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Israeli Members

Prof. Oded AharonsonProf. Oded Aharonson (WIS, Director)

Studies many aspects of planetary surfaces, the geologic record of past and present conditions, and the history of water in its various phases. He combines observations from spacecrafts with theoretical models and laboratory simulations to constrain the physics of planetary environments and associated processes.

Prof. Itay HalevyProf. Itay Halevy (WIS)

Interested in the co-evolution of biogeochemical cycles, ocean-atmosphere composition and climate on Earth and other planets. He directs the Geochemical Laboratory for Experimental and Numerical Simulation (GeoLENS), where he develops models of geochemical processes relevant to Earth and other planetary environments.

Prof. Doron LancetProf. Doron Lancet (WIS)

Heads the Crown Human Genome Center at the Weizmann Institute of Science. In parallel to his research in genomics and bioinformatics, Lancet developed a computer-simulated prebiotic model, showing that extremophilic assemblies of diverse lipid molecules may replicate and evolve.

Prof. Aharon OrenProf. Aharon Oren (HUJI)

Interested in the adaptation of microorganisms to life at high salt concentrations and in the microbiology of the Dead Sea and of saltern evaporation ponds.

Prof. Hagai PeretsProf. Hagai Perets (Technion)

Exploring the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems, as well as Solar system minor bodies and planetary satellites.

German Collaborators

Prof. Dr. Tilman SpohnProf. Dr. Tilman Spohn (DLR, Berlin)

Director of DLR Institute of Planetary Research and Head of Helmholtz Research Alliance “Planetary Evolution and Life”. Interested in any potential feedback between planetary evolution and life.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang VoigtProf. Dr. Wolfgang Voigt (U. Freiberg)

Reviewing the chemical and physical properties of cryobrines and salt hydrates at low temperatures relevant for organisms on planets; kinetics of chemical reactions in aqueous solutions at very low temperatures.

Prof. Dr. Ralf JaumannProf. Dr. Ralf Jaumann (DLR, Berlin)

Head of the Planetary Geology Section of the DLR and Professor for Planetology at the Free University of Berlin. Studies origin and evolution of planetary bodies, the composition of planetary surfaces and geologic processes in the solar system, and potential environments suitable for life.

Dr. Jean-Pierre Paul de VeraDr. Jean-Pierre Paul de Vera (DLR, Berlin)

Study of the habitability of niches on other planets; life detection; interactions of life to extreme environments, evolution of life and adaptation capacities.

Dr. Petra RettbergDr. Petra Rettberg (DLR, Cologne)

Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Radiation Biology Department, Research Group Astrobiology. Co-investigator in the space experiments SURVIVAL II of the missions BIOPAN I and II, SURVIVAL I of the mission BIOPAN III, UVRAD of the mission D-2, REPAIR und KINETICS of the mission IML-2, UVE of the mission Mir'97, EXOBIOLOGIE of the mission PERSEUS, SPORES (planned for 2004 on the ISS), TRIPLELUX (planned for 2004 on the ISS).

Prof. Dr. Dirk WagnerProf. Dr. Dirk Wagner (U. Potsdam)

Head of Section 4.5 Geomicrobiology, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam. Leader of the Research Group "Geomicrobiology in Periglacial Environments"; Head of the Microbiological Laboratory; Chair of the Working Group "Planetary Permafrost and Astrobiology" within the International Permafrost Association (IPA). Research activities focus on the development of microbial communities in extreme environments (e.g. Antarctic oases).