Rony Paz

Prof. Rony Paz

Brain Sciences
Systems Neuroscience and Brain Research
Research Focus
Neural codes and networks that underlie learning and memory, and related models of neuropsychiatry

How can 10^11 neurons, each forming 10^4 connections with other neurons, work in concert to process information and underlie cognitive functions? What is the neural language/code? We focus on dynamics of networks during learning and memory formation. We combine electrophysiology in animals, fMRI in humans, and computational methods, to unveil mechanisms that underlie learning and memory formation. 

We investigate phenomena as: reinforcement learning, generalization of learning, emotional modulation, extinction of memories, primitives of computation, social cognition. We develop models for pathologies that arise from abnormalities in learning and memory, as PTSD, Depression, Anxiety and Autism. 

Systems Neuroscience and Brain Research
Research Focus
Neural codes and networks that underlie learning and memory, and related models of neuropsychiatry
Model Organism