November, 2017
Our paper on biological fabrication of cotton fibers with tailored properties is out. Check out on:
July, 2017
A collaborative project between our research group and the BURG Giebichenstein Halle University of Art and Design/Industrial Design.
June, 2017
New book about cultivating building materials is already out!
We have contributed with our view of how biomineralizing bacteria can create coatings of alkaline-earth metals on polymeric non-conducting surfaces fabricated by 3D printing.
Thanks Felix Heisel and Dirk E. Hebel for the invitation!
April, 2017
Nature's precision.
In cooperation with Dr. Peter Werner and Dr. Horst Blumtritt (MPI-Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany) on the ultrastructure of axial canal of sponge spicules. Check out on: