93.(2024) Physical Review Research. 6, 4, L042070. Abstract
We consider the coupling of light, via an optical cavity, to two-dimensional atomic arrays whose lattice spacing exceeds the wavelength of the light. Such "superwavelength"spacing is typical of optical tweezer arrays. While subwavelength arrays exhibit strong atom-photon coupling, characterized by high optical reflectivity in free space, the coupling efficiency of superwavelength arrays is reduced due to collective scattering losses to high diffraction orders. We show how a moderate-finesse cavity can overcome these losses. As the scattering losses peak at certain discrete values of the lattice spacing, the spacing can be optimized to achieve efficient atom-photon coupling in the cavity. Our cavity-QED theory properly accounts for collective dipolar interactions mediated by the lossy, non-cavity-confined photon modes and for finite-size effects of both the array and the light field. These findings pave the way to harnessing the versatility of tweezer arrays for efficient atom-photon interfaces in applications of quantum computing, networking, and nonlinear optics.
92.(2024) Physical Review A. 110, 1, 013715. Abstract
Estimation of the phase delay between interferometer arms is the core of transmission phase microscopy. Such phase estimation may exhibit an error below the standard quantum (shot-noise) limit, if the input is an entangled two-mode state, e.g., a N00N state. We show, by contrast, that such supersensitive phase estimation (SSPE) is achievable by incoherent, e.g., thermal, light that is injected into a Mach-Zehnder interferometer via a Kerr-nonlinear two-mode coupler. Phase error is shown to be reduced below 1/n¯, n¯ being the mean photon number, by thermal input in such interferometric setups, even for small nonlinear phase shifts per photon pair or for significant photon loss. Remarkably, the phase accuracy achievable in such setups by thermal input surpasses that of coherent light with the same n¯. Available mode couplers with giant Kerr nonlinearity that stem either from dipole-dipole interactions of Rydberg polaritons in a cold atomic gas, or from cavity-enhanced dispersive atom-field interactions, may exploit such effects to substantially advance interferometric phase microscopy using incoherent, faint light sources.
91.(2023) Abstract
We consider the coupling of light, via an optical cavity, to two-dimensional atomic arrays whose lattice spacing exceeds the wavelength of the light. Such 'superwavelength' spacing is typical of optical tweezer arrays. While subwavelength arrays exhibit strong atom-photon coupling, characterized by high optical reflectivity in free space, the coupling efficiency of superwavelength arrays is reduced due to collective scattering losses to high diffraction orders. We show that a moderate-finesse cavity overcomes these losses. As the scattering losses peak at certain discrete values of the lattice spacing, the spacing can be optimized to achieve efficient atom-photon coupling in the cavity. Our cavity-QED theory properly accounts for collective dipolar interactions mediated by the lossy, non-cavity-confined photon modes and for finite-size effects of both the array and the light field. These findings pave the way to harnessing the versatility of tweezer arrays for efficient atom-photon interfaces in applications of quantum computing, networking, and nonlinear optics.
90.(2023) Communications Physics. 6, 1, 131. Abstract
Coherent optical memories will likely play an important role in future quantum communication networks. Among the different platforms, memories based on ladder-type orbital transitions in atomic gasses offer high bandwidth (>100 MHz), continuous (on-demand) readout, and low-noise operation. Here we report on an upgraded setup of our previously-reported fast ladder memory, with improved efficiency and lifetime, and reduced noise. The upgrade employs a stronger control field, wider signal beam, reduced atomic density, higher optical depth, annular optical-pumping beam, and weak dressing of an auxiliary orbital to counteract residual Doppler-broadening. For a 2 ns-long pulse, we demonstrate 53% internal efficiency, 35% end-to-end efficiency, 3 × 10−5 noise photons per pulse, and a 1/e lifetime of 108 ns. This combination of performances is a record for continuous-readout memories.
89.(2023) Physical review letters. 131, 3, 033601. Abstract
Efficient synchronization of single photons that are compatible with narrow band atomic transitions is an outstanding challenge, which could prove essential for photonic quantum information processing. Here we report on the synchronization of independently generated single photons using a room-temperature atomic quantum memory. The photon source and the memory are interconnected by fibers and employ the same ladder-level atomic scheme. We store and retrieve the heralded single photons with end-to-end efficiency of ηe2e=25% and final antibunching of gh(2)=0.023. Our synchronization process results in an over tenfold increase in the photon-pair coincidence rate, reaching a rate of more than 1000 detected synchronized photon pairs per second. The indistinguishability of the synchronized photons is verified by a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference measurement.
88.(2023) PRX Quantum. 4, 3, 030329. Abstract
We present general guidelines for finding solid-state systems that could serve as coherent electron-spin-photon interfaces even at relatively high temperatures, where phonons are abundant but cooling is easier, and show that transition-metal ions in various crystals could comply with these guidelines. As an illustrative example, we focus on divalent nickel ions in magnesium oxide. We perform electron-spin-resonance spectroscopy and polarization-sensitive magneto-optical fluorescence spectroscopy of a dense ensemble of these ions and find that (i) the ground-state electron spin stays coherent at liquid-helium temperatures for several microseconds and (ii) there exist energetically well-isolated excited states that can couple to two ground-state spin sublevels via optical transitions of orthogonal polarizations. The latter implies that fast coherent optical control over the electron spin is possible. We then propose schemes for optical initialization and control of the ground-state electron spin using polarized optical pulses, as well as two schemes for implementing a noise-free broadband quantum optical memory at near-telecom wavelengths in this material system.
87.(2023) Science (New York, N.Y.). 381, 6654, p. 193-198 Abstract
Vortices are topologically nontrivial defects that generally originate from nonlinear field dynamics. All-optical generation of photonic vortices-phase singularities of the electromagnetic field-requires sufficiently strong nonlinearity that is typically achieved in the classical optics regime. We report on the realization of quantum vortices of photons that result from a strong photon-photon interaction in a quantum nonlinear optical medium. The interaction causes faster phase accumulation for copropagating photons, producing a quantum vortex-antivortex pair within the two-photon wave function. For three photons, the formation of vortex lines and a central vortex ring confirms the existence of a genuine three-photon interaction. The wave function topology, governed by two- and three-photon bound states, imposes a conditional phase shift of π per photon, a potential resource for deterministic quantum logic operations.
86.(2023) New Journal of Physics. 25, 3, 035001. Abstract
This tutorial introduces the theoretical and experimental basics of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in thermal alkali vapors. We first give a brief phenomenological description of EIT in simple three-level systems of stationary atoms and derive analytical expressions for optical absorption and dispersion under EIT conditions. Then we focus on how the thermal motion of atoms affects various parameters of the EIT system. Specifically, we analyze the Doppler broadening of optical transitions, ballistic versus diffusive atomic motion in a limited-volume interaction region, and collisional depopulation and decoherence. Finally, we discuss the common trade-offs important for optimizing an EIT experiment and give a brief walk-through of a typical EIT experimental setup. We conclude with a brief overview of current and potential EIT applications.
85.(2023) 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. Abstract
In recent works, we have put forth and experimentally demonstrated several novel schemes [1-5] for the detection of quantum noise signatures by exploiting frequent photonic measurements, allowing us to reach unprecedented, ultrahigh sensitivity to quantum noise.
84.(2023) Science advances. 9, 1, eadf1070. Abstract
We propose heat machines that are nonlinear, coherent, and closed systems composed of few field (oscillator) modes. Their thermal-state input is transformed by nonlinear Kerr interactions into nonthermal (non-Gaussian) output with controlled quantum fluctuations and the capacity to deliver work in a chosen mode. These machines can provide an output with strongly reduced phase and amplitude uncertainty that may be useful for sensing or communications in the quantum domain. They are experimentally realizable in optomechanical cavities where photonic and phononic modes are coupled by a Josephson qubit or in cold gases where interactions between photons are transformed into dipole-dipole interacting Rydberg atom polaritons. This proposed approach is a step toward the bridging of quantum and classical coherent and thermodynamic descriptions.
