All visitors to Israel must hold a passport that is valid for at least six months from the date they are due to depart the country.
As the Ministry of Affairs reserves the right to periodically update this information, please refer to the information published on the website below.
The SRitp organizes housing for participants. Housing is conveniently located on or near the Weizmann campus.
If you have any special needs, such as if you will be travelling with family, or if you plan to stay at Weizmann only during the week and plan to spend the weekend somewhere else, please inform the SRitp Administrator in Advance.
Arrival Day
The Weizmann Institute is located in Rehovot, accessible by car, train or bus from Ben Gurion Airport. Click here for arrival instructions.
Internet Access
In order to connect your laptop to the Internet you can select one of three wifi networks:
- wis_hotspot
This will give you access to the internet, no password needed, but you will be behind the WIS firewall. This will give you the option to print after installing the printer.
Printer name: ITP-COLOR
IP: - wis_external
This will give you access to the internet, authentication is required, and you will be completely exposed and unprotected by the WIS firewall.
In order to use option #2 use the following credentials:
Guest account User Name : itpweizmann
Guest account Password : provided on your workshop website - EDUROAM
For assistance, please contact Alexey Gilin:
Office: +972-8-9342699 Mobile: +972-54-2639156
There is a printer at your disposal in the SRitp printing room. Printing is available upon connection to the wis_hotspot after installing the printer.
Printer name: ITP-COLOR
Install the ITP-COLOR Printer on your PC
Install the ITP-COLOR Printer on your MAC
For assistance, please contact Alexey Gilin:
Office no.: 972-8-9342699 Mobile: 972-54-2639156
On Campus
There are five restaurants on campus, located in buildings 2, 45, 27, 36, 50 on the campus map. Only the restaurant in building 45 serves meat.
At Charlie's, which is a dairy cafeteria | Map | Waze
San Martin, which serves meat | Map | Waze
Café Mada which is a dairy cafeteria | Map | Waze
Pi Squared which is a dairy cafeteria in de Picciotto building | Map | Waze
Café B’Kikar which is a dairy cafeteria in Dwek campus center | Map | Waze
You can also find a variety of restaurants outside the campus, we have marked some of them on the map.
Campus Facilities
The Weisgal recreation center on campus includes tennis courts, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a fitness center. SRitp guests receive a voucher for free access to the recreation cetner for a period of 7 days.
Medical Care
A Basic first aid kit is located at the Faculty Secretariat room 231.
If you are feeling unwell, but it is not an emergency, you should refer to your insurance policy for specific procedures on what to do. Some companies allow you to be treated by any private doctor and you will be reimbursed. Others have arrangements with specific doctors that you should see. Below are private doctors in the area:
Male doctor: Dr. Israel Tzviel, +972-8-949-4286, 18 Menucha VeNachla Street
Female doctor: Dr. Noa Hovav, +972-50-434-6088, Kfar Bilu
In case of emergency please call Weizmann security center +972-8-9343515
Departure day
Before you leave, please make sure to return your office keys and temporary entrance cards in an envelope to the SRitp administration office in the box designated for this purpose.
Should you wish to reserve a taxi to take you to the airport, please call 972-8-936-3333.
The estimated time of arrival from the institute to the airport is 30 minutes, and the fare is around $35 (140 NIS) during the day and $40 (160 NIS), between 9:00 PM and 5:30 AM.
Clearance Form
The security clearance form will assist to speed you through the security checks at the airport upon your departure from Israel – this will allow you to be at the airport 2.5 hrs prior to departure instead of the recommended 3 hrs prior. If you wish to utilize this service, please complete the form in full, in word, and return it by email to the workshop coordinator at least two working days prior to your departure.
The SRitp provides partial support for local and travel expenses of senior participants, and wider support for senior PhD students and post-docs.
For perdiem payment please complete and sign the form below and sent via email to the SRitp administrator.
Bank account details form
For flight reimbursement please send your e-ticket via email to the SRitp administrator.