First Workshop on String Theory and Gender, 06 July, 2015 - 07 July, 2015, , Valencia, Spain
Since the COST grant "The String Universe" has ended, this website will only be partially updated starting July 2017
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Outreach and Gender (WG5)
Group Leader:
Prof. Maria A. Lledo (ES)
Vice Leader:
Prof. Jose Edelstein (ES)
It is a widely known fact that women are underrepresented in science. The ratio of female researchers versus male researchers becomes especially small when measured for senior academic positions, leadership of research teams or institutional and financial responsibility. In the field of string theory, the presence of women is estimated in a percentage that is scandalously low: less than 10%. Although these numbers speak for themselves, they have to be framed in the context of a society that, until very recently, treated women and men very differently. Fortunately, laws have changed and in western societies few people will nowadays question that women and men should have the same rights and obligations. One cannot expect, though, that habits, mentality, upbringing and, in general, social considerations will evolve as fast as laws have developed in the last decades. Moreover, obvious physiological differences, mainly associated with childbirth and enfant care, still have a disproportionate impact on the advance of women in many professional areas. This is not different in science.
Our focus is on scientific excellence, and we take it for granted that excellence is gender-blind.
Rather than being obsessed with achieving an arithmetic equality, we intend to contribute to change the way in which women are perceived, as researchers and managers, by the scientific community and by the whole society. One of the directions in which this COST action will work is in improving the visibility of the work done by women, making sure that there will be a fair gender representation at all levels: from the administration of the action, to the selection of candidates for postdoc positions, the organization of events and the selection of speakers at conferences.
Perhaps more importantly, we would like to involve all women working in the field in this common task. One fact that we have repeatedly observed is that although practically all women share the same kind of sad and unfair experiences since the beginning of their scientific career, very often they feel isolated and even blame themselves for the outcome. The result of an, even subtle, discrimination in the everyday normal exchange among colleagues has a dramatic impact on the statistics, mainly in a career that is extremely competitive and where assertiveness and self-reliance are invaluable psychological traits. This problem does not only affect women: many social and character differences can give rise to the same unnatural selection among scientists. Awareness of these issues by both senior and junior scientists, male and female, can make all the difference.
It is our priority to address young women and other vulnerable groups in order to empower and support them in the crucial first stages of their careers. In this way, we would actively work in promoting the emergence of young talent.
Scientific research is not something remote, boring or inaccessible. It is a lively and fascinating intellectual experience whose outcome may improve everyone’s life. As Albert Einstein wrote, it is “directed toward ennobling human's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom”. We think that it is our obligation to convey this message to the public and to inform them about our research. In fact, we know that many young people are interested in learning more about science, given the usual success that outreach activities have among these sectors. This is why we plan to hold outreach activities at every event, in high schools, universities, and public spaces in general, and to offer personalized mentoring for Ph.D. students with the aim of motivating their active participation in these activities.
Activities of WG5:
"Corollaries" - the String Universe comedy on gender.
3rd Workshop on String Theory and Gender, Southhampton, March 2017: Summary
General gender survey for the action Survey
Silvia Penati and Yolanda Lozano (chair and vice-chair of the Action) attended the “Gender Summit 2015”, held in Berlin in November 6,7. They presented the gender initiatives of the Action through a Action through a poster..
Michela Petrini (WG2 leader) attended the “Gender Summit 2014”, held in Brussels in June 30, July 1. She presented the gender and outreach initiatives of the Action through the brochure of the Action Brochure of COST Action 'The String theory Universe' MP1210
Anna Ceresole (WG5 member) and Maria A. Lledó (WG5 leader) attended the 'Gender Summit 2016', held in Brussels on November 8, 9, representing the Action. M. A. Lledó gave a talk on our experience with gender issues in the Action that was very well received by gender experts. The slides of the talk.
Reaction of the participants of the Second Workshop on String Theory and Gender. of the participants of the Second Workshop on String Theory and Gender. Positive outcome and many interesting suggestioms. 90% of the participants think that we should keep orginizing events like this.
On Gender, Science and all that - Talk given at the 2nd COST MP1210 Meeting and 20th European Workshop on String Theory, Mainz September 2014, by M. A. Lledó.
'Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence' - Talk given by Isabel Gonçalves (GATu) and Beatriz Silva (DEM) from the Pedagogical Council at the Summer School on "String Theory and Holography", Lisbon/Porto, 14 - 26, July, 2014
Brochure of COST Action 'The String theory Universe' MP1210
Initiative on gender and science in high school
The viceleader of the action, Yolanda Lozano, presented it at the ‘Career Development Workshop for Women in Physics’, held at the ICTP, Trieste, on September 2013
Links to external resources and articles:
- Article of interest - "Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?"
- Article of interest - "Academic scattering"
- Artilce of interest: 'Academia Ignores a Major Issue for Women', from APS.