83.(2023) Proceedings Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference 2023. Abstract
Single-photon synchronization could prove essential for future quantum optical networks. We demonstrate synchronization of photon pairs with high rate and low noise using a room-temperature atomic quantum memory and compatible single-photon source.
82.(2022) Physical Review Research. 4, 3, 033124. Abstract
A moving dielectric medium can displace the optical path of light passing through it, a phenomenon known as the Fresnel-Fizeau optical drag effect. The resulting displacement is proportional to the medium's velocity. In this paper, we report on the observation of an anomalous optical drag effect, where the displacement is still proportional to the medium's speed but along the direction opposite to the medium's movement. We conduct an optical drag experiment under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency and observe the transition from normal, to null, to anomalous optical drag by modification of the two-photon detuning.
81.(2022) Nature Physics. 18, 5, p. 506-510 Abstract
Nuclear spins of noble gases can maintain coherence for hours at ambient conditions because they are isolated by complete electron shells1. This isolation, however, impedes the ability to manipulate and control them by optical means or by coupling to other spin gases24. Here we achieve strong coherent coupling between noble-gas spins and the optically accessible spins of an alkali-metal vapour. The coupling emerges from the coherent accumulation of stochastic spin-exchange collisions. We obtain a coupling strength ten times higher than the decay rate, observe the coherent and periodic exchange of spin excitations between the two gases and demonstrate active control over the coupling by an external magnetic field. This approach could be developed into a fast and efficient interface for noble-gas spins, enabling applications in quantum sensing and information5,6.
80.(2022) Physical Review A. 105, 4, 042606. Abstract
Optical quantum memories, which store and preserve the quantum state of photons, rely on a coherent mapping of the photonic state onto matter states that are optically accessible. Here we outline and characterize schemes to map the state of photons onto long-lived but optically inaccessible collective states of noble-gas spins. The mapping employs coherent spin-exchange interaction arising from random collisions with alkali vapor. We propose efficient storage strategies in two operating regimes and analyze their performance for several proposed experimental configurations.
79.(2022) PRX Quantum. 3, 1, 010305. Abstract
An ensemble of noble-gas nuclear spins is a unique quantum system that could maintain coherence for many hours at room temperature and above, owing to exceptional isolation from the environment. This isolation, however, is a mixed blessing, limiting the ability of these ensembles to interface with other quantum systems coherently. Here we show that spin-exchange collisions with alkali-metal atoms render a quantum interface for noble-gas spins without impeding their long coherence times. We formulate the many-body theory of the hybrid system and reveal a collective mechanism that strongly couples the macroscopic quantum states of the two spin ensembles. Despite their stochastic and random nature, weak collisions enable entanglement and reversible exchange of nonclassical excitations in an efficient, controllable, and deterministic process. With recent experiments now entering the strong-coupling regime, this interface paves the way toward realizing hour-long quantum memories and entanglement at room temperature.
78.(2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 118, 43, e210640011. Abstract
Phase transitions are emergent phenomena where microscopic interactions drive a disordered system into a collectively ordered phase. Near the boundary between two phases, the system can exhibit critical, scale-invariant behavior. Here, we report on a second-order phase transition accompanied by critical behavior in a system of warm cesium spins driven by linearly-polarized light. The ordered phase exhibits macroscopic magnetization when the interactions between the spins become dominant. We measure the phase diagram of the system and observe the collective behavior near the phase boundaries, including power-law dependence of the magnetization and divergence of the susceptibility. Out of equilibrium, we observe a critical slow-down of the spin response time by two orders of magnitude, exceeding five seconds near the phase boundary. This work establishes a controlled platform for investigating equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of magnetic phases.
77.(2021) Abstract
We propose a novel principle of operating heat machines in a fully unitary (coherent) fashion by mixing few hot and cold thermal field modes in nonlinear interferometers. Such devices, specifically, interferometers containing Kerr-nonlinear intermode cross-couplers, are shown to enable autonomous concentration of the energy predominantly in a desired output mode, at the expense of the other modes. Their phase-coherent operation is reversible and it is approximately reversible even if intermode entanglement is neglected. Such few-mode coherent heat machines radically depart from the existing thermodynamic paradigm which treats heat machines as open systems dissipated by heat baths.
76.(2021) New Journal of Physics. 23, 073050. Abstract
Narrowband single photons that couple well to atomic ensembles could prove essential for future quantum networks, but the efficient generation of such photons remains an outstanding challenge. We realize a spatially-multiplexed heralded source of single photons that are inherently compatible with the commonly employed D2 line of rubidium. Our source is based on four-wave mixing in hot rubidium vapor, requiring no laser cooling or optical cavities, and generates single photons with high rate and low noise. We use Hong-Ou-Mandel interference to verify the indistinguishability of the photons generated in two different (multiplexed) channels. We further demonstrate a five-fold tunability of the photons' temporal width. The experimental results are well reproduced by a theoretical model.
75.(2021) 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings. AbstractBoosting photonic quantum computation with moderate nonlinearity
We present a new pathway towards fault-tolerant photonic quantum computing by using moderate nonlinearity to improve elementary computation operations. This improvement can lead to a three orders-of-magnitude reduction of the resource overhead in large-scale computations.
74.(2021) Physical Review Applied. 15, 5, 054054. Abstract
Photonic measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) is a promising route towards fault-tolerant universal quantum computing. A central challenge in this effort is the huge overhead in the resources required for the construction of large photonic clusters using probabilistic linear-optics gates. Although strong single-photon nonlinearity ideally enables deterministic construction of such clusters, it is challenging to realise in a scalable way. Here we explore the prospects of using moderate nonlinearity (with conditional phase shifts smaller than π ) to boost photonic quantum computing and significantly reduce its resources overhead. The key element in our scheme is a nonlinear router that preferentially directs photonic wavepackets to different output ports depending on their intensity. As a relevant example, we analyze the nonlinearity provided by Rydberg blockade in atomic ensembles, in which the trade-off between the nonlinearity and the accompanying loss is well understood. We present protocols for efficient Bell measurement and GHZ-state preparationboth key elements in the construction of cluster states, as well as for the cnot gate and quantum factorization. Given the large number of entangling operations involved in fault-tolerant MBQC, the increase in success probability provided by our protocols already at moderate nonlinearities can result in a significant reduction in the required resources.
73.(2021) Science advances. 7, 14, eabe9164. Abstract
Nuclear spins of noble gases feature extremely long coherence times but are inaccessible to optical photons. Here, we realize a coherent interface between light and noble-gas spins that is mediated by alkali atoms. We demonstrate the optical excitation of the noble-gas spins and observe the coherent back action on the light in the form of high-contrast two-photon spectra. We report on a record two-photon linewidth of 5 ± 0.7 mHz above room temperature, corresponding to a 1-min coherence time. This experiment provides a demonstration of coherent bidirectional coupling between light and noble-gas spins, rendering their long-lived spin coherence accessible for manipulations in the optical domain.
72.(2021) Optica. 8, 2, p. 208-215 Abstract[All authors]
We fabricate an extremely thin optical fiber that supports a super-extended mode with a diameter as large as 13 times the optical wavelength, residing almost entirely outside the fiber and guided over thousands of wavelengths (5 mm), in order to couple guided light to warm atomic vapor. This unique configuration balances between strong confinement, as evident by saturation powers as low as tens of nW, and long interaction times with the thermal atoms, thereby enabling fast and coherent interactions. We demonstrate narrow coherent resonances (tens of MHz) of electromagnetically induced transparency for signals at the single-photon level and long relaxation times (10 ns) of atoms excited by the guided mode. The dimensions of the guided mode's evanescent field are compatible with the Rydberg blockade mechanism, making this platform particularly suitable for observing quantum non-linear optics phenomena.
