

  1. Yang L., Wang B., Zhao D. et_al. (2024) Plant Communications. 5, 11, 101043.  Abstract


  1. Wu J., Michaeli S., Picchianti L., Dagdas Y., Galili G. & Peled-zehavi H. (2021) Autophagy. 17, 11, p. 1-14  Abstract
  2. Oliva M., Guy A., Galili G., Dor E., Schweitzer R., Amir R. & Hacham Y. (2021) Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 604349.  Abstract


  1. Wu J., Peled-Zehavi H. & Galili G. (2020) New Phytologist. 228, 1, p. 151-162  Abstract
  2. Oliva M., Hatan E., Kumar V. et_al. (2020) Plant Science. 290, 110289.  Abstract


  1. Michaeli S., Clavel M., Lechner E. et_al. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 45, p. 22872-22883  Abstract
  2. Wang W. & Galili G. (2019) Trends in Plant Science. 24, 3, p. 189-191  Abstract


  1. Cavalcanti J. H. F., Kirma M., Barros J. A. S. et_al. (2018) Journal of Experimental Botany. 69, 22, p. 5489-5506  Abstract
  2. Peled-Zehavi H. & Galili G. (2018) The Plant Endoplasmic Reticulum. p. 239-249  Abstract
  3. Amir R., Galili G. & Cohen H. (2018) Plant Science. 275, p. 11-18  Abstract
  4. Wang W., Xu M., Wang G. & Galili G. (2018) Plant Reproduction. 31, p. 203-211  Abstract
  5. Avin-Wittenberg T., Baluska F., Bozhkov P. V. et_al. (2018) Journal of Experimental Botany. 69, 6, p. 1335-1353  Abstract


  1. Kigel J. & Galili G. (2017)  Abstract
  2. Galili G., Shaul G., Perl A. & Karchi H. (2017) Seed Development and Germination. p. 811-831  Abstract
  3. Wang G., Xu M., Wang W. & Galili G. (2017) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18, 6, 1306.  Abstract
  4. Oliva M., Bar E., Ovadia R., Perl A., Galili G., Lewinsohn E. & Oren-Shamir M. (2017) Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 769.  Abstract
  5. Wang W., Xu M., Wang G. & Galili G. (2017) Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 2030.  Abstract
  6. Kigel J. & Galili G. (2017) Seed Development and Germination. 1st ed. p. v-vi  Abstract


  1. Xie Q., Liu Z., Meir S., Rogachev I., Aharoni A., Klee H. J. & Galili G. (2016) Plant Biotechnology Journal. 14, 12, p. 2300-2309  Abstract
  2. Wang W. & Galili G. (2016) Journal of Experimental Botany. 67, 14, p. 4009-4011  Abstract
  3. Xie Q., Tzfadia O., Levy M., Weithorn E., Peled-Zehavi H., Van Parys P. T., Van de Peer d. P. Y. & Galili G. (2016) Autophagy. 12, 5, p. 876-887  Abstract
  4. Galili G., Amir R. & Fernie A. R. (2016) Annual Review of Plant Biology. 67, p. 153-178  Abstract
  5. Michaeli S., Galili G., Genschik P., Fernie A. R. & Avin-Wittenberg T. (2016) Trends in Plant Science. 21, 2, p. 134-144  Abstract
  6. Klionsky D. J., Abdelmohsen K., Abe A. et_al. (2016) Autophagy. 12, 1, p. 1-222  Abstract


