WYEN in Madrid
The Weizmann Young European Network (WYEN), the next-generation club of the European Committee, held its 2019 year-end gathering in Madrid on December 3.
The event began with a gathering of more than 150 high school and college students and their parents at a private college, Colegio Paraíso Sagrados Corazones.
Dr. Neta Regev -Rudzki of the Department of Biomolecular Sciences gave a talk about her unique research on malaria, and Dr. Migel de Górgolas Hernández-Mora from Madrid Universidad Autónoma spoke about various diseases he encounters in his work as a physician, with an emphasis on malaria.
Following the even, 50 guests were invited to a private dinner with the Israeli Ambassador to Spain, H.E Rodica Radian-Gordon. The guests enjoyed a performance of flamenco and opera at El Rincón de la Rodríguez.
Almudena Berzosa, a member of the WYEN board, led and organized both successful events.