71.(2021) Physical Review X. 11, 1, 011008. Abstract
We introduce and demonstrate a scheme for eliminating the inhomogeneous dephasing of a collective quantum state. The scheme employs off-resonant fields that continuously dress the collective state with an auxiliary sensor state, which has an enhanced and opposite sensitivity to the same source of inhomogeneity. We derive the optimal conditions under which the dressed state is fully protected from dephasing when using either one or two dressing fields. The latter provides better protection, circumvents qubit phase rotation, and suppresses the sensitivity to drive noise. We further derive expressions for all residual, higher-order sensitivities. We experimentally study the scheme by protecting a collective excitation of an atomic ensemble, where inhomogeneous dephasing originates from thermal motion. Using photon storage and retrieval, we demonstrate complete suppression of inhomogeneous dephasing and, consequently, a prolonged memory time. Our scheme may be applied to eliminate motional dephasing in other systems, improving the performance of quantum gates and memorieswith neutral atoms. It is also generally applicable to various gas, solid, and engineered systems, where sensitivity to variations in time, space, or other domains limits possible scale-up of the system.
70.(2020) Science Advances. 6, 45, eabd0650. Abstract
The periodicity inherent to any interferometric signal entails a fundamental trade-off between sensitivity and dynamic range of interferometry-based sensors. Here, we develop a methodology for substantially extending the dynamic range of such sensors without compromising their sensitivity, stability, and bandwidth. The scheme is based on simultaneous operation of two nearly identical interferometers, providing a moiré-like period much larger than 2π and benefiting from close-to-maximal sensitivity and from suppression of common-mode noise. The methodology is highly suited to atom interferometers, which offer record sensitivities in measuring gravito-inertial forces but suffer from limited dynamic range. We experimentally demonstrate an atom interferometer with a dynamic-range enhancement of more than an order of magnitude in a single shot and more than three orders of magnitude within a few shots for both static and dynamic signals. This approach can considerably improve the operation of interferometric sensors in challenging, uncertain, or rapidly varying conditions.
69.(2020) Optics Express. 28, 22, p. 32738-32749 Abstract
We describe a fiber Raman amplifier for nanosecond and sub-nanosecond pulses centered around 1260 nm. The amplification takes place inside a 4.5-m-long polarizationmaintaining phosphorus-doped fiber, pumped at 1080 nm by 3-ns-long pulses with a repetition rate of 200 kHz and up to 1.75 kWpeak power. The input seed pulses are of sub-mW peak-power and minimal duration of 0.25 ns, carved out of a continuous-wave laser with sub-MHz linewidth. We obtain linearly polarized output pulses with peak powers of up to 1.4 kW, corresponding to peak-power conversion efficiency of over 80%. An ultrahigh small signal gain of 90 dB is achieved, and the signal-to-noise ratio 3 dB below the saturation power is above 20 dB. No significant temporal and spectral broadening is observed for output pulses up to 400 W peak power, and broadening at higher powers can be reduced by phase modulation of the seed pulse. Thus, nearly-transform-limited pulses with peak power up to 1 kW are obtained. Finally, we demonstrate the generation of pulses with controllable frequency chirp, pulses with variable width, and double pulses. This amplifier is thus suitable for coherent control of narrow atomic resonances, especially for the fast and coherent excitation of rubidium atoms to Rydberg states. These abilities open the way towards several important applications in quantum non-linear optics.
68.(2020) Optics Express. 28, 22, p. 33708-33717 Abstract
Bessel beams are renowned members of a wide family of non-diffracting (propagationinvariant) fields. We report on experiments showing that non-diffracting fields are also immune to diffusion. We map the phase and magnitude of structured laser fields onto the spatial coherence between two internal states of warm atoms undergoing diffusion. We measure the field after a controllable, effective, diffusion time by continuously generating light from the spatial coherence. The coherent diffusion of Bessel-Gaussian fields and more intricate, non-diffracting fields is quantitatively analyzed and directly compared to that of diffracting fields. To elucidate the origin of diffusion invariance, we show results for non-diffracting fields whose phase pattern we flatten.
67.(2020) Physical Review A. 102, 1, 013326. Abstract
Point-source atom interferometry is a promising approach for implementing robust, high-sensitivity, rotation sensors using cold atoms. However, its scale factor, i.e., the ratio between the interferometer signal and the actual rotation rate, depends on the initial conditions of the atomic cloud, which may drift in time and result in bias instability, particularly in compact devices with short interrogation times. We present two methods to stabilize the scale factor. One relies on a model-based correction which exploits correlations between multiple features of the interferometer output and works on a single-shot basis. The other is a self-calibrating method where a known bias rotation is applied to every other measurement, requiring no prior knowledge of the underlying model but reducing the sensor bandwidth by a factor of two. We demonstrate both schemes experimentally with complete suppression of scale-factor drifts, maintaining the original rotation sensitivity and allowing for bias-free operation over several hours.
66.(2020) arXiv. AbstractOptical quantum memory with optically inaccessible noble-gas spins
Optical quantum memories, which store and preserve the quantum state of photons, rely on a coherent mapping of the photonic state onto matter states that are optically accessible. Here we outline a new physical mechanism to map the state of photons onto the long-lived but optically inaccessible collective state of noble-gas spins. The mapping employs the coherent spin-exchange interaction arising from random collisions with alkali vapor. We analyze optimal strategies for high-efficiency storage and retrieval of non-classical light at various parameter regimes. Based on these strategies, we identify feasible experimental conditions for realizing efficient quantum memories with noble-gas spins having hours-long coherence times at room temperature and above
65.(2020) arXiv. AbstractOptimal control of an optical quantum memory based on noble-gas spins
In Ref. [Katz et al., arXiv:2007.08770 (2020)], we present a mechanism and optimal procedures for mapping the quantum state of photons onto an optically inaccessible macroscopic state of noble-gas spins, which functions as a quantum memory. Here we introduce and analyze a detailed model of the memory operation. We derive the equations of motion for storage and retrieval of non-classical light and design optimal control strategies. The detailed model accounts for quantum noise and for thermal atomic motion, including the effects of optical mode structure and imperfect anti-relaxation wall coating. We conclude with proposals of practical experimental configurations of the memory, with lifetimes ranging from seconds to hours.
64.(2020) Optics Letters. 45, 13, p. 3431-3434 Abstract
The Fresnel-Fizeau effect of transverse drag, in which the trajectory of a light beam changes due to transverse motion of the optical medium, is usually extremely small and hard to detect. We observe transverse drag in a moving hot-vapor cell, utilizing slow light due to electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The drag effect is enhanced by a factor 400,000, corresponding to the ratio between the light speed in vacuum and the group velocity under the EIT conditions. We study the contribution of the thermal atomic motion, which is much faster than the mean medium velocity, and identify the regime where its effect on the transverse drag is negligible.
63.(2020) Physical Review A. 102, 1, 012822. Abstract
Ensembles of alkali-metal or noble-gas atoms at room temperature and above are widely applied in quantum optics and metrology owing to their long-lived spins. Their collective spin states maintain nonclassical nonlocal correlations, despite the atomic thermal motion in the bulk and at the boundaries. Here we present a stochastic, fully quantum description of the effect of atomic diffusion in these systems. We employ the Bloch-Heisenberg-Langevin formalism to account for the quantum noise originating from diffusion and from various boundary conditions corresponding to typical wall coatings, thus modeling the dynamics of nonclassical spin states with spatial interatomic correlations. As examples, we apply the model to calculate spin noise spectroscopy, temporal relaxation of squeezed spin states, and the coherent coupling between two spin species in a hybrid system.
62.(2020) Physical Review Applied. 13, 5, 054053. Abstract
Atom interferometers offer excellent sensitivity to gravitational and inertial signals but have limited dynamic range. We introduce a scheme that improves this trade-off by a factor of 50 using composite fringes, obtained from sets of measurements with slightly varying interrogation times, as in a moire effect. We analyze analytically the performance gain in this approach and the trade-offs it entails between sensitivity, dynamic range, and bandwidth, and we experimentally validate the analysis over a wide range of parameters. Combining composite-fringe measurements with a particle-filter estimation protocol, we demonstrate continuous tracking of a rapidly varying signal over a span 2 orders of magnitude larger than the dynamic range of a traditional atom interferometer.
61.(2020) arXiv. 2004.02295. AbstractOptical protection of a collective state from inhomogeneous dephasing
We introduce and demonstrate a scheme for eliminating the inhomogeneous dephasing of a collective quantum state. The scheme employs off-resonant optical fields that dress the collective state with an auxiliary sensor state, which has an enhanced and opposite sensitivity to the same source of inhomogeneity. We derive the optimal conditions under which the dressed state is fully protected from dephasing, when using either one or two dressing fields. The latter provides better protection, prevents global phase rotation, and suppresses the sensitivity to drive noise. We further provide expressions for all residual, higher-order, sensitivities. We experimentally study the scheme by protecting a collective excitation of an atomic ensemble, where inhomogeneous dephasing originates from thermal motion. Using photon storage and retrieval, we demonstrate complete suppression of inhomogeneous dephasing and consequently a prolonged memory time. Our scheme may be applied to eliminate motional dephasing in other systems, improving the performance of quantum gates and memories with neutral atoms. It is also generally applicable to various gas, solid, and engineered systems, where sensitivity to variations in time, space, or other domains limits possible scale-up of the system.
60.(2020) Physical Review Letters. 124, 4, 043602. Abstract
Nuclear spins of noble-gas atoms are exceptionally isolated from the environment and can maintain their quantum properties for hours at room temperature. Here we develop a mechanism for entangling two such distant macroscopic ensembles by using coherent light input. The interaction between the light and the noble-gas spins in each ensemble is mediated by spin-exchange collisions with alkali-metal spins, which are only virtually excited. The relevant conditions for experimental realizations with He3 or Xe129 are outlined.
59.(2019) New Journal of Physics. 21, 10, 103024. Abstract
Doppler broadening in thermal ensembles degrades the absorption cross-section and the coherence time of collective excitations. In two photon transitions, it is common to assume that this problem becomes worse with larger wavelength mismatch. Here we identify an opposite mechanism, where such wavelength mismatch leads to cancellation of Doppler broadening via the counteracting effects of velocity-dependent light-shifts and Doppler shifts. We show that this effect is general, common to both absorption and transparency resonances, and favorably scales with wavelength mismatch. We experimentally confirm the enhancement of transitions for different low-lying orbitals in rubidium atoms and use calculations to extrapolate to high-lying Rydberg orbitals. These calculations predict a dramatic enhancement of up to 20-fold increase in absorption, even in the presence of large homogeneous broadening. More general configurations, where an auxiliary dressing field is used to counteract Doppler broadening, are also discussed and experimentally demonstrated. The mechanism we study can be applied as well for rephasing of spin waves and increasing the coherence time of quantum memories.
58.(2019) Physical Review Letters. 123, 17, 173203. Abstract
The resonant absorption of light by an ensemble of absorbers decreases when the resonance is in homogeneously broadened. Recovering the lost absorption cross section is of great importance for various applications of light-matter interactions, particularly in quantum optics, but no recovery mechanism has yet been identified and successfully demonstrated. Here, we formulate the limit set by the inhomogeneity on the absorption, and present a mechanism able to circumvent this limit and fully recover the homogeneous absorption of the ensemble. We experimentally study this mechanism using two different level schemes in atomic vapors and demonstrate up to fivefold enhancement of the absorption above the inhomogeneous limit. Our scheme relies on light shifts induced by auxiliary fields and is thus applicable to various physical systems and inhomogeneity mechanisms.
57.(2019) Optica. 6, 11, p. 1406-1411 Abstract
Partially coherent fields are abundant in many physical systems. While the propagation of partially coherent light undergoing diffraction is well understood, its evolution in the presence of coherent diffusion (i.e., diffusion of complex fields) remains largely unknown. Here we develop an analytic model describing the diffusion of partially coherent beams and study it experimentally. Our model is based on a diffusion analog of the famous Van CittertZernike theorem. Experimentally, we use a four-wave mixing scheme with electromagnetically induced transparency to couple optical speckle patterns to diffusing atoms in a warm vapor. The spatial coherence properties of the speckle fields are monitored under diffusion and are compared to our model and to the familiar evolution of spatial coherence of light speckles under diffraction. We identify several important differences between the evolution dynamics of the spatial coherence under diffraction and diffusion. Our findings shed light on the propagation of partially coherent fields in media where multiple scattering or thermal motion lead to coherent diffusion.
56.(2019) Physical Review A. 100, 2, 023617. Abstract
We present techniques for inertial-sensing atom interferometers which produce multiple phase measurements per experimental cycle. With these techniques, we realize two types of multiport measurements, namely, quadrature phase detection and real-time systematic phase cancellation, which address challenges in operating high-sensitivity cold-atom sensors in mobile and field applications. We confirm experimentally the increase in sensitivity due to quadrature phase detection in the presence of large phase uncertainty, and demonstrate suppression of systematic phases on a single-shot basis.
55.(2019) Communications Physics. 2, 1, 58. Abstract
Optical pumping is an efficient method for initializing and maintaining atomic spin ensembles in a well-defined quantum spin state. Standard optical pumping methods orient the spins by transferring photonic angular momentum to spin polarization. Generally the spins are oriented along the propagation direction of the light due to selection rules of the dipole interaction. Here we present and experimentally demonstrate that by modulating the light polarization, angular momentum perpendicular to the optical axis can be transferred efficiently to cesium vapor. The transverse pumping scheme employs transversely oriented dark states, allowing for control of the trajectory of the spins on the Bloch sphere. This new mechanism is suitable and potentially beneficial for diverse applications, particularly in quantum metrology.
54.(2019) arXiv. 1905.12532. AbstractQuantum interface for noble-gas spins
An ensemble of noble-gas nuclear spins is a unique quantum system that could maintain coherence for many hours at room temperature and above, owing to exceptional isolation from the environment. This isolation, however, is a mixed blessing, limiting the ability of these ensembles to coherently interface with other quantum systems. Here we show that spin-exchange collisions with alkali-metal atoms render a quantum interface for noble-gas spins without impeding their long coherence times. We formulate the many-body theory of the hybrid system and reveal a collective mechanism that strongly couples the macroscopic quantum states of the two spin ensembles. Despite their stochastic and random nature, weak collisions enable entanglement and reversible exchange of nonclassical excitations in an efficient, controllable, and deterministic process. We outline feasible parameters for reaching the strong-coupling regime, paving the way towards an experimental realization of hour-long quantum memories and entanglement at room-temperature.
53.(2018) 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP 2018. Abstract
Future quantum photonic networks require coherent optical memories for synchronizing quantum sources and gates of probabilistic nature. Room temperature operation is also desirable for ease of scaling up. Until now, however, room-temperature atomic memories have suffered from an intrinsic read-out noise due to spontaneous four-wave-mixing. Here we demonstrate a new scheme for storing photons at room temperature, the fast ladder memory (FLAME). In this scheme, stimulated two-photon absorption is used instead of the previously used stimulated Raman scattering. As here the competing spontaneous processes would require spontaneous absorption of an optical photon, rather than emission, the noise is greatly suppressed. Furthermore, high external efficiency can be achieved as the control is well separated in frequency from the signal, and could be filtered out using highly efficient interference filters. We run the protocol in rubidium vapour, both on and off single-photon resonance, demonstrating a ratio of 50 between storage time and signal pulse width, an external total efficiency of over 25%, and only 2.3 × 10 -4 noise photons per extracted signal photon. This paves the way towards the efficient synchronization of probabilistic gates and sources at room temperature, and the controlled production of large quantum states of light.