  1. Peled-Zehavi H., Oliva M., Xie Q., Tzin V., Oren-Shamir M., Aharoni A. & Galili G. (2015) Bioengineering. 2, 4, p. 204-212  Abstract
  2. Batushansky A., Kirma M., Grillich N., Pharn P. A., Rentsch D., Galili G., Fernie A. R. & Fait A. (2015) Frontiers in Plant Science. 6, SEPTEMBER, 785.  Abstract
  3. Manela N., Oliva M., Ovadia R. et_al. (2015) Frontiers in Plant Science. 6, JULY, 538.  Abstract
  4. Tzin V., Rogachev I., Meir S., Ben Zvi M. M., Masci T., Vainstein A., Aharoni A. & Galili G. (2015) AIMS bioengineering. 2, 2, p. 75-92  Abstract
  5. Xie Q., Michaeli S., Peled-Zehavi N. & Galili G. (2015) Trends in Plant Science. 20, 5, p. 264-265  Abstract
  6. Szymanski J. J. & Galili G. (2015) Omics Technologies and Crop Improvement. Benkeblia N.(eds.). 1 ed. p. 343-358  Abstract
  7. Oliva M., Ovadia R., Perl A., Bar E., Lewinsohn E., Galili G. & Oren-Shamir M. (2015) Plant Biotechnology Journal. 13, 1, p. 125-136  Abstract


  1. Michaeli S., Honig A., Levanony H., Peled-Zehavi H. & Galili G. (2014) Plant Cell. 26, 10, p. 4084-4101  Abstract
  2. Galili G., Avin-Wittenberg T., Angelovici R. & Fernie A. (2014) Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, 447.  Abstract
  3. Michaeli S. & Galili G. (2014) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 15, 5, p. 7624-7638  Abstract
  4. Michaeli S., Avin-Wittenberg T. & Galili G. (2014) Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, APR, 134.  Abstract
  5. Szymanski J. & Galili G. (2014) Omics Technologies and Crop Improvement. p. 343-366  Abstract


  1. Tzin V., Rogachev I., Meir S., Ben Zvi Z. M. M., Masci T., Vainstein A., Aharoni A. & Galili G. (2013) Journal of Experimental Botany. 64, 14, p. 4441-4452  Abstract
  2. Tzfadia O. & Galili G. (2013) PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR. 8, 10, p. doi: 10.4161/psb.26732  Abstract
  3. Sobolev V., Edelman M., Dym O., Unger T., Albeck S., Kirma M. & Galili G. (2013) Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology And Crystallization Communications. 69, 2, p. 84-89  Abstract
  4. Galili G. & Amir R. (2013) Plant Biotechnology Journal. 11, 2, p. 211-222  Abstract
  5. Osorio S., Vallarino J. G., Szecowka M., Ufaz S., Tzin V., Angelovici R., Galili G. & Fernie A. R. (2013) Plant Physiology. 161, 2, p. 628-643  Abstract


  1. Kirma M., Araujo W. L., Fernie A. R. & Galili G. (2012) Journal of Experimental Botany. 63, 14, p. 4995-5001  Abstract
  2. Avin-Wittenberg T., Tzin V., Angelovici R., Less H. & Galili G. (2012) Plant Journal. 70, 6, p. 954-966  Abstract
  3. Honig A., Avin-Wittenberg T. & Galili G. (2012) Autophagy. 8, 5, p. 838-839  Abstract
  4. Avin-Wittenberg T., Michaeli S., Honig A. & Galili G. (2012) Plant Signaling and Behavior. 7, 6, p. 685-687  Abstract
  5. Tzin V., Malitsky S., Ben Zvi Z. M. M., Bedair M., Sumner L., Aharoni A. & Galili G. (2012) NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 194, 2, p. 430-439  Abstract
  6. Avin-Wittenberg T., Honig A. & Galili G. (2012) Protoplasma. 249, 2, p. 285-299  Abstract
  7. Avin-Wittenberg T. & Galili G. (2012) Nature Chemical Biology. 8, 1, p. 23-24  Abstract
  8. Honig A., Avin-Wittenberg T., Ufaz S. & Galili G. (2012) Plant Cell. 24, 1, p. 288-303  Abstract


