Taking teachers to the top
The new National Institute for Advanced Teaching of Mathematics and the Sciences
Special events

(L-R) Eli Hurvitz, Prof. Daniel Zajfman, Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph, Prof. Lee Shulman, Marshall Levin
The Weizmann Institute hosted a dinner marking the launch of the National Institute for Advanced Teaching of Mathematics and the Sciences and honoring the Eddie and Jules Trump Family Foundation for its gift enabling its establishment.
The keynote address was given by Prof. Lee Shulman, an advisor to the Trump Foundation, and Professor Emeritus at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and past President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Science Teaching.
Eli Hurvitz, Executive Director of the foundation, gave remarks and Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph, Vice President for Resource Development and Public Affairs and Dean of Educational Activities, described the vision of the new National Institute, which will be a hub for teacher professional development Israel.

Eli Hurvitz, Executive Director of the Trump Foundation.