52.(2018) 2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). Jaworski M. & Marciniak M.(eds.). (trueInternational Conference on Transparent Optical Networks-ICTON). Abstract
Future quantum photonic networks require coherent optical memories for synchronizing quantum sources and gates of probabilistic nature. Room temperature operation is also desirable for ease of scaling up. Until now, however, room-temperature atomic memories have suffered from an intrinsic read-out noise due to spontaneous four-wave-mixing. Here we demonstrate a new scheme for storing photons at room temperature, the fast ladder memory (FLAME). In this scheme, stimulated two-photon absorption is used instead of the previously used stimulated Raman scattering. As here the competing spontaneous processes would require spontaneous absorption of an optical photon, rather than emission, the noise is greatly suppressed. Furthermore, high external efficiency can be achieved as the control is well separated in frequency from the signal, and could be filtered out using highly efficient interference filters. We run the protocol in rubidium vapour, both on and off single-photon resonance, demonstrating a ratio of 50 between storage time and signal pulse width, an external total efficiency of over 25%, and only 2.3x10(-4) noise photons per extracted signal photon. This paves the way towards the efficient synchronization of probabilistic gates and sources at room temperature, and the controlled production of large quantum states of light.
51.(2018) Physical Review A. 98, 1, 012712. Abstract
The spins of gaseous alkali-metal atoms are commonly assumed to oscillate at a constant hyperfine frequency, which for many years has been used to define a standard unit of time, the second. Indeed, under standard experimental conditions, the spins oscillate independently, only weakly perturbed and slowly decaying due to random spin-spin collisions. Here we consider a different, unexplored regime of very dense gas, where collisions, more frequent than the hyperfine frequency, dominate the dynamics. We find that the hyperfine oscillations become significantly longer lived, and their frequency becomes dependent on the state of the ensemble, manifesting strong nonlinear dynamics. We reveal that the nonlinearity originates from a many-body interaction which synchronizes the electronic spins, driving them into a single collective mode. The conditions for experimental realizations of this regime are outlined.
50.(2018) Nature Communications. 9, 2074. Abstract
Light storage, the controlled and reversible mapping of photons onto long-lived states of matter, enables memory capability in optical quantum networks. Prominent storage media are warm alkali vapors due to their strong optical coupling and long-lived spin states. In a dense gas, the random atomic collisions dominate the lifetime of the spin coherence, limiting the storage time to a few milliseconds. Here we present and experimentally demonstrate a storage scheme that is insensitive to spin-exchange collisions, thus enabling long storage times at high atomic densities. This unique property is achieved by mapping the light field onto spin orientation within a decoherence-free subspace of spin states. We report on a record storage time of 1 s in room-temperature cesium vapor, a 100-fold improvement over existing storage schemes. Furthermore, our scheme lays the foundations for hour-long quantum memories using rare-gas nuclear spins.
49.(2018) Science advances. 4, 1, eaap8598. Abstract
Future quantum photonic networks require coherent opticalmemories for synchronizing quantum sources and gates of probabilistic nature. We demonstrate a fast ladder memory (FLAME) mapping the optical field onto the superposition between electronic orbitals of rubidium vapor. Using a ladder-level system of orbital transitions with nearly degenerate frequencies simultaneously enables high bandwidth, low noise, and long memory lifetime. We store and retrieve 1.7-ns-long pulses, containing 0.5 photons on average, and observe short-time external efficiency of 25%, memory lifetime (1/e) of 86 ns, and below 10(-4) added noise photons. Consequently, coupling this memory to a probabilistic source would enhance the on-demand photon generation probability by a factor of 12, the highest number yet reported for a noise-free, room temperature memory. This paves the way toward the controlled production of large quantum states of light from probabilistic photon sources.
48.(2018) Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVI. Deacon K. S., Meyers R. E. & Shih Y.(eds.). Abstract
Future quantum photonic networks require coherent optical memories, preferably operating at room temperature, for synchronizing quantum sources and gates of probabilistic nature. Until now, however, room-temperature atomic memories have suffered from an intrinsic read-out noise. Here we demonstrate a fast ladder memory (FLAME) mapping the optical field onto the superposition between electronic orbitals of rubidium vapor. Employing a ladder level-system of orbital transitions with nearly degenerate frequencies simultaneously enables high bandwidth, low noise, and long memory lifetime. We store and retrieve 1.7-ns-long pulses, containing 0.5 photons on average, and observe short-time external efficiency of 25%, memory lifetime (1/e) of 86 ns, and below 10 -4 added noise photons. Consequently, coupling this memory to a probabilistic source would enhance the on-demand photon generation probability by a factor of 12, the highest number yet reported for a noise-free, room-temperature memory. This paves the way towards the controlled production of large quantum states of light from probabilistic photon sources.
47.(2017) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 50, 21, 215003. Abstract
We use a four-wave mixing process to read-out light from atomic coherence which is continuously written. The light is continuously generated after an effective delay, allowing the atomic coherence to evolve during the process. Contrary to slow-light delay, which depends on the medium optical depth, here the generation delay is determined solely by the intensive properties of the system, approaching the atomic coherence lifetime at the weak driving limit. The atomic evolution during the generation delay is further manifested in the spatial profile of the generated light due to atomic diffusion. Continuous generation of light with a long intrinsic delay can replace discrete write-read procedures when the atomic evolution is the subject of interest.
46.(2017) Physical review letters. 119, 11, 113601. Abstract
Effective cavities can be optically induced in atomic media and employed to strengthen optical nonlinearities. Here we study the integration of induced cavities with a photonic quantum gate based on Rydberg blockade. Accounting for loss in the atomic medium, we calculate the corresponding finesse and gate infidelity. Our analysis shows that the conventional limits imposed by the blockade optical depth are mitigated by the induced cavity in long media, thus establishing the total optical depth of the medium as a complementary resource.
45.(2017) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 50, 13, 133001. Abstract
The strong interaction between individual Rydberg atoms provides a powerful tool exploited in an ever-growing range of applications in quantum information science, quantum simulation and ultracold chemistry. One hallmark of the Rydberg interaction is that both its strength and angular dependence can be fine-tuned with great flexibility by choosing appropriate Rydberg states and applying external electric and magnetic fields. More and more experiments are probing this interaction at short atomic distances or with such high precision that perturbative calculations as well as restrictions to the leading dipole-dipole interaction term are no longer sufficient. In this tutorial, we review all relevant aspects of the full calculation of Rydberg interaction potentials. We discuss the derivation of the interaction Hamiltonian from the electrostatic multipole expansion, numerical and analytical methods for calculating the required electric multipole moments and the inclusion of electromagnetic fields with arbitrary direction. We focus specifically on symmetry arguments and selection rules, which greatly reduce the size of the Hamiltonian matrix, enabling the direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian up to higher multipole orders on a desktop computer. Finally, we present example calculations showing the relevance of the full interaction calculation to current experiments. Our software for calculating Rydberg potentials including all features discussed in this tutorial is available as open source.
44.(2017) Reviews of Modern Physics. 89, 2, 021001. Abstract
Photon-photon scattering in vacuum is extremely weak. However, strong effective interactions between single photons can be realized by employing strong light-matter coupling. These interactions are a fundamental building block for quantum optics, bringing many-body physics to the photonic world and providing important resources for quantum photonic devices and for optical metrology. This Colloquium reviews the physics of strongly interacting photons in one-dimensional systems with no optical confinement along the propagation direction. It focuses on two recently demonstrated experimental realizations: superconducting qubits coupled to open transmission lines and interacting Rydberg atoms in a cold gas. Advancements in the theoretical understanding of these systems are presented in complementary formalisms and compared to experimental results. The experimental achievements are summarized alongside a description of the quantum optical effects and quantum devices emerging from them.