  1. Fait A., Nesi A. N., Angelovici R. et_al. (2011) Plant Physiology. 157, 3, p. 1026-1042  Abstract
  2. Avin-Wittenberg T., Tzin V., Less H., Angelovici R. & Galili G. (2011) Plant Signaling and Behavior. 6, 9, p. 1294-1296  Abstract
  3. Ufaz S., Shukla V., Soloveichik Y., Golan Y., Breuer F., Koncz Z., Galili G., Koncz C. & Zilberstein A. (2011) Planta. 233, 5, p. 1025-1040  Abstract
  4. Less H., Angelovici R., Tzin V. & Galili G. (2011) Plant Cell. 23, 4, p. 1264-1271  Abstract
  5. Aharoni A. & Galili G. (2011) Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 22, 2, p. 239-244  Abstract
  6. Angelovici R., Fait A., Fernie A. R. & Galili G. (2011) NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 189, 1, p. 148-159  Abstract


  1. Tzin V. & Galili G. (2010) Molecular Plant. 3, 6, p. 956-972  Abstract
  2. Less H., Angelovici R., Tzin V. & Galili G. (2010) Amino Acids. 39, 4, p. 1023-1028  Abstract
  3. Angelovici R., Galili G., Fernie A. R. & Fait A. (2010) Trends in Plant Science. 15, 4, p. 211-218  Abstract


  1. Angelovici R., Fait A., Zhu X., Szymanski J., Feldmesser E., Fernie A. R. & Galili G. (2009) Plant Physiology. 151, 4, p. 2058-2072  Abstract
  2. Levin M., Resnick N., Rosianskey Y. et_al. (2009) Plant Science. 177, 5, p. 450-459  Abstract
  3. Tzin V., Malitsky S., Aharoni A. & Galili G. (2009) Plant Journal. 60, 1, p. 156-167  Abstract
  4. Aviezer D., Almon-Brill E., Shaaltiel Y., Galili G., Chertkoff R., Hashmueli S., Galun E. & Zimran A. (2009) Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 96, 2, p. S13-S14  Abstract
  5. Less H. & Galili G. (2009) BMC Systems Biology. 3, 14.  Abstract


  1. Slavikova S., Ufaz S., Avin-Wittenberg T., Levanony H. & Galili G. (2008) Journal of Experimental Botany. 59, 14, p. 4029-4043  Abstract
  2. Ufaz S. & Galili G. (2008) Plant Physiology. 147, 3, p. 954-961  Abstract
  3. Less H. & Galili G. (2008) Plant Physiology. 147, 1, p. 316-330  Abstract
  4. Aviezer D., Almon-Brill E., Shaaltiel Y., Galili G., Chertkoff R., Hashmueli S., Galun E. & Zimran A. (2008) Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 93, 2, p. S15-S15  Abstract
  5. Fait A., Fromm H., Walter D., Galili G. & Fernie A. R. (2008) Trends in Plant Science. 13, 1, p. 14-19  Abstract
  6. Galili S., Amir R. & Galili G. (2008) Advances in Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. C ed. p. 49-80  Abstract


  1. Tang G., Galili G. & Zhuang X. (2007) Metabolomics. 3, 3, p. 357-369  Abstract
  2. Shaaltiel Y., Bartfeld D., Hashmueli S. et_al. (2007) Plant Biotechnology Journal. 5, 5, p. 579-590  Abstract
  3. Wang X., Lopez-Valenzuela J. A., Gibbon B. C., Gakiere B., Galili G. & Larkins B. A. (2007) Journal of Experimental Botany. 58, 10, p. 2653-2660  Abstract


  1. Fait A., Angelovici R., Less H., Ohad I., Urbanczyk-Wochniak E., Fernie A. R. & Galili G. (2006) Plant Physiology. 142, 3, p. 839-854  Abstract
  2. Katz Y., Galili G. & Amir R. (2006) Plant Molecular Biology. 61, 1-2, p. 255-268  Abstract
  3. Stepansky A., Less H., Angelovici R., Aharon R., Zhu X. & Galili G. (2006) Amino Acids. 30, 2, p. 121-125  Abstract


