

Jash A., Stern M., Misra S., Umansky V. & Joseph I. B. (2024) Science advances. 10, 33, eado8763.  Abstract


Erez-Cohen O., Brontvein O. & Bar-Joseph I. (2023) Nano Letters. 23, 6, p. 2233-2238  Abstract


Misra S., Stern M., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 119, 32, e220353111.  Abstract


Shalem G., Erez-Cohen O., Mahalu D. & Bar-Joseph I. (2021) Nano Letters. 21, 3, p. 1282-1287  Abstract


Misra S., Stern M., Joshua A., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2018) Physical Review Letters. 120, 4, 047402.  Abstract


Vardi Y., Cohen-Hoshen E., Shalem G. & Bar-Joseph I. (2016) Nano Letters. 16, 1, p. 748-752  Abstract


Vardi Y., Guttman A. & Bar-Joseph I. (2014) Nano Letters. 14, 5, p. 2794-2799  Abstract
Stern M., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2014) Science. 343, 6166, p. 55-57  Abstract


Cohen-Hoshen E., Bryant G. W., Pinkas I., Sperling J. & Bar-Joseph I. (2012) Nano Letters. 12, 8, p. 4260-4264  Abstract
Stern M., Piot B. A., Vardi Y., Umansky V. Y., Plochocka P., Maude D. K. & Bar-Joseph I. (2012) Physical review letters. 108, 6, 066810.  Abstract


Guttman A., Mahalu D., Sperling J., Cohen-Hoshen E. & Bar-Joseph I. (2011) Applied Physics Letters. 99, 6, 063113.  Abstract


Stern M., Plochocka P., Umansky V. Y., Maude D. K., Potemski M. & Bar-Joseph I. (2010) Physical review letters. 105, 9, 096801.  Abstract


Dadosh T., Sperling J., Bryant G. W., Breslow R., Shegai T., Dyshel M., Haran G. & Bar-Joseph I. (2009) ACS Nano. 3, 7, p. 1988-1994  Abstract
Plochocka P., Schneider J. M., Maude D. K. et al. (2009) Physical review letters. 102, 12, 126806.  Abstract [All authors]


Stern M., Garmider V., Segre E., Rappaport M., Umansky V. Y., Levinson Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2008) Physical review letters. 101, 25, 257402.  Abstract
Stern M., Garmider V., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2008) Physical review letters. 100, 25, 256402.  Abstract
Trinker M., Groth S., Haslinger S., Manz S., Betz T., Schneider S., Bar-Joseph I., Schumm T. & Schmiedmayer J. (2008) Applied Physics Letters. 92, 25, 254102.  Abstract


Krueger P., Andersson L. M., Wildermuth S., Hofferberth S., Haller E., Aigner S., Groth S., Bar-Joseph I. & Schmiedmayer J. (2007) Physical Review A. 76, 6, 063621.  Abstract
Della Pietra L., Aigner S., Vom Hagen C., Groth S., Bar-Joseph I., Lezec H. J. & Schmiedmayer J. (2007) Physical Review A. 75, 6, 063604.  Abstract
Plochocka-Polack P., Groshaus J. G., Rappaport M., Umansky V., Gallais Y., Pinczuk A. & Bar-Joseph I. (2007) Physical review letters. 98, 18, 186810.  Abstract
Groshaus J. G., Plochocka-Polack P., Rappaport M. et al. (2007) Physical review letters. 98, 15, 156803.  Abstract
[All authors]


Schumm T., Krueger P., Hofferberth S., Lesanovsky I., Wildermuth S., Groth S., Bar-Joseph I., Andersson L. M. & Schmiedmayer J. (2006) Quantum Information Processing. 5, 6, p. 537-558  Abstract
Wildermuth S., Hofferberth S., Lesanovsky I., Groth S., Krueger P., Schmiedmayer J. & Bar-Joseph I. (2006) Applied Physics Letters. 88, 26, 264103.  Abstract
KrüGer P., Hofferberth S., Schumm T., Lesanovsky I., Andersson L. M., Wildermuth S., Groth S., Bar-Joseph I. & Schmiedmayer J. (2006) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006.  Abstract


Bar-Joseph I. (2005) Chemical Physics. 318, 1-2, p. 99-103  Abstract
Schumm T., Hofferberth S., Andersson L., Wildermuth S., Groth S., Bar-Joseph I., Schmiedmayer J. & Kruger P. (2005) Nature Physics. 1, 1, p. 57-62  Abstract
Brugger K., Kruger P., Luo X. et al. (2005) Physical Review A. 72, 2, 023607.  Abstract
[All authors]
Dadosh T., Gordin Y., Krahne R., Khivrich I., Mahalu D., Frydman V., Sperling J., Yacoby A. & Bar-Joseph I. (2005) Nature. 436, 7051, p. 677-680  Abstract
Bar-Joseph I. (2005) Semiconductor Science and Technology. 20, 6, p. R29-R39  Abstract
Wildermuth S., Hofferberth S., Lesanovsky I., Haller E., Andersson L., Groth S., Bar-Joseph I., Kruger P. & Schmiedmayer J. (2005) Nature. 435, 7041, p. 440  Abstract


