

November, 2017

Our paper on biological fabrication of cotton fibers with tailored properties is out. Check out on:


July, 2017

A collaborative project between our research group and the BURG Giebichenstein Halle University of Art and Design/Industrial Design.


June, 2017

New book about cultivating building materials is already out! 

​We have contributed with our view of how biomineralizing bacteria can create coatings of alkaline-earth metals on polymeric non-conducting surfaces fabricated by 3D printing. 

Thanks Felix Heisel and Dirk E. Hebel for the invitation!​


April, 2017

Nature's precision.

In cooperation with  Dr. Peter Werner and Dr. Horst Blumtritt (MPI-Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany) on the ultrastructure of axial canal of sponge spicules. Check out on: