 96-106  Abstract
  3. Wallach D. (1997) Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 22, 4, p. 107-109  Abstract
  4. Malinin N. L., Boldin M. P., Kovalenko A. V. & Wallach D. (1997) Nature. 385, 6616, p. 540-544  Abstract
  5. Wallach D. (1997) Nature. 388, 6638, p. 123  Abstract


  1. Wallach D., Boldin M., Goncharov T., Goltsev Y., Mett I., Malinin N., Adar R., Kovalenko A. & Varfolomeev E. (1996) Behring Institute Mitteilungen. 97, p. 144-155  Abstract
  2. Wallach D. (1996) Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews. 7, 3, p. 211-221  Abstract
  3. Kupferminc M. J., Peaceman A. M., Aderka D., Wallach D. & Socol M. L. (1996) Obstetrics and Gynecology. 88, 3, p. 420-427  Abstract
  4. Boldin M. P., Goncharov T. M., Goltsev Y. V. & Wallach D. (1996) Cell. 85, 6, p. 803-815  Abstract
  5. Eliaz R., Wallach D. & Kost J. (1996) Cytokine. 8, 6, p. 482-487  Abstract
  6. Turkaspa I., Maor Y., Weissenberg R., Madgar I., Aderka D., Dor J., Mashiach S. & Wallach D. (1996) Journal of Urology. 155, 4, p. 1436-1438  Abstract
  7. Varfolomeev E., Boldin M., Goncharov T. & Wallach D. (1996) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 183, 3, p. 1271-1275  Abstract
  8. Shohami E., Bass R., Wallach D., Yamin A. & Gallily R. (1996) Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 16, 3, p. 378-384  Abstract
  9. A decade of accumulated knowledge and emerging answers
    Wallach D. (1996) European Cytokine Network. 7, 4, p. 713-724  Abstract


  1. Kalinkovich A., Geleziunas R., Kemper O., Belenki D., Wallach D., Wainberg M. & Bentwich Z. (1995) Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research. 15, 9, p. 749-757  Abstract
  2. Feinstein E., Kimchi A., Wallach D., Boldin M. & Varfolomeev E. (1995) Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 20, 9, p. 342-344  Abstract
  3. Kupferminc M., Peaceman A., Aderka D., Wallach D., Peyser M., Lessing J. & Socol M. (1995) American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 173, 3 PART 1, p. 900-905  Abstract
  4. Schuchmann M., Hess S., Bufler P., Brakebusch C., Wallach D., Porter A., Riethmuller G. & Engelmann H. (1995) European Journal of Immunology. 25, 8, p. 2183-2189  Abstract
  5. OpsjøN S. L., Novick D., Wathen N. C., Cope A. P., Wallach D. & Aderka D. (1995) Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 29, 2, p. 119-134  Abstract
  6. Boldin M. P., Mett I. L. & Wallach D. (1995) FEBS Letters. 367, 1, p. 39-44  Abstract
  7. Boldin M., Varfolomeev E., Pancer Z., Mett I., Camonis J. & Wallach D. (1995) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 270, 14, p. 7795-7798  Abstract
  8. Boldin M., Mett I., Varfolomeev E., Chumakov I., Shemeravni Y., Camonis J. & Wallach D. (1995) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 270, 1, p. 387-391  Abstract
  9. Phosphorylation of the 26 kDa TNF precursor in monocytic cells and in transfected HeLa cells
    Pocsik E., Duda E. & Wallach D. (1995) Journal of Inflammation. 45, 3, p. 152-160  Abstract
  10. Porat R., Paddock H., Schwaitzberg S. et al. (1995) Critical Care Medicine. 23, 6, p. 1080-1089  Abstract
    [All authors]
  11. Sippy B. D., Hofman F. M., Wallach D. & Hinton D. R. (1995) Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology. 10, 5, p. 511-521  Abstract
  12. Soluble TNF receptor production by activated T lymphocytes: Differential effects of acute and chronic exposure to TNF
    Cope A., Aderka D., Wallach D., Kahan M., Chu N., Brennan F. & Feldmann M. (1995) Immunology. 84, 1, p. 21-30  Abstract
  13. Tumor necrosis factor receptors of the monocyte derived langerhans cell phenotype 'MoLC'
    Rossi G., Alijagic S., Schoeler D., Schmitt M., Graf H., Czarnetzki B. & Wallach D. (1995) Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 378, p. 129-132  Abstract


  1. Kuhnert P., Kemper O. & Wallach D. (1994) Gene. 150, 2, p. 381-386  Abstract
  2. Bigda J., Beletsky I., Brakebusch C., Varfolomeev Y., Engelmann H., Bigda J., Holtmann H. & Wallach D. (1994) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 180, 2, p. 445-460  Abstract
  3. Boka G., Anglade P., Wallach D., Javoy-Agid F., Agid Y. & Hirsch E. C. (1994) Neuroscience Letters. 172, 1-2, p. 151-154  Abstract
  4. TNF-α binds to the N-terminal domain of fibronectin and augments the β1-integrin-mediated adhesion of CD4+ T lymphocytes to the glycoprotein
    Alon R., Cahalon L., Hershkoviz R., Elbaz D., Reizis B., Wallach D., Akiyama S., Yamada K. & Lider O. (1994) Journal of Immunology. 152, 3, p. 1304-1313  Abstract
  5. Ettehadi P., Greaves M., Wallach D., Aderka D. & Camp R. (1994) Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 96, 1, p. 146-151  Abstract
  6. Structural requirements for inducible shedding of the p55 tumor necrosis factor receptor
    Brakebusch C., Varfolomeev E., Batkin M. & Wallach D. (1994) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 269, 51, p. 32488-32496  Abstract
    Wallach D., Bigda J., Brakebusch C. et al. (1994) Molecular Basis Of Inflammation. 3, p. 169-178  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Kemper O. & Wallach D. (1993) Gene. 134, 2, p. 209-216  Abstract
  2. Molyneux M. E., Engelmann H., Taylor T. E., Wirima J. J., Aderka D., Wallach D. & Grau G. E. (1993) Cytokine. 5, 6, p. 604-609  Abstract
  3. Aderka D., Wysenbeek A., Engelmann H. et al. (1993) Arthritis and Rheumatism. 36, 8, p. 1111-1120  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Ythier A., Gascon M. P., Juillard P., Vesin C., Wallach D. & Grau G. E. (1993) Cytokine. 5, 5, p. 459-462  Abstract
  5. Miltenburg A. M., Aderka D., Van Laar J. M., Wallach D. & Breedveld F. C. (1993) Rheumatology International. 13, 3, p. 117-119  Abstract
  6. Selective Up-Regulation of the 75-kDa Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Receptor and Its mRNA by TNF and IL-1
    Winzen R., Wallach D., Kemper O., Resch K. & Holtmann H. (1993) Journal of Immunology. 150, 10, p. 4346-4353  Abstract
  7. Cope A., Gibbons D., Aderka D., Foxwell B., Wallach D., Maini R., Feldmann M. & Brennan F. (1993) Cytokine. 5, 3, p. 205-212  Abstract
  8. Belldegrun A., Pierce W., Sayah D., Dekernion J., Wallach D., Aderka D. & Figlin R. A. (1993) Journal of Immunotherapy. 13, 3, p. 175-180  Abstract
  9. Interleukin-6 inhibits the proliferation of B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells that is induced by tumor necrosis factor-α or -β
    Aderka D., Maor Y., Novick D., Engelmann H., Kahn Y., Levo Y., Wallach D. & Revel M. (1993) Blood. 81, 8, p. 2076-2084  Abstract
  10. Kalinkovich A., Livshits G., Engelmann H., Harpaz N., Burstein R., Kaminsky M., Wallach D. & Bentwich Z. (1993) Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 93, 3, p. 350-355  Abstract
  11. Extracellular matrix induces tumour necrosis factor-α secretion by an interaction between resting rat CD4+ T cells and macrophages
    Hershkoviz R., Gilat D., Miron S., Mekori Y., Aderka D., Wallach D., Vlodavsky I., Cohen I. R. & Lider O. (1993) Immunology. 78, 1, p. 50-57  Abstract


  1. Cope A., Aderka D., Doherty M. et al. (1992) Arthritis and Rheumatism. 35, 10, p. 1160-1169  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Selective decrease in cell surface expression and mRNA level of the 55-kDa tumor necrosis factor receptor during differentiation of HL-60 cells into macrophage-like but not granulocyte-like cells
    Winzen R., Wallach D., Engelmann H., Nophar Y., Brakebusch C., Kemper O., Resch K. & Holtmann H. (1992) Journal of Immunology. 148, 11, p. 3454-3460  Abstract
  3. Variation in serum levels of the soluble TNF receptors among healthy individuals
    Aderka D., Engelmann H., Shemer-Avni Y., Hornik V., Galil A., Sarov B. & Wallach D. (1992) Lymphokine and Cytokine Research. 11, 3, p. 157-159  Abstract
  4. Brakebusch C., Nophar Y., Kemper O., Engelmann H. & Wallach D. (1992) EMBO Journal. 11, 3, p. 943-950  Abstract
  5. Kalinkovich A., Engelmann H., Harpaz N., Burstein R., Barak V., Kalickman I., Wallach D. & Bentwich Z. (1992) Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 89, 3, p. 351-355  Abstract
  6. Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of human urinary tumor necrosis factor binding protein in mice
    Gascon M. P., Porchet H. C., Le Cotonnec J. Y., Ythier A., Wallach D., Piguet P. F. & Grau G. E. (1992) Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 20, 4, p. 592-595  Abstract
  7. Fireman E., Greif J., Topilsky M., Aderka D., Ben Efraim S. & Wallach D. (1992) Mediators of Inflammation. 1, 5, p. 319-322  Abstract
  8. Miles D. W., Aderka D., Engelmann H., Wallach D. & Balkwill F. R. (1992) British Journal of Cancer. 66, 6, p. 1195-1199  Abstract
  9. Stabilization of the bioactivity of tumor necrosis factor by its soluble receptors
    Aderka D., Engelmann H., Maor Y., Brakebusch C. & Wallach D. (1992) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 175, 2, p. 323-329  Abstract


  1. Human neutrophil elastase releases a ligand-binding fragment from the 75-kDa tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor: Comparison with the proteolytic activity responsible for shedding of TNF receptors from stimulated neutrophils
    Porteu F., Brockhaus M., Wallach D., Engelmann H. & Nathan C. F. (1991) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 266, 28, p. 18846-18853  Abstract
  2. Increased Serum Levels of Soluble Receptors for Tumor Necrosis Factor in Cancer Patients
    Aderka D., Engelmann H., Hornik V., Skornick Y., Levo Y., Wallach D. & Kushtai G. (1991) Cancer Research. 51, 20, p. 5602-5607  Abstract
  3. Kemper O., Derre J., Cherif D., Engelmann H., Wallach D. & Berger R. (1991) Human Genetics. 87, 5, p. 623-624  Abstract
  4. KöNig M., Wallach D., Resch K. & Holtmann H. (1991) European Journal of Immunology. 21, 7, p. 1741-1745  Abstract
  5. Sarov I., Geron E., Shemeravni Y., Manor E., Zvillich M., Wallach D., Schmitz E. & Holtman H. (1991) European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 10, 2, p. 119-123  Abstract
  6. Holtmann H., Brakebusch C., KöNig M., Klocke R., Winzen R., Resch K. & Wallach D. (1991) Agents and Actions. 32, 1-2, p. 106-108  Abstract
  7. Soluble and cell surface receptors for tumor necrosis factor
    Wallach D., Engelmann H., Nophar Y., Aderka D., Kemper O., Hornik V., Holtmann H. & Brakebusch C. (1991) Agents and Actions. 35, SUPPL., p. 51-57  Abstract


