

Attosecond Interferometry

Krüger M. & Dudovich N. (2024) Ultrafast Electronic and Structural Dynamics . Ueda K.(eds.). Singapore: . p. 45-71

Laser-Induced Electron Diffraction in Chiral Molecules

Rajak D., Beauvarlet S., Kneller O., Comby A., Cireasa R., Descamps D., Fabre B., Gorfinkiel J. D., Higuet J., Petit S., Rozen S., Ruf H., Thiré N., Blanchet V., Dudovich N., Pons B. & Mairesse Y. (2024) Physical Review X. 14, 1, 011015.

Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals

Uzan-Narovlansky A. J., Faeyrman L., Brown G. G., Shames S., Narovlansky V., Xiao J., Arusi-Parpar T., Kneller O., Bruner B. D., Smirnova O., Silva R. E., Yan B., Jiménez-Galán Á., Ivanov M. & Dudovich N. (2024) Nature. 626, 7997, p. 66-71

The Future of Attosecond Science

Dudovich N., Fang L., Gaarde M., Keller U., Landsman A., Richter M., Rohringer N. & Young L. (2024) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology . Fang LI., Argenti L. & Chini M.(eds.). p. 205-220


Revealing the Interplay between Strong Field Selection Rules and Crystal Symmetries

Uzan-Narovlansky A. J., Orenstein G., Shames S., Even Tzur M., Kneller O., Bruner B. D., Arusi-Parpar T., Cohen O. & Dudovich N. (2023) Physical review letters. 131, 22, 223802.

Tailoring quantum trajectories for strong-field imaging

Sanchez A., Tulsky V. A., Amini K., Bruner B. D., Alon G., Kruger M., Liu X., Steinle T., Bauer D., Dudovich N. & Biegert J. (2023) Optica. 10, 12, p. 1729-1736


Observation of light-driven band structure via multiband high-harmonic spectroscopy

Uzan-Narovlansky A. J., Jiménez-Galán Á., Orenstein G., Silva R. E. F., Arusi-Parpar T., Shames S., Bruner B. D., Yan B., Smirnova O., Ivanov M. & Dudovich N. (2022) Nature Photonics. 16, 6, p. 428-432

A look under the tunnelling barrier via attosecond-gated interferometry

Kneller O., Azoury D., Federman Y., Krueger M., Uzan A. J., Orenstein G., Bruner B. D., Smirnova O., Patchkovskii S., Ivanov M. & Dudovich N. (2022) Nature Photonics. 16, 4, p. 304-310

Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals

Uzan-Narovlansky A. J., Faeyrman L., Shames S., Narovlansky V., Xaio J., Arusi-Parpar T., Kneller O., Bruner B. D., Smirnova O., Silva R. E., Yan B., Jiménez-Galán Á., Ivanov M. & Dudovich N. (2022) International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2022 .


Revealing the Influence of Molecular Chirality on Tunnel-Ionization Dynamics

Bloch E., Larroque S., Rozen S., Beaulieu S., Comby A., Beauvarlet S., Descamps D., Fabre B., Petit S., Taieb R., Uzan A. J., Blanchet V., Dudovich N., Pons B. & Mairesse Y. (2021) Physical review. X. 11, 4, 041056.

Enhanced chiral-sensitivity of Coulomb-focused electrons in strong field ionization

Rozen S., Larroque S., Dudovich N., Mairesse Y. & Pons B. (2021) Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics. 54, 18, 184002.

Control and enhancement of multiband high harmonic generation by synthesized laser fields

Bruner B. D., Narovlansky-Uzan A. J., Arusi-Parpar T., Orenstein G., Shonfeld A. & Dudovich N. (2021) Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics. 54, 15, 154001.

Attosecond technology(ies) and science

Biegert J., Calegari F., Dudovich N., Quéré F. & Vrakking M. (2021) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 54, 7, 070201.

Direct measurement of Coulomb-laser coupling

Azoury D., Krüger M., Bruner B. D., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2021) Scientific Reports. 11, 1, 495.


Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation

Uzan A. J., Orenstein G., Bruner B. D., Jimenez-Galan Á., McDonald C., Silva R. E., Klimkin N. D., Blanchet V., Arusi-Parpar T., Krüger M., Rubtsov A. N., Smirnova O., Ivanov M., Yan B., Brabec T. & Dudovich N. (2020) International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2020 .

