First Workshop on String Theory and Gender, 06 July, 2015 - 07 July, 2015, , Valencia, Spain
Since the COST grant "The String Universe" has ended, this website will only be partially updated starting July 2017
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Link to all string theory events: at Conferences String Wiki, or at MPI
Supersymmetry breaking in String Theory
Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom
EventSupersymmetry breaking in String TheoryLocation Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom March 10, 2014 - March 14, 2014 Supersymmetry breaking in string theory is a crucial issue, both for formal and more applied aspects within string phenomenology, and in string theory more generally. Any string theoretic setup aiming at addressing phenomenological issues, both in particle physics and in cosmology, has to address supersymmetry breaking. On the other hand, supersymmetry is so deeply rooted in string theory that it is difficult to break it without spoiling many desirable features, or at least without losing analytical control. For instance, stability of non-supersymmetric solutions or frameworks in string theory is often an unresolved issue.
This workshop is aimed at bringing together experts in the field, to discuss the current status of supersymmetry breaking in string theory and future directions of the field. There will be morning sessions with overview talks and a discussion session. The afternoons are reserved for individual discussions as well as shorter talks on more specialised subjects. Homepage website Working GroupsWG2 - String Phenomenology |
Iberian String 2014
Palencia, Spain
EventIberian String 2014Location Palencia, Spain January 29, 2014 - January 31, 2014 The Iberian Strings 2014 Workshop is the Vth of the Iberian Strings series, superseding previous editions of the Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Strings and Branes and of Northwest Strings. This is the annual meeting of the community of string theorists (and theoretical physicists of related areas) of Portugal and Spain and the Vth edition will be held in Palencia (Spain), the days 29, 30 and 31 January 2014. Homepage website Working GroupsWG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
Black Holes and Quantum Information
The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel
EventBlack Holes and Quantum InformationLocation The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel January 12, 2014 - January 17, 2014 Understanding quantum aspects of black holes has been a driving problem in theoretical physics for the last 40 years, and has led to a deeper understanding of gravity. At the same time, some fundamental problems remain unanswered such as the fate of the infalling observer. The workshop will cover recent progress in black hole physics, and in particular the usage of quantum information theory. The workshop follows the Jerusalem winter school on quantum information.
Homepage website Working GroupsCore group meeting Gender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
Joint Postdoc Recruitment 2013
Leuven, Belgium
EventJoint Postdoc Recruitment 2013Location Leuven, Belgium December 17, 2013 - December 18, 2013 Working GroupsWG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
Career Workshop Development for Women in Physics
Trieste, Italy
EventCareer Workshop Development for Women in PhysicsLocation Trieste, Italy September 16, 2013 - September 19, 2013 Working GroupsGender (WG5) WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
The String Theory Universe
Bern, Switzerland
EventThe String Theory UniverseLocation Bern, Switzerland September 02, 2013 - September 06, 2013 The 19th European Workshop on String Theory, AEC Workshop and 1st COST MP1210 Meeting. Working GroupsCore group meeting MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |