Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

- Nature's Vacuum Cleaner not accessible video - Binding of ACh to AChE (Movie by R. Gillilan, I. Silman & J.L. Sussman)
- Sussman, J. L., Harel, M., Frolow, F., Oefner, C., Goldman, A., Toker, L. & Silman, I.
Atomic structure of acetylcholinesterase from Torpedo californica: a prototypic acety lcholine-binding protein.
Science 253, 872-879 (1991). [Abstract] ] [PDF] - Sussman, J. L. & Silman, I.
Acetylcholinesterase: structure and use as a model for specific cation-protein interactions.
Curr Opin Struct Biol 2, 721-729 (1992). [Abstract]
How synchrotron radiation can rapidly cause specific damage to a protein

- Radiation damage not accessible video (Movie by R. Gillilan, I. Silman & J.L. Sussman)
- Site-specific radiation damage caused to AChE by synchrotorn raditiaon (Movie by G. Kryger)
- Weik, M., Ravelli, R. B. G., Kryger, G., McSweeney, S., Raves, M., Harel, M., Gros , P., Silman, I., Kroon, J. & Sussman, J. L.
Specific chemical and structural damage to proteins produced by synchrotron radiation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97, 623-628 (2000). [Abstract] [PDF] [Cover] - Weik, M., Ravelli, R., Silman, I., Sussman, J. L., Gros, P. & Kroon, J.
Specific protein dynamics near the solvent glass transition assayed by radiation-induced str uctural changes.
Protein Sci 10, 1953-1961 (2001). [Abstract] [PDF] - Weik, M., Kryger, G., Schreurs, A. M., Bouma, B., Silman, I., Sussman, J. L., Gros, P. & Kroon, J.
Solvent behaviour in flash-cooled protein crystals at cryogenic temperatures.
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 57, 566-573 (2001). [Abstract][PDF] - Weik, M., Berges, J., Raves, M. L., Gros, P., McSweeney, S., Silman, I., Sussman, J. L., Houeee-Levin, C. & Ravelli, R. B. G.
Evidence for the formation of disulfide radicals in protein crystals upon X-ray irradiation.
J Synchrotron Rad 9, 342-346 (2002). [Abstract] [PDF] - Colletier, J.P., Fournier, D., Greenblatt, H.M., Stojan, J., Sussman, J.L., Zaccai, G., Silman, I. &, Weik, M.
Structural insights into substrate traffic and inhibition in acetylcholinesterase
EMBO J 25, 2746-2756 (2006). [Abstract] [PDF]
- Weik, M., Ravelli, R. B. G., Kryger, G., McSweeney, S., Raves, M., Harel, M., Gros , P., Silman, I., Kroon, J. & Sussman, J. L.
Conformational changes upon ligand binding

- Reaction products of AChE & VX reveal a mobile HIS not accessible video (Movie by R. Gillilan, I. Silman, C. Millard & J.L. Sussman)
- Millard, C. B., Koellner, G., Ordentlich, A., Shafferman, A., Silman, I. & Sussman, J. L.
Reaction products of acetylcholinesterase and VX reveal a mobile histidine in the catalytic triad.
J Am Chem Soc 121, 9883-9884 (1999). [PDF] - Bar-On, P., Millard, C. B., Harel, M., Dvir, H., Enz, A., Sussman, J. L. & Silman, I.
Kinetic and structural studies on the interaction of cholinesterases with the anti-Alzheimer drug rivastigmine.
Biochemistry 41, 3555-3564 (2002). [Abstract] [PDF]
- Millard, C. B., Koellner, G., Ordentlich, A., Shafferman, A., Silman, I. & Sussman, J. L.
Visualizing conformational changes in AChE via morphing (Movies by T. Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, I. Silman & J.L. Sussman)

Zeev-Ben-Mordehai, T., Silman, I. & Sussman, J.L.
Acetylcholinesterase in motion: Visualizing conformational changes in crystal structures by a morphing procedure.
Biopolymers 68, 395-406 (2003). [Abstract] [PDF]
Morphing of native TcAChE to MIP/TcAChE structure.not accessible video
(Details Fig 3 in ref above)
Morphing of native TcAChE to methylphosphonyl//TcAChE structure.not accessible video(Details Fig 4 in ref above)
Morphing of native TcAChE to AChE/FAS-II complex (Details Fig 6 in ref above)
Morphing of TcAChE/FAS-II complex to hAChE/FAS-II complex.not accessible video(Details Fig 7 in ref above)
Morphing of native TcAChE structure to native DmAChE structure.not accessible video(Details Fig 8 in ref above)