CoSMic - Context Specific MicroRNA analysis

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: \\complex1\data1\feassif\Noa\cosmic\site\image002.jpg

Standalone software 

Windows (64 bit) (version 4.0)

Download CoSMic


  1. Extract to some folder.
  2. Enter to COSMIC folder and launch run.bat (may take a moment).

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should download and install MCR (Matlab Component Runtime) for R2011b (7.13)(unless you already have this version installed).


Linux (version 4.0)

  1. Download and extract to some folder.
    Enter to the folder cosmic_app and verify that those files are executable:
    1. chmod +x cosmic_app
    2. chmod +x
  2. If MATLAB 7.12 (2011a) is NOT installed on your computer:
    1. Download and install MCRInstaller.bin (Matlab Component Runtime), by typing:
      chmod +x MCRInstaller.bin
    2. From the folder cosmic_app execute the following at the command prompt:
      ./ <mcr_directory>
      (where <mcr_directory> is the directory where MCR is installed. For example, if you have your MCR installed in: /mathworks/home/application/R2010a/v715,
      run the shell script as: ./ /mathworks/home/application/R2010a/v715)
  3. If MATLAB 7.12 (2011a) is installed on your computer:
    From the folder cosmic_app execute the following at the command prompt:
    ./ <matlabroot>
    (where <matlabroot> is the directory where MATLAB 7.12 is installed on the machine. For example, if your MATLAB is installed in /mathworks/devel/application/matlab
    Run the shell script as: ./ /mathworks/devel/application/matlab)


Mac (version 1.0 - older version)

  1. Download and extract to some folder.
    (The software will be extracted into the folder cosmic_app)
  2. If MATLAB 7.13 (2011b) is NOT installed on your computer:
    1. Download and install (Matlab Component Runtime).
    2. From the folder cosmic_app execute the following at the command prompt:
      ./ <mcr_directory>
      (Where <mcr_directory> is the directory where MCR is installed. For example, if you have your MCR installed in: /mathworks/home/application/R2010a/v715,
      run the shell script as: ./ /mathworks/home/application/R2010a/v715)
  3. If MATLAB 7.13 (2011b) is installed on your computer:
    From the folder cosmic_app execute the following at the command prompt:
    ./ <matlabroot>
    (Where <matlabroot> is the directory where MATLAB 7.13 is installed on the machine. For example, if your MATLAB is installed in /mathworks/devel/application/matlab
    Run the shell script as: ./ /mathworks/devel/application/matlab)


For support please contact Assif Yitzhaky.