43.(2016) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 49, 15, 152003. Abstract
By mapping the strong interaction between Rydberg excitations in ultra-cold atomic ensembles onto single photons via electromagnetically induced transparency, it is now possible to realize a medium which exhibits a strong optical nonlinearity at the level of individual photons. We review the theoretical concepts and the experimental state-of-the-art of this exciting new field, and discuss first applications in the field of all-optical quantum information processing.
42.(2015) Physical Review Letters. 115, 11, 113003. Abstract
Random spin-exchange collisions in warm alkali vapor cause rapid decoherence and act to equilibrate the spin state of the atoms in the vapor. In contrast, here we demonstrate experimentally and theoretically a coherent coupling of one alkali species to another species, mediated by these random collisions. We show that the minor species (potassium) inherits the magnetic properties of the dominant species (rubidium), including its lifetime (T1),coherence time (T2), gyromagnetic ratio, and spin-exchange relaxation-free magnetic-field threshold. We further show that this coupling can be completely controlled by varying the strength of the magnetic field. Finally, we explain these phenomena analytically by mode mixing of the two species via spin-exchange collisions.
41.(2015) Physical Review Letters. 115, 12, 123601. Abstract
We show that two photons coupled to Rydberg states via electromagnetically induced transparency can interact via an effective Coulomb potential. This interaction gives rise to a continuum of two-body bound states. Within the continuum, metastable bound states are distinguished in analogy with quasibound states tunneling through a potential barrier. We find multiple branches of metastable bound states whose energy spectrum is governed by the Coulomb potential, thus obtaining a photonic analogue of the hydrogen atom. Under certain conditions, the wave function resembles that of a diatomic molecule in which the two polaritons are separated by a finite \u201cbond length.\u201d These states propagate with a negative group velocity in the medium, allowing for a simple preparation and detection scheme, before they slowly decay to pairs of bound Rydberg atoms.
40.(2015) Physical Review A. 91, 3, 033838. Abstract
We propose a scheme for realizing fractional quantum Hall states of light. In our scheme, photons of two polarizations are coupled to different atomic Rydberg states to form two flavors of Rydberg polaritons that behave as an effective spin. An array of optical cavity modes overlapping with the atomic cloud enables the realization of an effective spin-1/2 lattice. We show that the dipolar interaction between such polaritons, inherited from the Rydberg states, can be exploited to create a flat, topological band for a single spin-flip excitation. At half filling, this gives rise to a photonic (or polaritonic) fractional Chern insulator - a lattice-based, fractional quantum Hall state of light.
39.(2015) Optics Express. 23, 5, p. 6379-6391 Abstract
We suggest a scheme to manipulate paraxial diffraction by utilizing the dependency of a four-wave mixing process on the relative angle between the light fields. A microscopic model for four-wave mixing in a.-type level structure is introduced and compared to recent experimental data. We show that images with feature size as low as 10 mu m can propagate with very little or even negative diffraction. The mechanism is completely different from that conserving the shape of spatial solitons in nonlinear media, as here diffraction is suppressed for arbitrary spatial profiles. At the same time, the gain inherent to the nonlinear process prevents loss and allows for operating at high optical depths. Our scheme does not rely on atomic motion and is thus applicable to both gaseous and solid media.
38.(2014) Physical Review A. 90, 5, 053804. Abstract
We provide a theoretical framework describing slow-light polaritons interacting via atomic Rydberg states. The method allows us to analytically derive the scattering properties of two polaritons. We identify parameter regimes where polariton-polariton interactions are repulsive. Furthermore, in the regime of attractive interactions, we identify multiple two-polariton bound states, calculate their dispersion, and study the resulting scattering resonances. Finally, the two-particle scattering properties allow us to derive the effective low-energy many-body Hamiltonian. This theoretical platform is applicable to ongoing experiments.
37.(2014) CLEO. Abstract
Standard nonlinear optical materials exhibit negligible nonlinearity at the level of individual photons. We discuss two methods to generate strong photon-photon interactions using either atom-cavity coupling, or strong interactions between atoms in Rydberg states. In particular, we have demonstrated an all-optical transistor gated by one stored photon, and a bound state of two photons.
36.(2013) Optics and Photonics News. 24, 12, p. 48-48 Abstract
Quantum-optics researchers have been trying to achieve strong interactions between individual photons for decades.1 These interactions constitute a fundamental tool toward the ultimate control of light fields "quantum by quantum."
35.(2013) Nature. 502, 7469, p. 71-+ Abstract
The fundamental properties of light derive from its constituent particles-massless quanta (photons) that do not interact with one another(1). However, it has long been known that the realization of coherent interactions between individual photons, akin to those associated with conventional massive particles, could enable a wide variety of novel scientific and engineering applications(2,3). Here we demonstrate a quantum nonlinear medium inside which individual photons travel as massive particles with strong mutual attraction, such that the propagation of photon pairs is dominated by a two-photon bound state(4-7). We achieve this through dispersive coupling of light to strongly interacting atoms in highly excited Rydberg states. We measure the dynamical evolution of the two-photon wave-function using time-resolved quantum state tomography, and demonstrate a conditional phase shift(8) exceeding one radian, resulting in polarization-entangled photon pairs. Particular applications of this technique include all-optical switching, deterministic photonic quantum logic and the generation of strongly correlated states of light(9).
34.(2013) Reviews of Modern Physics. 85, 3, p. 941-960 Abstract
Coherent diffusion pertains to the motion of atomic dipoles experiencing frequent collisions in vapor while maintaining their coherence. Recent theoretical and experimental studies on the effect of coherent diffusion on key Raman processes, namely, Raman spectroscopy, slow polariton propagation, and stored light, are reviewed in this Colloquium.
33.(2013) Optics Letters. 38, 8, p. 1203-1205 Abstract
The close relation between the processes of paraxial diffraction and coherent diffusion is reflected in the similarity between their shape-preserving solutions, notably the Gaussian modes. Differences between these solutions enter only for high-order modes. Here we experimentally study the behavior of shape-preserving high-order modes of coherent diffusion, known as "elegant" modes, and contrast them with the nonshape-preserving evolution of the corresponding "standard" modes of optical diffraction. Diffusion of the light field is obtained by mapping it onto the atomic coherence field of a diffusing vapor in a storage-of-light setup. The growth of the elegant mode fits well the theoretical expectations.
32.(2013) Nature (London). 502, p. 71-75 Abstract
The fundamental properties of light derive from its constituent particles—massless quanta (photons) that do not interact with one another. However, it has long been known that the realization of coherent interactions between individual photons, akin to those associated with conventional massive particles, could enable a wide variety of novel scientific and engineering applications. Here we demonstrate a quantum nonlinear medium inside which individual photons travel as massive particles with strong mutual attraction, such that the propagation of photon pairs is dominated by a two-photon bound state. We achieve this through dispersive coupling of light to strongly interacting atoms in highly excited Rydberg states. We measure the dynamical evolution of the two-photon wavefunction using time-resolved quantum state tomography, and demonstrate a conditional phase shift exceeding one radian, resulting in polarization-entangled photon pairs. Particular applications of this technique include all-optical switching, deterministic photonic quantum logic and the generation of strongly correlated states of light.
31.(2012) Nature. 488, 7409, p. 57-60 Abstract
The realization of strong nonlinear interactions between individual light quanta (photons) is a long-standing goal in optical science and engineering, being of both fundamental and technological significance. In conventional optical materials, the nonlinearity at light powers corresponding to single photons is negligibly weak. Here we demonstrate a medium that is nonlinear at the level of individual quanta, exhibiting strong absorption of photon pairs while remaining transparent to single photons. The quantum nonlinearity is obtained by coherently coupling slowly propagating photons to strongly interacting atomic Rydberg states in a cold, dense atomic gas. Our approach paves the way for quantum-by-quantum control of light fields, including single-photon switching, all-optical deterministic quantum logic and the realization of strongly correlated many-body states of light.
