The brain and stress Guests were treated to lectures from journalist Itai Anghel and Weizmann Institute Prof. Alon Chen. Date: December 13, 2018
Diving into history Weizmann Alumni were treated to a talk on archaeological excavations, followed by some comic relief. Date: December 13, 2018
Israeli Friends in Tel Aviv The worlds of academia and industry came together to talk encryption and infrastructure. Date: October 16, 2018
WeizmannVibe Fundraising Purim Party The Israeli Friends Association hosted a Purim party for members of WeizmannVibe, the Friends’ “... Date: April 25, 2018
Award ceremony and lunch for the Lopatie Fellows David Lopatie, a dear friend and donor to the Weizmann Institute, initiated a meeting between... Date: April 25, 2018
Israeli Friends event The Israeli Friends Association hosted three women scientists who participated in the Israel... Date: April 25, 2018
End of an era at Wix The Michael and Anne Wix Auditorium will undergo extensive renovation and will be renamed the... Date: March 13, 2018
Honoring Ruth and Uriel Arnon in Tel Aviv The Israeli Friends Association honored Dr. Uriel and Prof. Ruth Arnon to mark their contribution... Date: March 13, 2018
Yehuda and Judith Bronicki to receive Israel Prize The Bronickis are major donors to the Weizmann Institute who have given generously to science... Date: March 13, 2018
The biological computer: no longer science fiction Friends of WeizmannVibe heard from Tom Ran, a computer science graduate. Date: December 19, 2017