  1. Slavikova S., Shy G., Yao Y., Giozman R., Levanony H., Pietrokovski S., Elazar Z. & Galili G. (2005) Journal of Experimental Botany. 56, 421, p. 2839-2849  Abstract
  2. Stepansky A., Yao Y., Tang G. & Galili G. (2005) Journal of Experimental Botany. 56, 412, p. 525-536  Abstract
  3. Galili G., Amir R., Hoefgen R. & Hesse H. (2005) Biological Chemistry. 386, 9, p. 817-831  Abstract


  1. Tang G. & Galili G. (2004) Trends in Biotechnology. 22, 9, p. 463-469  Abstract
  2. Zhu X. & Galili G. (2004) Plant Physiology. 135, 1, p. 129-136  Abstract


  1. Stepansky A. & Galili G. (2003) Plant Physiology. 133, 3, p. 1407-1415  Abstract
  2. David-Schwartz R., Gadkar V., Wininger S., Bendov R., Galili G., Levy A. & Kapulnik Y. (2003) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 16, 5, p. 382-388  Abstract
  3. Demidov D., Horstmann C., Meixner M., Pickardt T., Saalbach I., Galili G. & Müntz K. (2003) Molecular Breeding. 11, 3, p. 187-201  Abstract
  4. Zhu X. & Galili G. (2003) Plant Cell. 15, 4, p. 845-853  Abstract
  5. Aharon R., Shahak Y., Wininger S., Bendov R., Kapulnik Y. & Galili G. (2003) Plant Cell. 15, 2, p. 439-447  Abstract


  1. Zhu X., Tang G. & Galili G. (2002) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277, 51, p. 49655-49661  Abstract
  2. Yao Y., Song L., Katz Y. & Galili G. (2002) Journal of Experimental Botany. 53, 378, p. 2277-2278  Abstract
  3. Tang G., Zhu X., Gakiere B., Levanony H., Kahana A. & Galili G. (2002) Plant Physiology. 130, 1, p. 147-154  Abstract
  4. Amir R., Hacham Y. & Galili G. (2002) Trends in Plant Science. 7, 4, p. 153-156  Abstract
  5. Galili G. (2002) Annual Review of Plant Biology. 53, p. 27-43  Abstract
  6. Galili G., Galili S., Lewinsohn E. & Tadmor Y. (2002) Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 21, 3, p. 167-204  Abstract
  7. Galili G. & Höfgen R. (2002) Metabolic Engineering. 4, 1, p. 3-11  Abstract


  1. Zhu X., Tang G., Granier F., Bouchez D. & Galili G. (2001) Plant Physiology. 126, 4, p. 1539-1545  Abstract
  2. David-Schwartz R., Badani H., Smadar W., Levy A., Galili G. & Kapulnik Y. (2001) Plant Journal. 27, 6, p. 561-569  Abstract
  3. Vitale A. & Galili G. (2001) Plant Physiology. 125, 1, p. 115-118  Abstract
  4. Galili G., Tang G., Zhu X. & Gakiere B. (2001) Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 4, 3, p. 261-266  Abstract
  5. Galili G., Tang G., Zhu X., Karchi H., Miron D., Gakiere B. & Stepansky A. (2001) Journal of Plant Physiology. 158, 4, p. 515-520  Abstract
  6. Shy G., Ehler L., Herman E. & Galili G. (2001) Journal of Experimental Botany. 52, 365, p. 2387-2388  Abstract


  1. Zhu X., Tang G. & Galili G. (2000) Biochemical Journal. 351, 1, p. 215-220  Abstract
  2. Tang G., Zhu X., Tang X. & Galili G. (2000) Plant Journal. 23, 2, p. 195-203  Abstract
  3. Miron D., Ben-Yaacov S., Reches D., Schupper A. & Galili G. (2000) Plant Physiology. 123, 2, p. 655-663  Abstract
  4. Zhu X., Tang G. & Galili G. (2000) Plant Physiology. 124, 3, p. 1363-1371  Abstract
  5. Galili G., Tang G., Zhu X., Amir R., Levanony H., Shy G. & Herman E. (2000) Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 48, 3, p. 181-187  Abstract