30.(2012) Nature (London). 488, p. 57-60 Abstract
The realization of strong nonlinear interactions between individual light quanta (photons) is a long-standing goal in optical science and engineering, being of both fundamental and technological significance. In conventional optical materials, the nonlinearity at light powers corresponding to single photons is negligibly weak. Here we demonstrate a medium that is nonlinear at the level of individual quanta, exhibiting strong absorption of photon pairs while remaining transparent to single photons. The quantum nonlinearity is obtained by coherently coupling slowly propagating photons to strongly interacting atomic Rydberg states in a cold, dense atomic gas. Our approach paves the way for quantum-by-quantum control of light fields, including single-photon switching, all-optical deterministic quantum logic and the realization of strongly correlated many-body states of light.
29.(2011) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 83, 5, 053812. Abstract
We describe the effect of thermal motion and buffer-gas collisions on a four-level closed N system interacting with strong pump(s) and a weak probe. This is the simplest system that experiences electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) due to transfer of coherence via spontaneous emission from the excited state to the ground state. We investigate the influence of Doppler broadening, velocity-changing collisions (VCC), and phase-changing collisions (PCC) with a buffer gas on the EIA spectrum of optically active atoms. In addition to exact expressions, we present an approximate solution for the probe absorption spectrum, which provides physical insight into the behavior of the EIA peak due to VCC, PCC, and the wave-vector difference between the pump and probe beams. VCC are shown to produce a wide pedestal at the base of the EIA peak, which is scarcely affected by the pump-probe angular deviation, whereas the sharp central EIA peak becomes weaker and broader due to the residual Doppler-Dicke effect. Using diffusionlike equations for the atomic coherences and populations, we construct a spatial-frequency filter for a spatially structured probe beam and show that Ramsey narrowing of the EIA peak is obtained for beams of finite width.
28.(2011) in "The angular momentum of light".
Edited by D. Andrews and M. Babiker (Cambridge University Press).
27.(2011) Physical Review A. 83, p. 053812 Abstract
We describe the effect of thermal motion and buffer-gas collisions on a four-level closed N system interacting with strong pump(s) and a weak probe. This is the simplest system that experiences electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) due to transfer of coherence via spontaneous emission from the excited state to the ground state. We investigate the influence of Doppler broadening, velocity-changing collisions (VCC), and phase-changing collisions (PCC) with a buffer gas on the EIA spectrum of optically active atoms. In addition to exact expressions, we present an approximate solution for the probe absorption spectrum, which provides physical insight into the behavior of the EIA peak due to VCC, PCC, and the wave-vector difference between the pump and probe beams. VCC are shown to produce a wide pedestal at the base of the EIA peak, which is scarcely affected by the pump-probe angular deviation, whereas the sharp central EIA peak becomes weaker and broader due to the residual Doppler-Dicke effect. Using diffusionlike equations for the atomic coherences and populations, we construct a spatial-frequency filter for a spatially structured probe beam and show that Ramsey narrowing of the EIA peak is obtained for beams of finite width.
26.(2010) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. AbstractElectromagnetically induced vector-potential for slow light
Slow-light polaritons in a thermal vapor experience abnormal diffraction when detuned from a pump laser. Diffraction manipulation is demonstrated for a uniform pump, and a Schrödinger-like dynamics with induced vector-potential is demonstrated for structured pumps.
25.(2010) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
We derive and measure self-similarly evolving fields under coherent diffusion, analogous to Gaussian modes of optical diffraction. We obtain a quasi-eigenmodes description of polariton dynamics in thermal vapor in the limit of dominating diffusion.
24.(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 18, 183602. Abstract
Self-similar solutions of the coherent diffusion equation are derived and measured. The set of real similarity solutions is generalized by the introduction of a nonuniform phase, based on the elegant Gaussian modes of optical diffraction. In a light-storage experiment, the complex solutions are imprinted on a gas of diffusing atoms, and the self-similar evolution of both their amplitude and phase pattern is demonstrated. An algebraic decay depending on the mode order is measured. Notably, as opposed to the regular diffusion spreading, a subset of the solutions exhibits a self-similar contraction.
23.(2010) Optics Express. 18, 18, p. 18832-18838 Abstract
We experimentally demonstrate an optical pumping technique to pump a dilute rubidium vapor into the mF = 0 ground states. The technique utilizes selection rules that forbid the excitation of the mF = 0 states by linearly-polarized light. A substantial increase in the transparency contrast of the coherent-population-trapping resonance used for frequency standards is demonstrated.
22.(2010) Physical Review A. 81, 4, 043835. Abstract
The population distribution within the ground state of an atomic ensemble is of great significance in a variety of quantum-optics processes. We present a method to reconstruct the detailed population distribution from a set of absorption measurements with various frequencies and polarizations, by utilizing the differences between the dipole matrix elements of the probed transitions. The technique is experimentally implemented on a thermal rubidium vapor, demonstrating a population-based analysis in two optical-pumping examples. The results are used to verify and calibrate an elaborated numerical model, and the limitations of the reconstruction scheme, which result from the symmetry properties of the dipole matrix elements, are discussed.
21.(2010) Optics Express. 18, p. 18832-18838 Abstract
We experimentally demonstrate an optical pumping technique to pump a dilute rubidium vapor into the mF = 0 ground states. The technique utilizes selection rules that forbid the excitation of the mF = 0 states by linearly-polarized light. A substantial increase in the transparency contrast of the coherent-population-trapping resonance used for frequency standards is demonstrated.
20.(2009) Optics and Photonics News. 20, 12, p. 32-32 Abstract
Images imprinted on a laser pulse can be dramatically slowed when traversing an alkali vapor medium via electromagnetically induced transparency.
19.(2009) Optics Express. 17, 19, p. 16776-16782 Abstract
A new magnetometry method based on electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) with maximally polarized states is demonstrated. An EIT hyperfine resonance, comprising the mF = F state (end-state), is observed at a non-zero angle between the laser beam and the magnetic field. The method takes advantage of the process of end-state pumping, a well-known rival of simpler EIT magnetometry schemes, and therefore benefits at a high laser power. An experimental demonstration and a numerical analysis of the magnetometry method are presented. The analysis points on a clear sensitivity advantage of the end-state EIT magnetometer.
18.(2009) p. 1649-1655 Abstract
In the standard derivation of the stress-strain curve from a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) test, the initial region of the stress-strain curve, at low strains, does not reflect the real strength of the material. The measurement in this initial region is affected by reverberations in the specimen, and the standard assumption of stress equilibrium does not hold. For typical specimen dimensions and striker velocities, our SS304L specimens reach strains of 2050%, but the equilibrium required for the analysis is achieved only above strains of 510%. Therefore, in calibrating a constitutive model, e.g. the Johnson-Cook (JC) model, the free parameter of the model that expresses the material's initial strength cannot be fixed correctly from the experimental data. While conducting 2D simulations of SHPB tests with hat-shaped specimens, we have found that the strain-gauge signals are sensitive to the behavior at low plastic strains. We have used this information as a complementary test for the calibration of a JC model at the low strain region. Using 2D simulations, we demonstrate the particular stress fields in the deforming hat-specimen as well. These simulations prove to be a powerful tool in the calibration procedure.