  1. Engelmann H., Holtmann H., Brakebusch C., Shemer-Avni Y., Sarov I., Nophar Y., Hadas E., Leitner O. & Wallach D. (1990) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 265, 24, p. 14497-14504  Abstract
  2. Novick D., Engelmann H., Wallach D., Leitner O., Revel M. & Rubinstein M. (1990) Journal of Chromatography A. 510, C, p. 331-337  Abstract
  3. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-induced cell killing by tryptophan and indole.
    Yuhas Y., Holtmann H., Shemer-Avni Y., Sarov I. & Wallach D. (1990) European Cytokine Network. 1, 1, p. 35-40  Abstract
    Wallach D., Aderka D., Rubinstein M., Engelmann H., Avni Y., Sarov I. & Holtmann H. (1990) Tumor Necrosis Factor : Structure, Mechanism Of Action, Role In Disease And Therapy. p. 146-155  Abstract
    Novick D., Engelmann H., Wallach D. & Rubinstein M. (1990) Physiological And Pathological Effects Of Cytokines. 10, p. 413-421  Abstract
    Engelmann H., Aderka D., Holtmann H. et al. (1990) Molecular And Cellular Biology Of Cytokines. 10, p. 299-308  Abstract
    [All authors]
  7. Nophar Y., Kemper O., Brakebusch C., Engelmann H., Zwang R., Aderka D., Holtmann H. & Wallach D. (1990) EMBO Journal. 9, 10, p. 3269-3278  Abstract
  8. Holtmann H., Shemeravni Y., Wessel K., Sarov I. & Wallach D. (1990) Infection and Immunity. 58, 10, p. 3168-3172  Abstract


  1. Israel A., Le Bail O., Hatat D., Piette J., Kieran M., Logeat F., Wallach D., Fellous M. & Kourilsky P. (1989) EMBO Journal. 8, 12, p. 3793-3800  Abstract
  2. A tumor necrosis factor-binding protein purified to homogeneity from human urine protects cells from tumor necrosis factor toxicity
    Engelmann H., Aderka D., Rubinstein M., Rotman D. & Wallach D. (1989) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 264, 20, p. 11974-11980  Abstract
  3. Reversion of the antichlamydial effect of tumor necrosis factor by tryptophan and antibodies to beta interferon
    Shemeravni Y., Wallach D. & Sarov I. (1989) Infection and Immunity. 57, 11, p. 3484-3490  Abstract
  4. Novick D., Engelmann H., Wallach D. & Rubinstein M. (1989) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 170, 4, p. 1409-1414  Abstract
  5. Mechanisms which take part in regulation of the response to tumor necrosis factor
    Wallach D., Holtmann H., Aderka D., Rubinstein M., Avni Y. S., Sarov I. & Engelman H. (1989) Lymphokine Research. 8, 3, p. 359-363  Abstract


  1. Ophir D., Hahn T., Schattner A., Wallach D. & Aviel A. (1988) JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 114, 11, p. 1256-1258  Abstract
  2. Aderka D., Michalevicz R., Daniel Y. et al. (1988) Cancer. 61, 11, p. 2207-2213  Abstract
    [All authors]
  3. Inhibition of Chlamydia trachomatis growth by recombinant tumor necrosis factor
    Shemeravni Y., Wallach D. & Sarov I. (1988) Infection and Immunity. 56, 9, p. 2503-2506  Abstract
  4. Schattner A., Wallach D. & Revel M. (1988) American Journal of Medicine. 85, 3 C, p. 457-458  Abstract
  5. Cloning of genomic DNA for tumor necrosis factor and efficient expression in CHO cells
    Korn J., Mory Y., Ziberstein A., Holtmann H., Revel M. & Wallach D. (1988) Lymphokine Research. 7, 4, p. 349-358  Abstract
  6. Wallach D., Holtmann H., Aderka D., Hahn T., Engelmann H. & Nophar Y. (1988) Annales De L Institut Pasteur-Immunology. 139, 3, p. 323-327  Abstract
  7. Dominance of resistance to the cytocidal effect of tumor necrosis factor in heterokaryons formed by fusion of resistant and sensitive cells
    Nophar Y., Holtmann H., Ber R. & Wallach D. (1988) Journal of Immunology. 140, 10, p. 3456-3460  Abstract
  8. Sensitization and desensitization to lethal effects of tumor necrosis factor and IL-1
    Wallach D., Holtmann H., Engelmann H. & Nophar Y. (1988) Journal of Immunology. 140, 9, p. 2994-2999  Abstract
  9. Holtmann H., Hahn T. & Wallach D. (1988) Immunobiology. 177, 1, p. 7-22  Abstract


