Weizmann Institute Safety Plan

The Weizmann Institute has implemented a high standard safety program which is well documented on the Safety Unit web site. Information is provided on the following issues:

  1. A detailed description of basic concepts and policy of the safety program at the Weizmann Institute of Science, institutional regulations, as well as annual reports on safety procedures, all of which are in accordance with the published European Committee for Standardization (CEN) workshop agreement CWA 15793, the NIH/CDC guidelines, and the laws of the State of Israel.
  2. Detailed regulations and instructions for waste disposal and safety measures related to biological, chemical, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation hazards. Detailed regulations and instructions exist for safe handling of laser sources, for fire prevention, and for construction and maintenance activities. These regulations and instructions include detailed descriptions of freely available safety and protective gear to be used during routine work and in case of emergency.
  3. Laboratory facilities, material handling procedures and training practices are in accordance with guidelines of biosafety levels as established by the CDC/NIH in BMBL 5th edition, as well as by the laws of the State of Israel.
  4. Officers of the Safety Unit perform regular inspections and risk assessments in each laboratory at the Institute to ensure compliance with our safety protection regulations. Warning signs and safety instructions are posted inside and outside the laboratories.
  5. The Safety Unit provides a full four-day safety course for students as they join the Institute. New personnel are given safety instructions on a bi-weekly basis. Refresher training courses are provided to the entire contingent of personnel and students on an annual basis.
  6. Trained Safety Wardens have been appointed and at least two are present in every Department. They inspect the laboratories and public spaces, and provide advice and instructions on safety issues.
  7. Hazardous waste disposal rooms have been assigned on each floor for chemical, biological and radioactive waste. Waste is collected on a daily basis by well-trained personnel of the Safety Unit to the Institute's modern environmental waste facility.
  8. In the environmental waste facility, chemical waste is sorted according to its nature (flammable solvents, acids, bases, batteries, etc.) and shipped to a national facility. Biohazard waste is sterilized by autoclave before disposal as municipal garbage. Radioactive waste is shipped in steel drums to a national facility.
  9. The Institute's nuclear state-approved license has been renewed each year over the past 40 years.
  10. Biohazard: All laboratory facilities are designed for work with BL2 hazardous agents. The Institute has a single on-site BL3 facility, which requires IBC approval before it can be used (it has not been used over the past 10 years). Alternatives such as attenuated viruses/mutated bacteria are offered free to scientists in order to reduce the hazard and allow them to conduct their experiments in a BL2 facility.
  11. Recombinant DNA, Gene Transfer, and Hazardous Biomaterials.
  12. Infectious agents and toxins.



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