Groth S., Kruger P., Wildermuth S., Folman R., Fernholz T., Schmiedmayer J., Mahalu D. & Bar-Joseph I. (2004) Applied Physics Letters. 85, 14, p. 2980-2982  Abstract
Luo X., Kruger P., Brugger K. et al. (2004) Optics Letters. 29, 18, p. 2145-2147  Abstract
[All authors]
Groshaus J., Umansky V. Y., Shtrikman H., Levinson Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2004) Physical review letters. 93, 9, 096802.  Abstract
Burghelea T., Segre E., Bar-Joseph I., Groisman A. & Steinberg V. (2004) Physical Review E. 69, 6 , 066305.  Abstract


Hirjibehedin C., Dujovne I., Bar-Joseph I., Pinczuk A., Dennis B., Pfeiffer L. & West K. (2003) Solid State Communications. 127, 12 SPEC., p. 799-803  Abstract
Bar-Joseph I., Yusa G. & Shtrikman H. (2003) Solid State Communications. 127, 12 SPEC., p. 765-770  Abstract
Kasper A., Schneider S., Vom Hagen H. C. et al. (2003) Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 5, 2, p. S143-S149  Abstract
[All authors]
Krahne R., Dadosh T., Gordin Y., Yacoby A., Shtrikman H., Mahalu D., Sperling J. & Bar-Joseph I. (2003) Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 17, 1-4, p. 498-502  Abstract
Bose-Einstein condensation in a simple microtrap
Schneider S., Kasper A., Vom Hagen H. C. et al. (2003) Physical Review A. 67, 2, p. 023612/1-023612/4 023612.  Abstract [All authors]
Kruger P., Luo X., Klein M. et al. (2003) Physical review letters. 91, 23,  Abstract
[All authors]


Esser A., Yayon Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2002) Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 234, 1, p. 266-272  Abstract
Yayon Y., Esser A., Rappaport M., Umansky V., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2002) Physical review letters. 89, 15, p. 157402/1-157402/4 157402.  Abstract
Krahne R., Yacoby A., Shtrikman H., Bar-Joseph I., Dadosh T. & Sperling J. (2002) Applied Physics Letters. 81, 4, p. 730-732  Abstract
Anisotropy and periodicity in the density distribution of electrons in a quantum well
Yayon Y., Rappaport M., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2002) Physical Review B. 66, 3, p. 333101-333104 033310.  Abstract
Yayon Y., Rappaport M., Umansky V. Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2002) Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research. 190, 3, p. 607-614  Abstract
Yusa G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2002) Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 12, 4-Jan, p. 49-54  Abstract


Charged excitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime
Yusa G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2001) Physical review letters. 87, 21, p. 2164021-2164024 216402.  Abstract
Glasberg S., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2001) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 63, 20,  Abstract
Optical generation of spatially separated electron and hole gases in intrinsic GaAs/Al(x)G(1-x)As double quantum wells
Glasberg S., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2001) Physical Review B. 63, 11,  Abstract
Mandelik D., Schniederman M., Umansky V. Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2001) Applied Physics Letters. 78, 4, p. 472-474  Abstract
Yayon Y., Rappaport M., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2001) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 64, 8,  Abstract


Yusa G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2000) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 62, 23, p. 15390-15393  Abstract
Eytan G., Yayon Y., Bar-Joseph I. & Rappaport M. (2000) Ultramicroscopy. 83, 1-2, p. 25-31  Abstract
Near-field spectroscopy of a gated electron gas
Eytan G., Yayon Y., Rappaport M., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (2000) Optical Properties Of Semiconductor Nanostructures. 81, p. 1-18  Abstract


Glasberg S., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (1999) Physical Review B. 60, 24, p. R16295-R16298  Abstract
Glasberg S., Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (1999) Physical Review B. 59, 16, p. R10425-R10428  Abstract


Ciulin V., Finkelstein G., Haacke S., GanièRe J. D., Umansky V., Bar-Joseph I. & Deveaud B. (1998) Physica B-Condensed Matter. 256-258, p. 466-469  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (1998) Physica B. 249-251, p. 575-579  Abstract
Haacke S., Taylor R. A., Bar-Joseph I., Brasil M. J., Hartig M. & Deveaud B. (1998) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 15, 4, p. 1410-1417  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (1998) Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk. 168, 2, p. 121-123  Abstract
Eytan G., Yayon Y., Rappaport M., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (1998) Physical review letters. 81, 8, p. 1666-1669  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Umansky V., Bar-Joseph I., Ciulin V., Haacke S., GanièRe J. & Deveaud B. (1998) Physical Review B. 58, 19, p. 12637-12640  Abstract
Balaban N. Q., Meirav U. & Bar-Joseph I. (1998) Physical review letters. 81, 22, p. 4967-4970  Abstract