Spatial molecular interferometry via multidimensional high-harmonic spectroscopy

Uzan A. J., Soifer H., Pedatzur O., Clergerie A., Larroque S., Bruner B. D., Pons B., Ivanov M., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2020) Nature Photonics. 14, 3, p. 188-194

Single beam low frequency 2D Raman spectroscopy

Hurwitz I., Raanan D., Ren L., Frostig H., Oulevey P., Bruner B. D., Dudovich N. & Silberberg Y. (2020) Optics Express. 28, 3, p. 3803-3810

Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation

Uzan A. J., Orenstein G., Jimenez-Galan A., McDonald C., Silva R. E. F., Bruner B. D., Klimkin N. D., Blanchet V., Arusi-Parpar T., Krueger M., Rubtsov A. N., Smirnova O., Ivanov M., Yan B., Brabec T. & Dudovich N. (2020) Nature Photonics. 14, 3, p. 183-187


Shaping electron-hole trajectories for solid-state high harmonic generation control

Orenstein G., Uzan A. J., Gadasi S., Arusi-Parpar T., Krüger M., Cireasa R., Bruner B. D. & Dudovich N. (2019) Optics Express. 27, 26, p. 37835-37845

Controlling Subcycle Optical Chirality in the Photoionization of Chiral Molecules

Rozen S., Comby A., Bloch E., Beauvarlet S., Descamps D., Fabre B., Petit S., Blanchet V., Pons B., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2019) Physical Review X. 9, 3, 031004.

Interferometric Attosecond Lock-in Measurement of Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Diehroism

Kneller O., Azoury D., Kruger M., Bruner B. D., Cohen O., Mairesse Y. & Dudovich N. (2019) 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) .

Simple route to enhancement of soft X-ray high harmonic generation sources

Bruner B. D., Arusi-Parpar T., Kruger M. & Dudovich N. (2019) 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019 .

Electron wavefunctions probed by all-optical attosecond interferometry

Kruger M., Azoury D., Kneller O., Rozen S., Bruner B. D., Clergerie A., Fabre B., Pons B., Mairesse Y. & Dudovich N. (2019) 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019 .

HHG probing of atomic dipoles by electronic wave-packet caustics

Facciala D., Pabst S., Bruner B. D., Ciriolo A. G., Devetta M., Negro M., Soifer H., Dudovich N., Stagira S. & Vozzi C. (2019) XXI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA 2018 (UP 2018). 205, 02003.

Interferometric attosecond lock-in measurement of extreme-ultraviolet circular dichroism

Azoury D., Kneller O., Kruger M., Bruner B. D., Cohen O., Mairesse Y. & Dudovich N. (2019) Nature Photonics. 13, 3, p. 198204

The Role of Electron Trajectories in XUV-Initiated High-Harmonic Generation

Krueger M., Azoury D., Bruner B. D. & Dudovich N. (2019) Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 9, 3, 378.

Challenges and opportunities in attosecond and XFEL science

Lindroth E., Calegari F., Young L., Harmand M., Dudovich N., Berrah N. & Smirnova O. (2019) Nature Reviews Physics. 1, 2, p. 107-111

Double-blind holography of attosecond pulses

Pedatzur O., Trabattoni A., Leshem B., Shalmoni H., Castrovilli M. C., Galli M., Lucchini M., Mansson E., Frassetto F., Poletto L., Nadler B., Raz O., Nisoli M., Calegari F., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2019) Nature Photonics. 13, 2, p. 91-95

Electronic wavefunctions probed by all-optical attosecond interferometry

Azoury D., Kneller O., Rozen S., Bruner B. D., Clergerie A., Mairesse Y., Fabre B., Pons B., Dudovich N. & Kruger M. (2019) Nature Photonics. 13, 1, p. 54-59


Attosecond time-resolved photoelectron holography

Porat G., Alon G., Rozen S., Pedatzur O., Kruger M., Azoury D., Natan A., Orenstein G., Bruner B. D., Vrakking M. J. J. & Dudovich N. (2018) Nature Communications. 9, 2805.

