TRAIL – Teacher-Researcher Alliance for Investigating Learning


Mathematics teachers join the TRAIL communities and actively participate in formulating research goals and designing research tools. They then collect data in their classrooms and analyze together the shared data corpus.

  • The research goals and questions in the TRAIL communities deal with issues that have the potential to resonate with dilemmas and challenges that mathematics teachers encounter in their daily work at the level of a class, a small group or an individual student.
  • TRAIL research-practice partnerships must have “clear utility” for practitioners that can be convincingly communicated without heavily relying on the scientific literature in which the research is situated. In a similar vein, a TRAIL partnership must have “clear utility” for researchers, that is, have the potential to yield insights of importance to the education research community at large.

For more details about TRAIL, see a PPT presentation of the talk given by Boris Koichu at the Department of Science Teaching Jubilee Celebration Conference (January 8, 2019). LINK to PPT

even more details, read Koichu and Pinto (2018, 2019). LINKS to TWO PAPERS.