  1. Shaul O., Hilgemann D. W., De-Almeida-Engler J., Van Montagu M., Inzé D. & Galili G. (1999) EMBO Journal. 18, 14, p. 3973-3980  Abstract
  2. Regulation of lysine catabolism in plants
    Miron D., Tang G., Karchi H., Schupper A., Ben-Yaacob S. & Galili G. (1999) Plant Biotechnology And In Vitro Biology In The 21St Century. 36, p. 311-314  Abstract
  3. T-DNA and "gain of function" tobacco mutants with altered threonine metabolism
    Amir R., Karchi H., Yang L., Perl A. & Galili G. (1999) Plant Biotechnology And In Vitro Biology In The 21St Century. 36, p. 273-276  Abstract


  1. David R., Itzhaki H., Ginzberg I., Gafni Y., Galili G. & Kapulnik Y. (1998) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 11, 6, p. 489-497  Abstract
  2. Zhu-Shimoni J. X. & Galili G. (1998) Plant Physiology. 116, 3, p. 1023-1028  Abstract
  3. Galili G., Sengupta-Gopalan C. & Ceriotti A. (1998) Plant Molecular Biology. 38, 1-2, p. 1-29  Abstract


  1. Tang G., Miron D., ZhuShimoni J. & Galili G. (1997) Plant Cell. 9, 8, p. 1305-1316  Abstract
  2. Shimoni Y., Blechl A., Anderson O. & Galili G. (1997) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272, 24, p. 15488-15495  Abstract
  3. Tang G., ZhuShimoni J., Amir R., Zchori I. & Galili G. (1997) Plant Molecular Biology. 34, 2, p. 287-294  Abstract
  4. ZhuShimoni J., LevYadun S., Matthews B. & Galili G. (1997) Plant Physiology. 113, 3, p. 695-706  Abstract
  5. Galili G., Zhu-Shimoni X. Z., Miron D., Tang G., Karchi H., Ben-Yaacob S. & Lev-Yadun S. (1997) Amino Acids. 13, 1, p. 70  Abstract
  6. Galili G. & Herman E. M. (1997) Advances In Botanical Research Incorporating Advances In Plant Pathology, Vol 25: The Plant Vacuole. 25, C, p. 113-140  Abstract
  7. Miron D., Ben-Yaacov S., Karchi H. & Galili G. (1997) Plant Journal. 12, 6, p. 1453-1458  Abstract
  8. Expression of bacterial dihydrodipicolinate synthase in transgenic plants: Potentials to improve lysine content in forage, grain and tuber crops
    Galili G., Karchi H., Shaul G., Zhu-Shimoni J., Miron D., Yang L., Ben-Yaacov S., Amir R. & Perl A. (1997) Horticultural Biotechnology In Vitro Culture And Breeding. 447, p. 551-559  Abstract


  1. Shimoni Y. & Galili G. (1996) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 271, 31, p. 18869-18874  Abstract
  2. Brinch-Pedersen H., Galili G., Knudsen S. & Holm P. B. (1996) Plant Molecular Biology. 32, 4, p. 611-620  Abstract
  3. Wheat storage proteins: Assembly, transport and deposition in protein bodies
    Galili G., Shimoni Y., GioriniSilfen S., Levanony H., Altschuler Y. & Shani N. (1996) Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 34, 2, p. 245-252  Abstract
  4. Tzchori I., Perl A. & Galili G. (1996) Plant Molecular Biology. 32, 4, p. 727-734  Abstract