High-order harmonic generation spectroscopy by recolliding electron caustics

Facciala D., Pabst S., Bruner B. D., Ciriolo A. G., Devetta M., Negro M., Geetha P. P., Pusala A., Soifer H., Dudovich N., Stagira S. & Vozzi C. (2018) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 51, 13, 134002.

Robust enhancement of high harmonic generation via attosecond control of ionization

Bruner B. D., Kruger M., Pedatzur O., Orenstein G., Azoury D. & Dudovich N. (2018) Optics Express. 26, 7, p. 9310-9322


Attosecond-resolved photoionization of chiral molecules

Beaulieu S., Comby A., Clergerie A., Caillat J., Descamps D., Dudovich N., Fabre B., Geneaux R., Legare F., Petit S., Pons B., Porat G., Ruchon T., Taieb R., Blanchet V. & Mairesse Y. (2017) Science. 358, 6368, p. 1288-1293

Self-probing spectroscopy of XUV photo-ionization dynamics in atoms subjected to a strong-field environment

Azoury D., Kruger M., Orenstein G., Larsson H. R., Bauch S., Bruner B. D. & Dudovich N. (2017) Nature Communications. 8,

Isolating strong-field dynamics in molecular systems

Orenstein G., Pedatzur O., Uzan A. J., Bruner B. D., Mairesse Y. & Dudovich N. (2017) Physical Review A. 95, 5, 051401.


Nonlinear optics: Resolving the attosecond beat

Krüger M. & Dudovich N. (2016) Nature Photonics. 10, 10, p. 626-627

Probe of Multielectron Dynamics in Xenon by Caustics in High-Order Harmonic Generation

Facciala D., Pabst S., Bruner B., Ciriolo A., De Silvestri S. S., Devetta M., Negro M., Soifer H., Stagira S., Dudovich N. & Vozzi C. (2016) Physical review letters. 117, 9, 093902.

Direct single-shot phase retrieval from thediffraction pattern of separated objects

Leshem B., Xu R., Dallal Y., Miao J., Nadler B., Oron D., Dudovich N. & Raz O. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 10820.

Two-Dimensional Frequency Resolved Optomolecular Gating of High-Order Harmonic Generation

Ferre A., Soifer H., Pedatzur O., Bourassin-Bouchet C., Bruner B., Canonge R., Catoire F., Descamps D., Fabre B., Mevel E., Petit S., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2016) Physical review letters. 116, 5, 053002.

Attosecond processes and X-ray spectroscopy: General discussion

Milne C. J., Weber P. M., Kowalewski M., Marangos J. P., Johnson A. S., Forbes R., Worner H. J., Rolles D., Townsend D., Schalk O., Mai S., Vacher M., Miller R. J. D., Centurion M., Vibok A., Domcke W., Cireasa R., Ueda K., Bencivenga F., Neumark D. M., Stolow A., Rudenko A., Kirrander A., Dowek D., Martin F., Ivanov M., Dahlstrom J. M., Dudovich N., Mukamel S., Sanchez-Gonzalez A., Minitti M. P., Austin D. R., Kimberg V. & Masin Z. (2016) Faraday Discussions. 194, p. 427-462

Direct single-shot phase retrieval for separated objects (Conference Presentation)

Leshem B., Xu R., Miao J., Nadler B., Oron D., Dudovich N. & Raz O. (2016) Quantitative Phase Imaging II. 9718, UNSP 97182.

Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: Detecting sub-cycle laser-driven hole dynamics upon ionization in strong mid-IR laser fields

Bruner B. D., Masin Z., Negro M., Morales F., Brambila D., Devetta M., Facciala D., Harvey A. G., Ivanov M., Mairesse Y., Patchkovskii S., Serbinenko V., Soifer H., Stagira S., Vozzi C., Dudovich N. & Smirnova O. (2016) Faraday Discussions. 194, p. 369-405


Attosecond tunnelling interferometry

Pedatzur O., Orenstein G., Serbinenko V., Soifer H., Bruner B., Uzan A., Brambila D., Harvey A., Torlina L., Morales F., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2015) Nature Physics. 11, 10, p. 815-819

Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy

Bruner B. D., Soifer H., Shafir D., Serbinenko V., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2015) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 48, 17, 174006.

