Ex5 - creating dataset and databunch

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Ori Grossman
Ex5 - creating dataset and databunch

Hi All,


I have 2 questions:

(1) About creating the dataset. after we convert all json files into a list (say called lst, s.t: lst[:][0} is a graph type and lst{:}{1} is the int  ) , do i still need to define it sonehow as a dataset object or i can just use it as the input list for the dataloader . and if so, how do i do it? i think in the tutorial we didn't use existing files but rather created random graphs as the dataset...


(2) when creating the Databunch with fastai (like in the tutorial), i must have a valid_dl input. but in the Homework we just have test and train gaphs.



Jonathan Shlomi
Hi Ori,

Hi Ori,

I recommend that you create a dataset object that takes the list you created and returns the graph and label in the x,y format. you can technically use a list in the dataloader (without creating a dataset object), but each item in the list must be of the format (x,y) and the list can't be 2 dimensional list what you describe.

when you create the databunch just provide the test dataloader as a valid dataloader.