The followiing are sources of supplementary mataerial for papers published by our group, including videos of Animations of Drifting Condensates:
- Hirschberg, Mukamel, Schütz, Emergent motion of condensates in mass-transport models, 2012
The supplemental material contains five videos of simulation results for our model, in which the condensate drift is clearly observed. The videos show how the configuration of occupations evolves in time. The top panel shows the entire lattice, and the bottom panel is a magnification of the region of the condensate (which is indicated in the top panel by dashed lines). In all files the parameters of the simulation are: b = 3, ρ = 10, L = 1000, except file (1) where L = 400. Note the different simulation timescales in the different files.
- A video of the usual ZRP, which is the case of α = 1. The condensate is stable, occasionally relocating to a random site. The simulation parameters are the same as those of Fig. 1a of the paper.
- A video of our model with α = 1.5. The condensate drifts in a regular slinky motion from one site to the next. The simulation parameters are the same as those of Fig. 1b of the paper.
- A video of the model with α = 1.05. The condensate remains on a single site for long periods of time and drifts in an irregular fashion. The simulation parameters are the same as those of Fig. 1c of the paper.
- A video of the model with α = 0.5. The condensate drifts in a regular slinky motion skipping every other site. The simulation parameters are the same as those of Fig. 1d of the paper.
- A video of the model with α = 0.7. The condensate remains on a single site for long periods of time and drifts in an irregular fashion, skipping every other site of the lattice.