  1. Aderka D., Levo Y., Ramot B. et al. (1987) Cancer. 60, 9, p. 2208-2212  Abstract
    [All authors]
  2. Eife R., Mullerwiefel D., Sigmund B., Mehls O., Engelmann H. & Wallach D. (1987) Pediatric Research. 22, 2, p. 224-224  Abstract
  3. Wallach D. (1987) Tumour Necrosis Factor and Related Cytotoxins. p. 187-191  Abstract
    Wallach D., Cerami A., Granger G., Matthews N., Goldberg A., Baglioni C., Pober J. & Old L. (1987) Ciba Foundation Symposia. 131, p. 84-87  Abstract
  5. Down regulation of the receptors for tumor necrosis factor by interleukin 1 and 4β-phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate
    Holtmann H. & Wallach D. (1987) Journal of Immunology. 139, 4, p. 1161-1167  Abstract


  1. Israel S., Hahn T., Holtmann H. & Wallach D. (1986) Immunology Letters. 12, 4, p. 217-224  Abstract
  2. Aderka D., Holtmann H., Toker L., Hahn T. & Wallach D. (1986) Journal of Immunology. 136, 8, p. 2938-2942  Abstract


  1. Aderka D., Fisher S., Levo Y., Holtmann H., Hahn T. & Wallach D. (1985) Lancet. 326, 8465, p. 1190  Abstract
  2. Aderka D., Novick D., Hahn T., Fischer D. G. & Wallach D. (1985) Cellular Immunology. 92, 2, p. 218-225  Abstract
  3. Interferon and cancer: Theory and practice
    Revel M., Kimchi A., Aderka D. & Wallach D. (1985) Revue de l'Institut Pasteur de Lyon. 18, 1-2, p. 117-127  Abstract
  4. Aderka D., Hahn T. & Wallach D. (1985) Antiviral Research. 5, p. 141-148  Abstract
  5. Rapid improvement in a terminal case of hairy cell leukemia treated with a new human recombinant interferon, IFN-α-C
    Aderka D., Levo Y., Rahmani R. et al. (1985) Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 21, 12, p. 977-981  Abstract
    [All authors]
  6. Hahn T., Toker L., Budilovsky S., Aderka D., Eshhar Z. & Wallach D. (1985) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82, 11, p. 3814-3818  Abstract
  7. Schoenfeld A., Ovadia J., Levavi C., Nitke S., Wallach D., Schattner A. & Revel M. (1985) Early Human Development. 10, 3-4, p. 279-286  Abstract


  1. Wallach D., Hahn T. & Budilovsky S. (1984) FEBS Letters. 178, 2, p. 257-263  Abstract
  2. Shoham J., Cohen M. & Wallach D. (1984) Journal of Immunological Methods. 72, 1, p. 279-287  Abstract
  3. Schattner A., Merlin G., Bregman V., Hahn T., Levin S., Revel M. & Wallach D. (1984) Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 57, 2, p. 265-270  Abstract
  4. Schonfeld A., Schattner A., Crespi M. et al. (1984) Lancet. 323, 8385, p. 1038-1042  Abstract
    [All authors]
  5. Gazitt Y., Benbassat H., Wallach D., Revel M. & Schattner A. (1984) Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology. 30, 1, p. 71-79  Abstract
    Wallach D. (1984) Journal of Immunology. 132, 5, p. 2464-2469  Abstract


