Zooming with Europe
Prof. Roee Ozeri in his quantum physics lab
The European Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science hosted three Zoom gatherings in recent months focused on major new coronavirus research initiatives and flagship projects of the Weizmann Institute.
Dr. Ron Diskin from the Department of Structural Biology, an expert on lethal animal-borne viruses, spoke about two COVID-19 research initiatives he is spearheading. Another session highlighted Prof. Irit Sagi, Vice President for Technology Transfer, with Bob Drake, European Committee President, opening the session and introducing her.
The Weizmann Young European Network hosted Prof. Roee Ozeri, Vice President for Resource Development, on another Zoom meeting. WYEN, established in 2016, is chaired by Dr. Christian Tidona. Prof. Ozeri spoke about the planned Institute for Brain and Neural Sciences and other flagship projects.