David Statter, Ph.D. Teaching Abstraction in Computer Science in Junior High School. 2018.
Chen Cohen, M.Sc. Teaching Recursion in Computer Science to Elementary-School Students. 2018.
Adi Green, Ph.D. Cognitive Consequences of Object-First versus Object-Later in Introduction to Computer Science (School of Education, Tel-Aviv University). Jointly with Dr. David Ginat, Tel-Aviv University. 2018.
Fatima Kaloti-Hallak, Ph.D. The Effect of Robotics Activities on Students’ Learning and Attitudes. Jointly with Prof. Mordechai Ben-Ari. 2015.
Rivka Taub, Ph.D. The Contribution of Computer Science to the Learning of Computational Physics. Jointly with Prof. Mordechai Ben-Ari. 2015.
Giora Alexandron, Ph.D. Issues in Learning the Language of LSC and Scenario-Based Programming. Jointly with Prof. David Harel. 2014.
Fatima Kaloti-Hallak, M.Sc. Learning Programming Concepts using Scratch at the Middle School Level. Jointly with Prof. Mordechai Ben-Ari. 2010.
Rivka Taub, M.Sc. The Effect of 'Computer Science Unplugged' Activities on Middle School Students' Conceptions and Attitudes towards Computer Science. Jointly with Prof. Mordechai Ben-Ari. 2010.
Ruty Golkin, M.A. Different Attitudes to Errors in Computer Science Education – the Case of Loops (School of Education, Tel-Aviv University). Jointly with Prof. Pessia Tsamir, Tel-Aviv University. 2007.