  1. The lysine-dependent stimulation of lysine catabolism in tobacco seed requires calcium and protein phosphorylation
    KARCHI H., MIRON D., BENYAACOV S. & Galili G. (1995) Plant Cell. 7, 11, p. 1963-1970  Abstract
  2. Purification, characterization, and intracellular localization of glycosylated protein disulfide isomerase from wheat grains
    Shimoni Y., ZHU X., Levanony H., Segal G. & Galili G. (1995) Plant Physiology. 108, 1, p. 327-335  Abstract
  3. Shimoni Y., Segal G., ZHU X. & Galili G. (1995) Plant Physiology. 107, 1, p. 281  Abstract
  4. Regulation of lysine and threonine synthesis
    Galili G. (1995) Plant Cell. 7, 7, p. 899-906  Abstract
  5. Galili G., Altschuler Y. & Ceriotti A. (1995) Methods In Cell Biology. Vol. 50. p. 497-517  Abstract
  6. Galili G., ALTSCHULER Y., Levanony H., GIORINISILFEN S., Shimoni Y., Shani N. & KARCHI H. (1995) Journal of Plant Physiology. 145, 5-6, p. 626-631  Abstract
  7. Differential expression of the Rubisco small subunit genes in wheat
    Galili G., Avivi Y. & Feldman M. (1995) p. 801-805  Abstract


  1. Rabinkov A., ZHU X., GRAFI G., Galili G. & Mirelman D. (1994) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 48, 3, p. 149-171  Abstract
  2. Mechanisms of assembly of wheat high molecular weight glutenins inferred from expression of wild-type and mutant subunits in transgenic tobacco
    Shani N., Rosenberg N., Kasarda D. D. & Galili G. (1994) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 269, 12, p. 8924-8930  Abstract
  3. Karchi H., Shaul O. & Galili G. (1994) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91, 7, p. 2577-2581  Abstract
  4. Role of conserved cysteines of a wheat gliadin in its transport and assembly into protein bodies in Xenopus oocytes
    ALTSCHULER Y. & Galili G. (1994) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 269, 9, p. 6677-6682  Abstract
  5. Galili G., KARCHI H., SHAUL O., PERL A., CAHANA A., TZCHORI I., ZHU X. & GALILI S. (1994) Biochemical Society Transactions. 22, 4, p. 921-925  Abstract


  1. GRAFI G. & Galili G. (1993) FEBS Letters. 336, 3, p. 403-407  Abstract
  2. Galili G., Altschuler Y. & Levanony H. (1993) Trends in Cell Biology. 3, 12, p. 437-442  Abstract
  3. Shaul O. & Galili G. (1993) Plant Molecular Biology. 23, 4, p. 759-768  Abstract
  4. Perl A., Galili S., Shaul O., Ben-Tzvi I. & Galili G. (1993) Bio/Technology. 11, p. 715-718  Abstract
  5. GRAFI G., Sela I. & Galili G. (1993) Molecular and Cellular Biology. 13, 6, p. 3487-3493  Abstract
    KARCHI H., SHAUL O. & Galili G. (1993) Plant Journal. 3, 5, p. 721-727  Abstract
  7. ROSENBERG N., Shimoni Y., ALTSCHULER Y., Levanony H., VOLOKITA M. & Galili G. (1993) Plant Physiology. 102, 1, p. 61-69  Abstract
  8. Altschuler Y., Rosenberg N., Harel R. & Galili G. (1993) Plant Cell. 5, 4, p. 443-450  Abstract