17.(2009) Nature Physics. 5, 9, p. 665-668 Abstract
Any image, imprinted on a wave field and propagating in free space, undergoes a paraxial diffraction spreading. The reduction or manipulation of diffraction is desirable for many applications, such as imaging, wave-guiding, microlithography and optical data processing. As was recently demonstrated, arbitrary images imprinted on light pulses are dramatically slowed when traversing an atomic medium of electromagnetically induced transparency and undergo diffusion due to the thermal atomic motion. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new technique to eliminate the paraxial diffraction and the diffusion of slow light, regardless of its position and shape. Unlike former suggestions for diffraction manipulation, our scheme is linear and operates in the wavevector space, eliminating the diffraction for arbitrary images throughout their propagation. By tuning the interaction, we further demonstrate acceleration of diffraction, biased diffraction and induced deflection, and reverse diffraction, implementing a negative-diffraction lens. Alongside recent advances in slow-light amplification and image entanglement, diffraction control opens various possibilities for classical and quantum image manipulation.
16.(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 15, 150602. Abstract
We report an experiment that directly measures the Laplace transform of the recurrence probability in one dimension using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of coherent atoms diffusing in a vapor cell filled with buffer gas. We find a regime where the limiting form of the complex EIT spectrum is universal and only depends on the effective dimensionality in which the random recurrence takes place. In an effective one-dimensional diffusion setting, the measured spectrum exhibits power-law dependence over two decades in the frequency domain with a critical exponent of 0.56 close to the expected value 0.5.
15.(2009) Slow and Fast Light, SL 2009. Abstract
We study theoretically and experimentally the propagation of slow light in hot atomic vapor and present novel spatial and spectral effects associated with the diffuse atomic motion.
14.(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 4, 043601. Abstract
We present a scheme for eliminating the optical diffraction of slow light in a thermal atomic medium of electromagnetically induced transparency. Nondiffraction is achieved for an arbitrary paraxial image by manipulating the susceptibility in momentum space, in contrast to the common approach, which employs guidance of specific modes by manipulating the susceptibility in real space. For negative two-photon detuning, the moving atoms drag the transverse momentum components unequally, resulting in a Doppler trapping of light by atoms in two dimensions.
13.(2009) CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference. Abstract
12.(2009) Slow and Fast Light, SL 2009. Abstract
We present a scheme for eliminating the optical diffraction of images imprinted on slow light in vapor. The elimination of diffraction occurs for arbitrary images all throughout their propagation. An initial experimental demonstration is presented.
11.(2008) Physical Review A. 78, 6, 063818. Abstract
Two-photon processes that involve different sublevels of the ground state of an atom, are highly sensitive to depopulation and decoherence within the ground state. For example, the spectral width of electromagnetically induced transparency resonances in a Λ -type system, are strongly affected by the ground-state depopulation and decoherence rates. We present a direct measurement of decay rates between hyperfine and Zeeman sublevels in the ground state of Rb87 vapor. Similar to the relaxation-in-the-dark technique, pumping lasers are used to prealign the atomic vapor in a well-defined quantum state. The free propagation of the atomic state is monitored using a Ramsey-like method. Coherence times in the range 1-10 ms were measured for room temperature atomic vapor. In the range of the experimental parameters used in this study, the dominant process inducing Zeeman decoherence is the spin-exchange collisions between rubidium atoms.
10.(2008) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Abstract
We study the effect of thermal atomic motion on slow-light in electromagneticallyinduced transparency medium. By incorporating the atomic motion and collisions into the Maxwell-Bloch equations, we find a spatial-frequency transmission filter that leads to diffusionlike behavior of the slow-light envelope.
9.(2008) Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. AbstractSlowing and storing images in atomic vapor
We study slowing and storage of three-dimensional light fields in atomic vapor. We demonstrate a technique which reduces the effect of diffusion on the storage fidelity and prove that the phase pattern was also maintained.
8.(2008) Physical review letters. 100, 22, 223601. Abstract
Reversible and coherent storage of light in an atomic medium is a promising method with possible applications in many fields. In this work, arbitrary two-dimensional images are slowed and stored in warm atomic vapor for up to 30μs, utilizing electromagnetically induced transparency. Both the intensity and the phase patterns of the optical field are maintained. The main limitation on the storage resolution and duration is found to be the diffusion of atoms. A technique analogous to phase-shift lithography is employed to diminish the effect of diffusion on the visibility of the reconstructed image.
7.(2008) Physical Review A. 77, 4, 043830. Abstract
We present a theoretical model for electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in vapor that incorporates atomic motion and velocity-changing collisions into the dynamics of the density-matrix distribution. Within a unified formalism, we demonstrate various motional effects, known for EIT in vapor: Doppler broadening of the absorption spectrum; Dicke narrowing and time-of-flight broadening of the transmission window for a finite-sized probe; diffusion of atomic coherence during storage of light and diffusion of the light-matter excitation during slow-light propagation; and Ramsey narrowing of the spectrum for a probe and pump beams of finite size.
6.(2008) 2008 Conference on and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics, QELS. Abstract
We report an experiment in which an optical vortex is stored in a vapor of Rb atoms. Because of its 2π phase twist, this mode is topologically stable and cannot unwind even under conditions of strong diffusion.
5.(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 2, 023813. Abstract
Dicke narrowing is a phenomenon that dramatically reduces the Doppler width of spectral lines, due to frequent velocity-changing collisions. A similar phenomenon occurs for electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) resonances, and facilitates ultranarrow spectral features in room-temperature vapor. We directly measure the Dicke-like narrowing by studying EIT line shapes as a function of the angle between the pump and probe beams. The measurements are in good agreement with an analytic theory with no fit parameters. The results show that Dicke narrowing can increase substantially the tolerance of hot-vapor EIT to angular deviations. We demonstrate the importance of this effect for applications such as imaging and spatial solitons using a single-shot imaging experiment, and discuss the implications for the feasibility of storing images in atomic vapor.
4.(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 1, 013818. Abstract
The Doppler effect is one of the dominant broadening mechanisms in thermal vapor spectroscopy. For two-photon transitions one would naively expect the Doppler effect to cause a residual broadening, proportional to the wave-vector difference. In coherent population trapping (CPT), which is a two-photon narrow-band phenomenon, such broadening was not observed experimentally. This has been commonly attributed to frequent velocity-changing collisions, known to narrow Doppler-broadened one-photon absorption lines (Dicke narrowing). Here we show theoretically that such a narrowing mechanism indeed exists for CPT resonances. The narrowing factor is the ratio between the atom's mean free path and the wavelength associated with the wave-vector difference of the two radiation fields. A possible experiment to verify the theory is suggested.
3.(2007) Physical review letters. 98, 20, 203601. Abstract
We report an experiment in which an optical vortex is stored in a vapor of Rb atoms. Because of its 2π phase twist, this mode, also known as the Laguerre-Gauss mode, is topologically stable and cannot unwind even under conditions of strong diffusion. For comparison, we stored a Gaussian beam with a dark center and a uniform phase. Contrary to the optical vortex, which stays stable for over 100μs, the dark center in the retrieved flat-phased image was filled with light after a storage time as short as 10μs. The experiment proves that higher electromagnetic modes can be converted into atomic coherences and that modes with phase singularities are robust to decoherence effects such as diffusion. This opens the possibility to more elaborate schemes for classical and quantum information storage in atomic vapors.
2.(2006) Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dyanmic Loading, EURODYMAT 2006. Vol. 134. p. 191-196 Abstract
We propose a simple model to reproduce ductile failure by shear localization in simulations of perforations tests. The model incorporates a positive feedback process of shear strain localization which results in a catastrophic decrease of flow stress. We use the model for perforation tests with 304L stainless steel. It succeeds in reproducing perforation thresholds as well as qualitative features of the perforation process, including shear band formation in some of the projectiles.
1.(2003) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 67, 3, p. 033811/1-033811/9 033811. Abstract
A radiation source made up of two cavities and a beam splitter which may produce classical-like second-order interference for a wide range of noncoherent initial conditions was shown. This coherent like behavior was apparent also in the fourth-order interference. Such results gives a strong indication that in many experiments coherent like behavior may be observed even for highly noncoherent initial states of the system, similar to Molmer's claim.