
Chapter 1

- After Eq. 1.11: "logarithm of the distribution" should read: "logarithm of the random variable" (thanks to Eric Gilleland)

- Eq. 1.16: x_1...x_N should read: x_i (thanks to Eric Gilleland)

Chapter 2

- p. 27: "... the only eigenvalue with magnitude 1 is the eigenvector we guessed previously.": "is" should read "correspondign to".

- In problem 2.7(a), "is finite" should read "diverges".

- In problem 2.10, the step number should be 30 and not 100 as stated.

Chapter 3

- The last term on the RHS of Eq. (3.26) is missing a term $\Delta t$.

- After Eq (3.7), inline equation should read W=\sqrt{C \Delta t}, and in Eq. (3.8) C should be similarly replaced by $\sqrt{C}$.

- The noise term of Eq. (3.8) is missing a Gaussian variable.

-- p. 41: The reference should be to Problem 6.11 rather than 6.10.

Chapter 4

- Eq. (4.52) is missing a factor 1/Z (and P_{eq} should not contain this factor).

- In Eq. (4.53) H^s should read H^s_{ij}.

- In Eq. (4.54), the first element of the matrix should be $\lambda$ rather than $-\lambda$.

Chapter 5

- In Eq. (5.31), the integral should read $d\tau_k... d\tau_{j-1}$.

- In Eq. (5.34): this is "almost" a geometric series.

- In Eq. (5.46): the first term should be $v(-\omega)$

- In Eq. (5.60) d\omega should only appear once

Chapter 6

- In Table 6.1, the notation for the mean should not be $\mu$ (which is already used for characterizing the power-law tail).

Chapter 7

- In Eq. 7.5, the inequality should be strictly less than 1.

-After Eq. 7.35 , lower case t should be T.

Chapter 8

- In Eq. (8.94), the middle term is missing a 1/N factor.

- On the RHS of Eq. 8.125, the sum should be over j rather than i. 

- In Eqs. 8.162, 8.164, 8. 167, \omega should be |\omega|.

Chapter 9

- Below Eq. 9.7, text should read: "instead of looking for the fixed point solution of Eq. (9.4)"