- Professor Gina Rippon, neuroscientist at Aston University, gives a couple of talks on the false dichotomy of male/female brain and the plasticity and permeability of the brain. Prof. Rippon was one of the gender experts of the First and Second Workshops on String Theory and Gender (Valencia 2015 and Paris 2016, respectively).
Video 1
Video 2
Title | Author | Summary | Links & Attachments |
On Gender Science and all that | Maria A Lledo | Opens in a Pop-UpInformation Opens in a Pop up | |
Soft skills and emotional inteligence | Isabel Gonçalves (GATu) and Beatriz Silva (DEM) | Opens in a Pop-UpInformation Opens in a Pop up | |
Brochure of the action "The String Universe" MP1210 | The String Universe Cost collaboration | Opens in a Pop-UpInformation Opens in a Pop up | |
Gender Equality in Research: reasons to be cautiously optimistic | Eanna Kelly | ||
Gender Survey of the COST Action "The String Theory Universe" | G. Honecker, W. Staessens | Opens in a Pop-UpInformation Opens in a Pop up |
The String Theory Universe
Bern, Switzerland
EventThe String Theory UniverseLocation Bern, Switzerland September 02, 2013 - September 06, 2013 The 19th European Workshop on String Theory, AEC Workshop and 1st COST MP1210 Meeting. Working GroupsCore group meeting MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
Black Holes and Quantum Information
The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel
EventBlack Holes and Quantum InformationLocation The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel January 12, 2014 - January 17, 2014 Understanding quantum aspects of black holes has been a driving problem in theoretical physics for the last 40 years, and has led to a deeper understanding of gravity. At the same time, some fundamental problems remain unanswered such as the fate of the infalling observer. The workshop will cover recent progress in black hole physics, and in particular the usage of quantum information theory. The workshop follows the Jerusalem winter school on quantum information.
Homepage website Working GroupsCore group meeting Gender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
String Theory and Holography Summer School
Lisbon & Porto, Portugal
EventString Theory and Holography Summer SchoolLocation Lisbon & Porto, Portugal July 14, 2014 - July 26, 2014 held in Lisbon (1st week) and Porto (2nd week). This is a joint school of The String Theory Universe (COST), HoloGrav (ESF) and GATIS (ITN) networks. The School is divided in two weeks, starting in Lisbon in the week of 14-18 July with lectures on the subject of Gauge/Gravity Duality, and in the week of 21-26 July in Porto, where the Mathematica Summer School on Theoretical Physics will take place under the theme of Selected Topics in Holography. For further details please see the website Homepage website Working GroupsGender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity |
The String Theory Universe workshop
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
EventThe String Theory Universe workshopLocation Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany September 22, 2014 - September 26, 2014 2nd COST MP1210 Meeting
and 20th European Workshop on String Theory
and Conference of the MITP program String Theory and its Applications
The conference is dedicated to all aspects of superstring, supergravity and supersymmetric theories.
Homepage website Working GroupsGender (WG5) MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
The String Theory Universe, 21st European string workshop
Leuven, Belgium
EventThe String Theory Universe, 21st European string workshopLocation Leuven, Belgium September 07, 2015 - September 11, 2015 The Leuven workshop on 'The String Theory Universe' will be the 21st European string workshop. It is organized in the context of the COST network with the same name.
The conference is dedicated to all aspects of superstring, supergravity and supersymmetric theories. The themes will cover topics related to
1) Gauge/Gravity Duality
2) String Phenomenology
3) Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Furthermore,
there will be time devoted to the issues of gender balance and outreach Homepage website Working GroupsGender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
2nd Workshop on String Theory and Gender
IHP Paris, France
Event2nd Workshop on String Theory and GenderLocation IHP Paris, France June 09, 2016 - June 10, 2016 The purpose of the workshop is to raise awareness on the gender inequality in the field of high energy physics, and in physics in general. Two sessions will be devoted to gender issues, with talks by experts (scientists as well as representatives of research organisations). The other two sessions will comprise overview talks on recent interesting developments in String Theory. Homepage website Working GroupsCore group meeting Gender (WG5) Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |
The String Theory Universe
University of Milano - Bicocca MIlano, Italy
EventThe String Theory UniverseLocation University of Milano - Bicocca MIlano, Italy February 20, 2017 - February 24, 2017 This is the final conference of the COST Action MP1210 The String Theory Universe. It will also continue the long-standing tradition of the annual European Workshop in String Theory and related topics, coinciding with the "XXII European Workshop on String Theory''. The scientific content will reflect the research activities of EU groups participating in the Action, which have been organized in Working Groups. Main subjects will cover gauge/gravity correspondence (fundaments and applications), string phenomenology and black holes, quantum gravity and quantum information. The Conference will provide an overview on the main recent developments in these subjects together with the main results, achievements and innovative mathematical tools that have been developed in the four-year duration of the Action. Homepage website Working GroupsCore group meeting Gender (WG5) MC meeting Outreach and Gender (WG5) WG1 - Gauge/Gravity Duality WG2 - String Phenomenology WG3 – Cosmology and Quantum Gravity WG4 - Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer |