Dr. Barak Zackay Principal Investigator barak.zackay@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-6511 Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 282
Dr. Saif Ali Postdoctoral fellow saif.ali@weizmann.ac.il Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 290
Dr. Pravir Kumar Postdoctoral fellow pravir.kumar@weizmann.ac.il Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 287
Dr. Sahar Shahaf Postdoctoral fellow sahar.shahaf@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2259 Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 287
Dotan Gazith PhD student dotan.gazith@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-6070 Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 284
Oryna Ivashtenko PhD student oryna.ivashtenko@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-6070 Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences Room: 284
Jonathan Mushkin PhD student jonathan.mushkin@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-6510 Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 280
Ariel Perera PhD student ariel.perera@weizmann.ac.il Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 284
Uladzimir Haiduchonak Msc student uladzimir.haiduchonak@weizmann.ac.il Edna and K.B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences
Aleksandr Iavorskii Msc student aleksandr.iavorskii@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-6509 Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 278
Sahar Malka Msc student sahar.malka@weizmann.ac.il Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Building Room: 278