Group Members

Prof. Michal Sharon

Prof. Michal Sharon

The Aharon and Ephraim Katzir Memorial Professorial Chair
Principal Investigator
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences

Vandita Dwivedi

Years: 2020-2021
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher

Irit Tzabag Fainer

Years: 2013 - 2020
Degree studied in the lab: Lab technician

Maria Gabriella Fuzesi-Levi

Years: 2009 - 2020
Degree studied in the lab: Lab technician
Current position: Lab manger, Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Ben-Gurion University

Jelena Cveticanin

Years: 2016 - 2020
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current position: Postdoc at Prof. Asaph Aharoni lab, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Weizmann institute of Science

Dana Yaffe

Years: 2018 - 2020
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current position: Clinical Researcher at MDClone, Israel

Maya Olshina

Years: 2015 - 2020
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current position: Scientist in the synthetic biology (synbio) team at BiomX, Israel

Caley Polkinghorn

Years: 2019- 2020
Degree studied in the lab: Lab technician
Current position: Medical student, Chicago USA

Deborah Hayoun

Years: 2018 – 2019
Degree studied in the lab: MSc
Current position: Bioinformatician at Prof. Yardena Samuels lab, Weizmann institute of Science

Keren Shemesh

Years: 2016 - 2018
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current position: Lab manager at The Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mark Tarnavsky

Years: 2015 - 2018
Degree studied in the lab: Lab technician
Current position: Validation Engineer at Western Digital, Israel

Jinrui Gan

Years: 2015 - 2016
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher

Dror Shlomo Chorev

Years: 2009-2015
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position: Postdoc at Prof. Dame Carol V. Robinson, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Oren Moscovitz

Years: 2007-2013
Degree studied in the lab: PhD
Current Position: Postdoc at Prof. Juri Rappsilber Lab, Technical University of Berlin Awarded the Yong Investigator award of the MS Society and both Minerva and Humboldt Postdoctoral Research fellowships

Carni Lipson 

Years: 2008-2014
Degree studied in the lab: PhD

Liat Shimon

Years: 2008-2010
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher

Gabriela Ridner

Years: 2008-2011
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position: Analytical methods scientist at Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries

Izhak Michaelevski

Years: 2009-2010
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position: Senior lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Tel-Aviv University

Shelly Rozen

Years: 2009-2014
Degree studied in the lab: PhD
Current Position: Postdoc at Prof. Jarrod Marto Lab, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA

Elzbieta Piatkowska

Years: 2009-2010
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position: Staff scientist at the Proteomics Facility at Keele University

Alessandra Tieri

Years: 2010-2011
Degree studied in the lab: Visiting PhD student from Sapienza University of Rome
Current Position: Research scientist, Merck Serono, Italy

Andrey Dyachenko

Years: 2011-2012
Degree studied in the lab: Visiting PhD student from Institute for Research in Biomedicine at Barcelona
Current Position: Postdoc at Prof. Albert Heck’s lab, Utrecht University, Netherland

Bastian Braeuning

Years: 2011-2013
Degree studied in the lab: MSc
Current Position: Graduate student at Prof. Michael Groll’s lab, Technische Universität München, Germany

Ann-Kathrin Stark

Years: 2012-2013
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position: Postdoc at Christophe Masselon’s lab, CEA Grenoble, France

George Mermelekas

Years: 2012-2013
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position: Staff scientist at the Proteomics Facility at the Academy of Athens, Greece

Nitzan Zandany

Year: 2014
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher
Current Position:  Staff scientist at Bio Technology General, Israel

Anuradha Bharara Singh

Year: 2014-2015
Degree studied in the lab: Postdoctoral researcher