Liat Grayver and e-David"The Painting Robot"Jacob Ziskind Building1
Brush strokes in the Digital Age - Liat Grayver and e-David present a new exhibit at the Weizmann Institute of Science, an exploration of the borders of creativity, between human and machine
A painting robot is at the core of a collaboration between the artist Liat Grayver and the research team headed by Prof. Oliver Deussen in the University of Constance. The act of painting is disassembled and deconstructed before being translated into the realm of digital creation, in which it is executed by e-David.
The joint works of Grayver and e-David are now displayed in an exhibit curated by Yivsam Azgad, in the Jacob Ziskind Building, the home of the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Mathematics and Computer Sciences Faculty.
Digital -- as much as traditional print - and paint-based art has greatly influenced the conceptual understanding of the painterly process in historical and contemporary practices. Stimulated by the experience and by her interactions with the world of informatics and robotics, Grayver found herself compelled to challenge and reconceptualise the foundations of the painterly practice, starting with the bodily movement entailed in a single brushstroke all the way to questions concerning control and loss of that control in the creative process.
The interdisciplinary working platform joining computer scientist and painter provoked a large range of questions regarding the use of robotics in the creative process of painting, for example: How does one incorporate the use of computers and machines in the very intuitive and gestural practice of making a painting? The group deconstructed the act of making a mark into physical body movement (machine), and the separate construction of logical decisions (computer) and emotional intents (the artist).
Open, free of charge, Mon-Thurs, 9:00 – 15:00; closed weekends and holidays. To coordinate visits: 08-9343856.