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Member Institutions

Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS)
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

Collaborating Institutions

Institute of Planetary Research, DLR (Berlin, Germany) Institute of Planetary Research, DLR (Berlin, Germany)
Institute of Aerospace Medicine, DLR (Cologne, Germany) Institute of Aerospace Medicine, DLR (Cologne, Germany)
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, TU Bergakademie (Freiberg, Germany) Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, TU Bergakademie (Freiberg, Germany)
Alfred Wegener Institute (Potsdam, Germany) Alfred Wegener Institute (Potsdam, Germany)