Haacke S., Hayes G., Taylor R., Deveaud B., Zimmermann R. & Barjoseph I. (1997) Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 204, 1, p. 35-38  Abstract
Umansky V. Y., Bunin G., Gartsman K., Sharman C., Almuhannad R., Heiblum M., Barjoseph I. & Meirav U. (1997) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 44, 11, p. 1807-1812  Abstract
Trions in GaAs quantum wells
Barjoseph I. & Finkelstein G. (1997) Compound Semiconductors 1996. 155, p. 711-716  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Barjoseph I. (1997) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 56, 16, p. 10326-10331  Abstract
Haacke S., Taylor R., Zimmermann R., Barjoseph I. & Deveaud B. (1997) Physical review letters. 78, 11, p. 2228-2231  Abstract


Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Barjoseph I. (1996) Surface Science. 361-362, p. 357-362  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Barjoseph I. (1996) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 53, 4, p. R1709-R1712  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Barjoseph I. (1996) Physical Review B. 53, 19, p. 12593-12596  Abstract


Finkelstein G. & Barjoseph I. (1995) Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D - Condensed Matter, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, Biophysics. 17, 11-12, p. 1239-1245  Abstract
Barjoseph I., Finkelstein G., Barad S., Shtrikman H. & Levinson Y. (1995) Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 188, 1, p. 457-463  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Shtrikman H. & Bar-Joseph I. (1995) Physical review letters. 74, 6, p. 976-979  Abstract
Cohen G., Shtrikman H. & Barjoseph I. (1995) Physical Review B. 52, 16, p. R11642-R11645  Abstract


Barad S., Barjoseph I., Levinson Y. & Shtrikman H. (1994) Surface Science. 305, 1-3, p. 234-237  Abstract
Barad S., Barjoseph I., Finkelstein G. & Levinson Y. (1994) Physical Review B. 50, 24, p. 18375-18381  Abstract
Cohen G., Barjoseph I. & Shtrikman H. (1994) Physical Review B. 50, 23, p. 17316-17319  Abstract
Barad S., Barjoseph I., Levinson Y. & Shtrikman H. (1994) Physical review letters. 72, 5, p. 776-779  Abstract
Barjoseph I., Cohen G., Deveaud B., Bergman P. & Regreny A. (1994) Solid-State Electronics. 37, 4-6, p. 1333-1336  Abstract


Carmel O. & Barjoseph I. (1993) Physical Review B. 47, 12, p. 7606-7609  Abstract
Carmel O., Shtrikman H. & Barjoseph I. (1993) Physical Review B. 48, 3, p. 1955-1958  Abstract
Barjoseph I., Barad S., Carmel O. & Levinson Y. (1993) Optical Phenomena In Semiconductor Structures In Reduced Dimensions. 248, p. 173-186  Abstract
Cohen G., Gurvitz S., Barjoseph I., Deveaud B., Bergman P. & Regreny A. (1993) Physical Review B. 47, 23, p. 16012-16015  Abstract
Finkelstein G., Barad S., Carmel O., Barjoseph I. & Levinson Y. (1993) Physical Review B. 47, 19, p. 12964-12967  Abstract


Barad S. & Barjoseph I. (1992) Physical review letters. 68, 3, p. 349-352  Abstract
Cohen G. & Barjoseph I. (1992) Physical Review B. 46, 15, p. 9857-9860  Abstract


Gurvitz S., Barjoseph I. & Deveaud B. (1991) Physical Review B. 43, 18, p. 14703-14706  Abstract
Barad S. & Barjoseph I. (1991) Physical review letters. 66, 19, p. 2491-2494  Abstract
Woodward T., Chemla D., Barjoseph I., Baranger H., Sivco D. & Cho A. (1991) Physical Review B. 44, 3, p. 1353-1356  Abstract
Barjoseph I., Gedalyahu Y., Yacoby A., Woodward T., Chemla D., Sivco D. & Cho A. (1991) Physical Review B. 44, 15, p. 8361-8364  Abstract
Barjoseph I. & Gurvitz S. (1991) Physical Review B. 44, 7, p. 3332-3335  Abstract


Barjoseph I., Woodward T., Chemla D., Gedalyahu Y., Yacoby A., Sivco D. & Cho A. (1990) Superlattices and Microstructures. 8, 4, p. 409-411  Abstract


Barjoseph I., Dienes A., Friesem A., Lichtman E., Waarts R. & Yaffe H. (1986) Optics Communications. 59, 4, p. 296-298  Abstract
Barjoseph I., Friesem A., Waarts R. & Yaffe H. (1986) Optics Letters. 11, 8, p. 534-536  Abstract


Barjoseph I., Friesem A., Lichtman E. & Waarts R. (1985) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 2, 10, p. 1606-1611  Abstract


Silberberg Y. & Barjoseph I. (1984) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 1, 4, p. 662-670  Abstract


Barjoseph I. & Silberberg Y. (1983) Optics Communications. 48, 1, p. 53-56  Abstract


Barjoseph I. & Silberberg Y. (1982) Optics Communications. 41, 6, p. 455-458  Abstract


Silberberg Y. & Barjoseph I. (1981) Optics Communications. 39, 4, p. 265-268  Abstract
Silberberg Y. & Barjoseph I. (1981) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 17, 9, p. 1967-1970  Abstract
Barjoseph I., Hardy A., Katzir Y. & Silberberg Y. (1981) Optics Letters. 6, 9, p. 414-416  Abstract