Single-pulse Two-dimensional Raman Spectroscopy

Frostig H., Bayer T., Dudovich N., Eldar Y. C. & Silberberg Y. (2015) 2015 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) : QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015 . p. 1551p (trueConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics).

Single-beam spectrally controlled two-dimensional Raman spectroscopy

Frostig H., Bayer T., Dudovich N., Eldar Y. C. & Silberberg Y. (2015) Nature Photonics. 9, 5, p. 339-343

Multi-channel electronic and vibrational dynamics in polyatomic resonant high-order harmonic generation

Ferre A., Boguslavskiy A. E., Dagan M., Blanchet V., Bruner B. D., Burgy F., Camper A., Descamps D., Fabre B., Fedorov N., Gaudin J., Geoffroy G., Mikosch J., Patchkovskii S., Petit S., Ruchon T., Soifer H., Staedter D., Wilkinson I., Stolow A., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 5952.


Direct phase retrieval in double blind Fourier holography

Raz O., Leshem B., Miao J., Nadler B., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2014) Optics Express. 22, 21, p. 24935-24950

Studying the universality of field induced tunnel ionization times via high-order harmonic spectroscopy

Soifer H., Bruner B. D., Negro M., Devetta M., Facciala D., Vozzi C., de Silvestri S. S., Stagira S. & Dudovich N. (2014) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 47, 20,

High-order harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of SF6 molecular vibrations

Ferre A., Staedter D., Burgy F., Dagan M., Descamps D., Dudovich N., Petit S., Soifer H., Blanchet V. & Mairesse Y. (2014) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 47, 12, 124023.

Viewpoint: Hiking Trails in Attosecond Landscapes

Pedatzur O., Raz O. & Dudovich N. (2014) Physics. 7, 53,

What will it take to observe processes in 'real time'?

Leone S. R., McCurdy C. W., Burgdoerfer J., Cederbaum L. S., Chang Z., Dudovich N., Feist J., Greene C. H., Ivanov M., Kienberger R., Keller U., Kling M. F., Loh Z., Pfeifer T., Pfeiffer A. N., Santra R., Schafer K., Stolow A., Thumm U. & Vrakking M. J. J. (2014) Nature Photonics. 8, 3, p. 162-166


Trajectory-Resolved Coulomb Focusing in Tunnel Ionization of Atoms with Intense, Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses

Shafir D., Soifer H., Vozzi C., Johnson A. S., Hartung A., Dube Z., Villeneuve D. M., Corkum P. B., Dudovich N. & Staudte A. (2013) Physical Review Letters. 111, 2, 023005.

Spatio-spectral analysis of ionization times in high-harmonic generation

Soifer H., Dagan M., Shafir D., Bruner B. D., Ivanov M. Y., Serbinenko V., Barth I., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2013) Chemical Physics. 414, p. 176-183

Studying the electronic structure of molecules with high harmonic spectroscopy

Villeneuve D. M., Bertrand J. B., Corkum P. B., Dudovich N., Itatani J., Kieffer J. C., Légaré F., Levesque J., Mairesse Y., Niikura H., Schmidt B. E., Shiner A. D. & Wörner H. J. (2013) Attosecond Physics : Attosecond Measurements and Control of Physical Systems . Zaïr A., Plaja L. & Torres R.(eds.). p. 159-190

CLEO®/Europe - IQEC 2013 looking inside the recollision process

Shafir D., Soifer H., Bruner B. D., Dagan M., Mairesse Y., Vozzi C., Stagira S., Patchkovskii S., Ivanov M. Y., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2013) 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference .

Vectorial phase retrieval of 1-d signals

Raz O., Dudovich N. & Nadler B. (2013) IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 61, 7, p. 1632-1643 6410442.


Resolving the time when an electron exits a tunnelling barrier

Shafir D., Soifer H., Bruner B. D., Dagan M., Mairesse Y., Patchkovskii S., Ivanov M. Y., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2012) Nature. 485, 7398, p. 343-346

Role of the ionic potential in high harmonic generation

Shafir D., Fabre B., Higuet J., Soifer H., Dagan M., Descamps D., Mevel E., Petit S., Woerner H. J., Pons B., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2012) Physical review letters. 108, 20, 203001.