  1. Rosa F., Hatat D., Abadie A., Wallach D., Revel M. & Fellous M. (1983) The EMBO Journal. 2, 9, p. 1585-1589  Abstract
  2. Schattner A., Meshorer A. & Wallach D. (1983) Cellular Immunology. 79, 1, p. 11-25  Abstract
  3. Wallach D. & Hahn T. (1983) Cellular Immunology. 76, 2, p. 390-396  Abstract
  4. Wallach D. (1983) Cellular Immunology. 75, 2, p. 390-395  Abstract
  5. Wallach D. (1983) Journal of General Virology. 64, 10, p. 2221-2227  Abstract
  6. Wallach D. (1983) European Journal of Immunology. 13, 10, p. 794-798  Abstract


  1. Fellous M., Nir U., Wallach D., Merlin G., Rubinstein M. & Revel M. (1982) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 79, 10 I, p. 3082-3086  Abstract
  2. Wallach D., Fellous M. & Revel M. (1982) Nature. 299, 5886, p. 833-836  Abstract
  3. Schattner A., Wallach D., Merlin G., Hahn T., Levin S., Ramot B. & Revel M. (1982) Journal of Interferon Research. 2, 3, p. 355-361  Abstract
  4. Zor U., Bendori R., Maoz I., Wallach D. & Gurarirotman D. (1982) Journal of General Virology. 63, DEC, p. 359-363  Abstract
    Wallach D., Schattner A., Merlin G., Kimchi A., Fellous M. & Revel M. (1982) Ucla Symposia On Molecular And Cellular Biology. 25, p. 449-463  Abstract
  6. Schattner A., Merlin G., Shapira A., Revel M. & Wallach D. (1982) Journal of Interferon Research. 2, 2, p. 285-289  Abstract
  7. Dissimilar efficiencies of interferons α and β and preparations of interferon-γ for inducing the synthesis of HLA proteins and (2'-5') oligo A synthetase
    Wallach D., Fellous M. & Revel M. (1982) Biology of the Cell. 45, 2, p. 731  Abstract
  8. Interferon as a possible cause for virus-related lymphocytopenia
    Schattner A., Meshorer A., Revel M. & Wallach D. (1982) Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 18, 9, p. 965-966  Abstract
  9. Wallach D. (1982) Journal of Interferon Research. 2, 3, p. 329-338  Abstract


  1. Schattner A., Merlin G., Levin S., Wallach D., Hahn T. & Revel M. (1981) Lancet. 318, 8245, p. 497-500  Abstract
  2. Merlin G., Revel M. & Wallach D. (1981) Analytical Biochemistry. 110, 1, p. 190-196  Abstract
  3. Revel M., Wallach D., Merlin G., Schattner A., Schmidt A., Wolf D., Shulman L. & Kimchi A. (1981) Methods in enzymology. 79, p. 149-161  Abstract
  4. Schattner A., Merlin G., Wallach D., Rosenberg H., Bino T., Hahn T., Levin S. & Revel M. (1981) Journal of Interferon Research. 1, 4, p. 587-594  Abstract


  1. Davies P. J., Willingham M., Pastan I., Lewis M. S. & Wallach D. (1980) Biochemistry. 19, 7, p. 1366-1372  Abstract
  2. Weissenbach J., Chernajovsky Y., Zeevi M. et al. (1980) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 77, 12 II, p. 7152-7156  Abstract
    [All authors]
  3. Wallach D. & Revel M. (1980) Nature. 287, 5777, p. 68-70  Abstract



  1. Wallach D., Anderson W. & Pastan I. (1978) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 253, 1, p. 24-26  Abstract
  2. Cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation of the actin-binding protein filamin.
    Wallach D., Davies P., Bechtel P., Willingham M. & Pastan I. (1978) Advances in cyclic nucleotide research. 9, p. 371-379  Abstract