  1. Evidence for a novel route of wheat storage proteins to vacuoles
    Levanony H., Rubin R., ALTSCHULER Y. & Galili G. (1992) Journal of Cell Biology. 119, 5, p. 1117-1128  Abstract
  2. PERL A., KLESS H., BLUMENTHAL A., Galili G. & Galun E. (1992) Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 235, 2-3, p. 279-284  Abstract
  3. Shaul O. & Galili G. (1992) Plant Physiology. 100, 3, p. 1157-1163  Abstract
  4. PERL A., SHAUL O. & Galili G. (1992) Plant Molecular Biology. 19, 5, p. 815-823  Abstract
  5. Rodriguez-Arango E., Arango R., Adar R., Galili G. & Sharon N. (1992) FEBS Letters. 307, 2, p. 185-189  Abstract
  6. Shaul O. & Galili G. (1992) Plant Journal. 2, 2, p. 203-209  Abstract
  7. Shani N., Steffen-Campbell J. D., Anderson O. D., Greene F. C. & Galili G. (1992) Plant Physiology. 98, 2, p. 433-441  Abstract
  8. Rubin R., Levanony H. & Galili G. (1992) Plant Physiology. 99, 2, p. 718-724  Abstract
  9. GALILI S., Galili G., AVIVI Y. & Feldman M. (1992) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 83, 3, p. 385-391  Abstract


  1. Giorini S. & Galili G. (1991) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 82, 5, p. 615-620  Abstract
    FELSENBURG T., Levy A., Galili G. & Feldman M. (1991) Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 40, 6-May, p. 451-479  Abstract
  3. GALILI S., Galili G. & Feldman M. (1991) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 81, 1, p. 98-104  Abstract


  1. Simon R., ALTSCHULER Y., Rubin R. & Galili G. (1990) Plant Cell. 2, 9, p. 941-950  Abstract


  1. Galili G. (1989) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86, 20, p. 7756-7760  Abstract


  1. Levy A. A., Galili G. & Feldman M. (1988) Heredity. 61, 1, p. 63-72  Abstract
  2. Wallace J. C., Galili G. A., Kawata E. E., Cuellar R. E., Shotwell M. A. & Larkins B. A. (1988) Science. 240, 4852, p. 662-664  Abstract
  3. Inactivity of high-molecular-weight glutenin genes in wild diploid and tetraploid wheats
    Galili G., FELSENBURG T., Levy A., ALTSCHULER Y. & Feldman M. (1988) Proceedings of the seventh international wheat genetics symposium, held at Cambridge, UK, 13-19 July 1988. Vol. 1. p. 81-86  Abstract


  1. Genetic studies on storage proteins in wheat
    Galili G., Levy A., Avivi Y. & Feldman M. (1987) Israel Agresearch, Journal of the Agricultural Research Organization. 1, p. 87-99  Abstract


  1. Feldman M., Galili G. & Levy A. (1986) The Origin and domestication of cultivated plants : symposium / organized by Centro linceo interdisciplinare di scienze matematiche e loro applicazioni, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 25-27 November 1985. p. 83-100  Abstract
  2. Galili G., Levy A. A. & Feldman M. (1986) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 83, 17, p. 6524-6528  Abstract


  1. Levy A. A., Galili G. & Feldman M. (1985) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 69, 4, p. 429-435  Abstract
  2. Galili G. & Feldman M. (1985) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 69, 5-6, p. 583-589  Abstract
  3. Galili G. & Feldman M. (1985) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 70, 6, p. 634-642  Abstract


  1. Galili G. & Feldman M. (1984) Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 193, 2, p. 293-298  Abstract
    Galili G. & Feldman M. (1984) Cereal Research Communications. 12, 4-Mar, p. 259-261  Abstract
    Galili G. & Feldman M. (1984) Genome. 26, 6, p. 651-656  Abstract


  1. Changes in chromatin structure at the replication fork. DNase I and trypsin-micrococcal nuclease effects on approximately 300- and 150-base pair nascent DNAs
    Galili G., Levy A. & JAKOB K. (1983) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 258, 18, p. 1274-1279  Abstract
  2. Galili G. & Feldman M. (1983) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 66, 1, p. 77-86  Abstract
  3. Diploidization of endosperm protein genes in polyploid wheats
    Galili G. & Feldman M. (1983) Proceedings of the Sixth International Wheat Genetics Symposium: held at Kyoto, Japan : November 28-December 3, 1983. p. 1119-1123  Abstract
  4. Galili G. & Feldman M. (1983) Theoretical And Applied Genetics. 64, 2, p. 97-101  Abstract


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