Spectral caustics in attosecond science

Raz O., Pedatzur O., Bruner B. D. & Dudovich N. (2012) Nature Photonics. 6, 3, p. 170-173


Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses

Raz O., Schwartz O., Austin D., Wyatt A. S., Schiavi A., Smirnova O., Nadler B., Walmsley I. A., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2011) Physical review letters. 107, 13, 133902.

Shot noise limited characterization of ultraweak femtosecond pulse trains

Schwartz O., Raz O., Katz O., Dudovich N. & Oron D. (2011) Optics Express. 19, 2, p. 679-686

Characterizing ultrashort pulses one photon at a time

Schwartz O., Raz O., Katz O., Dudovich N. & Oron D. (2011) 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics : Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011 .

Resolving attosecond processes via high harmonic generation

Dudovich N. (2011) 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics : Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO 2011 .

Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses

Raz O., Schwartz O., Austin D., Wyatt A. S., Schiavi A., Smirnova O., Nadler B., Walmsley I. A., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2011) High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2011 .


Near-threshold high-order harmonic spectroscopy with aligned molecules

Soifer H., Botheron P., Shafir D., Diner A., Raz O., Bruner B. D., Mairesse Y., Pons B. & Dudovich N. (2010) Physical review letters. 105, 14, 143904.

Mapping molecular orbital symmetry on high-order harmonic generation spectrum using two-color laser fields

Niikura H., Dudovich N., Villeneuve D. M. & Corkum P. B. (2010) Physical review letters. 105, 5, 053003.

Probing the symmetry of atomic wavefunctions from the point of view of strong field-driven electrons

Shafir D., Mairesse Y., Woerner H. J., Rupnik K., Villeneuve D. M., Corkum P. B. & Dudovich N. (2010) New Journal of Physics. 12, 073032.

High harmonic spectroscopy of multichannel dynamics in strong-field ionization

Mairesse Y., Higuet J., Dudovich N., Shafir D., Fabre B., Mevel E., Constant E., Patchkovskii S., Walters Z., Ivanov M. Y. & Smirnova O. (2010) Physical review letters. 104, 21, 213601.

Phase sensitivity of high harmonic transient grating spectroscopy

Mairesse Y., Dudovich N., Zeidler D., Spanner M., Villeneuve D. M. & Corkum P. B. (2010) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 43, 6, 065401.


Strong-field control and spectroscopy of attosecond electron-hole dynamics in molecules

Smirnova O., Patchkovskii S., Mairesse Y., Dudovich N. & Ivanov M. Y. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 39, p. 16556-16561

Subcycle spatial mapping of recollision dynamics

Dudovich N., Tate J. L., Mairesse Y., Villeneuve D. M., Corkum P. B. & Gaarde M. B. (2009) Physical Review A. 80, 1, 011806.

High harmonic interferometry of multi-electron dynamics in molecules

Smirnova O., Mairesse Y., Patchkovskii S., Dudovich N., Villeneuve D., Corkum P. & Ivanov M. Y. (2009) Nature. 460, 7258, p. 972-977

Atomic wavefunctions probed through strong-field light-matterinteraction

Shafir D., Mairesse Y., Villeneuve D. M., Corkum P. B. & Dudovich N. (2009) Nature Physics. 5, 6, p. 412-416

Attosecond circular dichroism spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules

Smirnova O., Patchkovskii S., Mairesse Y., Dudovich N., Villeneuve D., Corkum P. & Ivanov M. Y. (2009) Physical review letters. 102, 6, 063601.


High harmonic generation from aligned molecules-amplitude and polarization

Mairesse Y., Levesque J., Dudovich N., Corkum P. B. & Villeneuve D. M. (2008) Journal of Modern Optics. 55, 16, p. 2591-2602

High-order harmonic transient grating spectroscopy in a molecular jet

Mairesse Y., Zeidler D., Dudovich N., Spanner M., Levesque J., Villeneuve D. M. & Corkum P. B. (2008) Physical review letters. 100, 14, 143903.

Electron wavepacket control with elliptically polarized laser light in high harmonic generation from aligned molecules

Mairesse Y., Dudovich N., Levesque J., Ivanov M. Y., Corkum P. B. & Villeneuve D. M. (2008) New Journal of Physics. 10, 025015.


Polarization state of high-order harmonic emission from aligned molecules

Levesque J., Mairesse Y., Dudovich N., Pepin H., Kieffer J., Corkum P. B. & Villeneuve D. M. (2007) Physical Review Letters. 99, 24, 243001.

Transient phase masks in high-harmonic generation

Mairesse Y., Dudovich N., Levesque J., Kartashov D., Villeneuve D. M., Corkum P. B. & Auguste T. (2007) Optics Letters. 32, 4, p. 436-438


Attosecond temporal gating with elliptically polarized light

Dudovich N., Levesque J., Smirnova O., Zeidler D., Comtois D., Ivanov M. Y., Villeneuve D. M. & Corkum P. B. (2006) Physical Review Letters. 97, 25, 253903.

Measuring and controlling the birth of attosecond XUV pulses

Dudovich N., Smirnova O., Levesque J., Mairesse Y., Ivanov M. Y., Villeneuve D. M. & Corkum P. B. (2006) Nature Physics. 2, 11, p. 781-786

Polarization-Resolved Pump-Probe Spectroscopy with High Order Harmonics

Mével E., Mairesse Y., Haessler S., Fabre B., Higuet J., Boutu W., Breger P., Constant E., Descamps D., Petit S., Shafir D., Deleon H., Dudovich N. & Salières P. (2006) Springer Series in Chemical Physics . Riedle E., A. Nelson K., Corkum P., W. Schoenlein R. & Silvestri S.(eds.). p. 24-26


Efficient polarization gating of high-order harmonic generation by polarization-shaped ultrashort pulses

Oron D., Silberberg Y., Dudovich N. & Villeneuve D. (2005) Physical Review A. 72, 6, 063816.

Simple route to strong-field coherent control

Dudovich N., Polack T., Pe'er A. & Silberberg Y. (2005) Physical review letters. 94, 8, 083002.


All-optical processing in coherent nonlinear spectroscopy

Oron D., Dudovich N. & Silberberg Y. (2004) Physical Review A. 70, 2, p. 023415-1-023415-4 023415.

Quantum Control of the Angular Momentum Distribution in Multiphoton Absorption Processes

Dudovich N., Oron D. & Silberberg Y. (2004) Physical review letters. 92, 10, p. 103003-1-103003-4 103003.


Single-pulse coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy in the fingerprint spectral region

Dudovich N., Oron D. & Silberberg Y. (2003) Journal of Chemical Physics. 118, 20, p. 9208-9215

Femtosecond phase-and-polarization control for background-free coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy

Oron D., Dudovich N. & Silberberg Y. (2003) Physical Review Letters. 90, 21,


Single-pulse coherently controlled nonlinear Raman spectroscopy and microscopy

Dudovich N., Oron D. & Silberberg Y. (2002) Nature. 418, 6897, p. 512-514

Quantum control of coherent anti-Stokes Raman processes

Oron D., Dudovich N., Yelin D. & Silberberg Y. (2002) Physical Review A. 65, 4 B, p. 434081-434084 043408.

Coherent transient enhancement of optically induced resonant transitions

Dudovich N., Oron D. & Silberberg Y. (2002) Physical review letters. 88, 12, p. 1230041-1230044 123004.

Narrow-band coherent anti-stokes Raman signals from broad-band pulses

Oron D., Dudovich N., Yelin D. & Silberberg Y. (2002) Physical review letters. 88, 6, p. 063004/1-063004/4 063004.

Single-Pulse Phase-Contrast Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy

Oron D., Dudovich N. & Silberberg Y. (2002) Physical review letters. 89, 27,


Active semiconductor-based grating waveguide structures

Dudovich N., Levy-Yurista G., Sharon A., Friesem A. A. & Weber H. G. (2001) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 37, 8, p. 1030-1039

Transform-limited pulses are not optimal for resonant multiphoton transitions

Dudovich N., Dayan B., Gallagher Faeder S. M. & Silberberg Y. (2001) Physical review letters. 86, 1, p. 47-50