Prof. Jacob Klein

Prof. Jacob Klein

Molecular Chemistry and Materials Science
Biophysics and Biomaterials
Research Focus
Biological lubrication, drug delivery

We study biological lubrication at the molecular level, crucial for the homeostasis of joints and other moving parts of the body, such as eyes and lungs, and for widespread diseases such as osteoarthritis. We use lipids and liposomes extensively to emulate and modify such biolubrication in vivo, and recently extended this to develop lipid-based drug-delivery nano-vehicles using novel functionalization methods. Such nano-vehicles are especially relevant for the mRNA-delivery approaches as used in recent COVID-19 vaccinations, and more generally for emerging mRNA therapy for a wide range of diseases. In addition to standard techniques including confocal fluorescence and cryo-EM microscopies, we use a range of home-designed, non-coventional approaches to probe molecular interactions directly down to the nanometer level.

Biophysics and Biomaterials
Research Focus
Biological lubrication, drug delivery