

  1. Liu J., Stoler-Barak L., Hezroni-Bravyi H. et al. (2024) Nature. 632, 8025, p. 637-646  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Paparoditis P. & Shulman Z. (2024) Current Opinion in Immunology. 88, 102431.  Abstract
  3. Kagan Ben Tikva S., Gurwitz N., Sivan E. et al. (2024) Science immunology. 9, 93, eadj7124.  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Yofe I., Shami T., Cohen N. et al. (2023) Cancer Discovery. 13, 12, p. 2610-2631  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Bahar Halpern K., Korem Kohanim Y., Biram A., Harnik Y., Egozi A., Yakubovsky O., Shulman Z. & Itzkovitz S. (2023) Nature metabolism. 5, 11, p. 1858-1869  Abstract
  3. Ben-Shalom N., Sandbank E., Abramovitz L. et al. (2023) Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 113, p. 66-82  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Zorea J., Motro Y., Mazor R. D., Carmi Y. K., Shulman Z., Mahajna J., Moran-Gilad J. & Elkabets M. (2023) Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. 42, 1, 107.  Abstract
  5. Cornelis R. & Shulman Z. (2023) European Journal of Immunology. 53, 5, 2350413.  Abstract
  6. Stoler-Barak L., Harris E., Peres A. et al. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1462.  Abstract [All authors]
  7. Reddi R. N., Rogel A., Gabizon R. et al. (2023) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145, 6, p. 3346-3360  Abstract [All authors]
  8. Gurwicz N., Stoler-Barak L., Schwan N., Bandyopadhyay A., Meyer-Hermann M. & Shulman Z. (2023) The Journal of experimental medicine. 220, 4, e20222173.  Abstract


  1. Cornelis R. & Shulman Z. (2022) Immunity. 55, 11, p. 1972-1974  Abstract
  2. Cohen-Dvashi H., Weinstein J., Katz M. et al. (2022) iScience. 25, 10, 105193.  Abstract [All authors]
  3. Dobeš J., Ben-Nun O., Binyamin A. et al. (2022) Nature Immunology. 23, 7, p. 1098-1108  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Grenov A., Hezroni H., Lasman L., Hanna J. H. & Shulman Z. (2022) Cell reports (Cambridge). 39, 5, 110778.  Abstract
  5. Strobelt R., Adler J., Paran N., Yahalom-Ronen Y., Melamed S., Politi B., Shulman Z., Schmiedel D. & Shaul Y. (2022) Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 5758.  Abstract
  6. Biram A., Liu J., Hezroni-Bravyi H. et al. (2022) Immunity. 55, 3, p. 442-458.e8  Abstract [All authors]
  7. Mazor R. D., Nathan N., Gilboa A. et al. (2022) Cell. 185, 7, p. 1208-1222  Abstract [All authors]
  8. Jingjing L. & Ziv S. (2022) Current Opinion in Immunology. 74, p. 100-105  Abstract


  1. Reddi R. N., Rogel A., Resnick E., Gabizon R., Prasad P. K., Gurwicz N., Barr H., Shulman Z. & London N. (2021) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143, 48, p. 20095-20108  Abstract
  2. Stoler-Barak L. & Shulman Z. (2021) Methods in Molecular Biology. p. 3-13  Abstract
  3. Schmiedel D., Hezroni H., Hamburg A. & Shulman Z. (2021) Frontiers in Immunology. 12, 705848.  Abstract
  4. Dubiella C., Pinch B. J., Koikawa K. et al. (2021) Nature Chemical Biology. 17, 9, p. 954-963  Abstract [All authors]
  5. Grenov A. C., Moss L., Edelheit S. et al. (2021) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 218, 10, e20210360.  Abstract [All authors]
  6. Beharier O., Plitman Mayo R., Raz T. et al. (2021) Journal of Clinical Investigation. 131, 13, e150319.  Abstract [All authors]
  7. Klompus S., Leviatan S., Vogl T. et al. (2021) Science immunology. 6, 61, eabe9950.  Abstract [All authors]
  8. Stoler-Barak L. & Shulman Z. (2021) Science immunology. 6, 60, 9749.  Abstract
  9. Reddi R. N., Resnick E., Rogel A. et al. (2021) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143, 13, p. 4979-4992  Abstract [All authors]
  10. Stoler-Barak L. & Shulman Z. (2021) Nature Immunology. 22, 4, p. 402-403  Abstract
  11. Bigas A., Zanoni I., Hepworth M. R. et al. (2021) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 218, 2, 20202509.  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Gabizon R., Shraga A., Gehrtz P. et al. (2020) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142, 27, p. 11734-11742  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Khatib-Massalha E., Bhattacharya S., Massalha H. et al. (2020) Nature Communications. 11, 1, 3547.  Abstract [All authors]
  3. Biram A. & Shulman Z. (2020) Immunological Reviews. 296, 1, p. 36-47  Abstract
  4. Shulman Z. & Stern-Ginossar N. (2020) Nature Immunology. 21, 5, p. 501-512  Abstract
  5. Biram A. & Shulman Z. (2020) Bio-Protocol. 10, 9, e3602.  Abstract
  6. Davidzohn N., Biram A., Stoler-Barak L., Grenov A., Dassa B. & Shulman Z. (2020) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 217, 3, 20191043.  Abstract
  7. Biram A. & Shulman Z. (2020) Bio-Protocol. 10, 6, e3562.  Abstract
  8. Biram A., Winter E., Denton A. E., Zaretsky I., Dassa B., Bemark M., Linterman M. A., Yaari G. & Shulman Z. (2020) Cell Reports. 30, 6, p. 1910-1922  Abstract


  1. Kozlovski S., Atrakchi O., Feigelson S. W., Shulman Z. & Alon R. (2019) Cell Adhesion & Migration. 13, 1, p. 315-321  Abstract
  2. Stoler-Barak L., Biram A., Davidzohn N., Addadi Y., Golani O. & Shulman Z. (2019) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 216, 11, p. 2515-2530  Abstract
  3. Komban R. J., Stromberg A., Biram A. et al. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 2423.  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Biram A., Stromberg A., Winter E. et al. (2019) Nature Immunology. 20, 4, p. 482-492  Abstract [All authors]
  5. Biram A., Davidzohn N. & Shulman Z. (2019) Immunological Reviews. 288, 1, p. 37-48  Abstract
  6. Shraga A., Olshvang E., Davidzohn N. et al. (2019) Cell Chemical Biology. 26, 1, p. 98 - 108  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Feigelson S. W., Solomon A., Biram A. et al. (2018) Cell Reports. 22, 4, p. 849-859  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Medaglia C., Giladi A., Stoler-Barak L. et al. (2017) Science. 358, 6370, p. 1622-1626  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Zaretsky I., Atrakchi O., Mazor R. D., Stoler-Barak L., Biram A., Feigelson S. W., Gitlin A. D., Engelhardt B. & Shulman Z. (2017) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 214, 11, p. 3435-3448  Abstract


  1. Gitlin A. D., von Boehmer L., Gazumyan A., Shulman Z., Oliveira T. Y. & Nussenzweig M. C. (2016) Immunity. 44, 4, p. 769-781  Abstract


  1. Gitlin A. D., Mayer C. T., Oliveira T. Y., Shulman Z., Jones M. J. K., Koren A. & Nussenzweig M. C. (2015) Science. 349, 6248, p. 643-646  Abstract
  2. Ben Chetrit C. N., Chetrit D., Russell R. et al. (2015) Science Signaling. 8, 360, ra7.  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Shulman Z., Gitlin A. D., Weinstein J. S., Lainez B., Esplugues E., Flavell R. A., Craft J. E. & Nussenzweig M. C. (2014) Science. 345, 6200, p. 1058-1062  Abstract
  2. Gitlin A. D., Shulman Z. & Nussenzweig M. C. (2014) Nature. 509, 7502, p. 637640  Abstract


  1. Shulman Z., Gitlin A. D., Targ S., Jankovic M., Pasqual G., Nussenzweig M. C. & Victora G. D. (2013) Science. 341, 6146, p. 673-677  Abstract


  1. Shulman Z., Cohen S. J., Roediger B. et al. (2012) Nature Immunology. 13, 1, p. 6776  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Shulman Z. & Alon R. (2011) Integrin And Cell Adhesion Molecules. Shimaoka M.(eds.). p. 31-45  Abstract
  2. Feigelson S., Grabovsky V., Manevich-Mendelson E. et al. (2011) Blood. 117, 26, p. 7042-7052  Abstract [All authors]
  3. Schajnovitz A., Itkin T., D'Uva G. et al. (2011) Nature Immunology. 12, 5, p. 391398  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Alon R. & Shulman Z. (2011) Experimental Cell Research. 317, 5, p. 632-641  Abstract


  1. Feigelson S. W., Pasvolsky R., Cemerski S. et al. (2010) Journal of Immunology. 185, 12, p. 7394-7404  Abstract
    [All authors]


  1. Shulman Z., Shinder V., Klein E. et al. (2009) Immunity. 30, 3, p. 384-396  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Manevich-Mendelson E., Feigelson S., Pasvolsky R. et al. (2009) Blood. 114, 11, p. 2344-2353  Abstract
    [All authors]
  3. Shulman Z. & Alon R. (2009) Chemokines, Part B. Hamel D. & Handel T.(eds.). B ed. Vol. 461. p. 311-332  Abstract


  1. Hartmann T. N., Grabovsky V., Pasvolsky R., Shulman Z., Buss E. C., Spiegel A., Nagler A., Thelen M. & Alon R. (2008) Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 84, 4, p. 1130-1140  Abstract
  2. Pasvolsky R., Grabovsky V., Giagulli C., Shulman Z., Shamri R., Feigelson S. W., Laudanna C. & Alon R. (2008) Journal of Immunology. 180, 5, p. 2815-2823  Abstract


  1. Woolf E., Grigorova I., Sagiv A. et al. (2007) Nature Immunology. 8, 10, p. 1076-1085  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Shulman Z., Pasvolsky R., Woolf E., Grabovsky V., Feigelson S. W., Erez N., Fukui Y. & Alon R. (2006) Blood. 108, 7, p. 2150-2158  Abstract