Lecture / SeminarThursday11May2023
Exploring the relationship between pottery form and function through lipid and SEM-EDS analysis in West Africa
Lecture / SeminarThursday16Feb2023
Ancient Language Processing
Lecture / SeminarThursday9Feb2023
What can radiocarbon dating tell us about the diagenesis of tooth enamel?
Lecture / SeminarThursday2Feb2023
Silver mines, the rise of money and the advent of democracy
Lecture / SeminarThursday26Jan2023
Between Southern Caucasus and Near East: The Kura-Araxes culture in a wider context
Lecture / SeminarThursday19Jan2023
The Kura-Araxes culture between Caucasus and Near East: An Introduction Part 1
Lecture / SeminarThursday12Jan2023
"Horvat Tevet, the Jezreel Valley: a Village, and a Royal Israelite Estate"
Lecture / SeminarThursday5Jan2023
Reconstructing deep-time human evolution using palaeoproteomics
Lecture / SeminarThursday8Dec2022
The importance of deciphering natural processes in sites: understanding sedimentary structures and fabrics
Lecture / SeminarThursday1Dec2022
The application of quantitative wood anatomy for investigating the relationship between forest primary productivity and woody biomass growth
Lecture / SeminarThursday24Nov2022
Yavne: A City of Wine and Pottery
Lecture / SeminarThursday17Nov2022
The ERC-StG project PEOPLE: searching for early Homo sapiens in the interior of South Africa
Lecture / SeminarThursday17Nov2022
The ERC-StG project PEOPLE: searching for early Homo sapiens in the interior of South Africa
Lecture / SeminarThursday10Nov2022
"Archaeomagnetism of destruction layers: A tool for the study of site formation and synchronization"
Lecture / SeminarThursday10Mar2022
Jerusalem's Elite during the 7th century BCE : A Macro and Micro view from Giv'ati Parking Lot Excavations
Lecture / SeminarThursday17Feb2022
Early Pleistocene hominins: who they were and how they grew
Lecture / SeminarThursday10Feb2022
Agricultural strategies, subsistence and climate of Indus and subsequent cultures (~2900 BCE-1800 CE) from north-western India
Lecture / SeminarThursday20Jan2022Friday21Jan2022
A workshop: Timing Cultural Changes in the Southern Caucasus: Where do we stand with absolute chronology from Late Chalcolithic to the Iron Age?
Lecture / SeminarThursday13Jan2022
Towards the use of sustainable solutions for cultural heritage conservation
Lecture / SeminarThursday6Jan2022
Households and Community in the Kura-Araxes Village of Kvatskhelebi, Georgia
Lecture / SeminarThursday23Dec2021
Humans, climate and brain size correlation for the Quaternary Extinctions of Mammals
Lecture / SeminarThursday16Dec2021
High-resolution study of Middle Palaeolithic deposits and formation processes at Tabun Cave, Israel: Guano-rich cave deposits and detailed stratigraphic appreciation of Layer C
Lecture / SeminarThursday9Dec2021
From chronological networks to Bayesian models: ChronoLog as a front-end to OxCal
Lecture / SeminarThursday25Nov2021
Correlating archaeology, geology, human evolution and genetics in the Kalahari: Some ideas from the southern fringe
Lecture / SeminarMonday22Nov2021
The Mediterranean diet: from prehistory to present day
Lecture / SeminarThursday18Nov2021
Middle Bronze Age Jerusalem: Recalculating its character and chronology
Lecture / SeminarThursday11Nov2021
An ancient genomic perspective on the encounters between Neandertals and modern humans
Lecture / SeminarThursday4Nov2021
Solving the Problem of the Ancient Water Supply in Samaria-Sebastia
Lecture / SeminarThursday4Mar2021
Radiocarbon and geochemical investigation of corals from the northern Indian Ocean
Lecture / SeminarThursday25Feb2021
Machine Learning (and Deep Learning) for Flint Temperature Estimation
Lecture / SeminarThursday30Jul2020
Establishing the first tree ring chronology of Amburana cearensis in Brazil and looking beyond population signals
Lecture / SeminarSunday15Mar2020
The use of olive wood and olive pits in dendrochronology, paleoclimate and archaeology
Lecture / SeminarThursday27Feb2020
ChronoLog : a tool for computer-assisted chronological research
Abstract: ChronoLog is a new tool for computer-assisted chronological research. It allows -
Lecture / SeminarThursday20Feb2020
Looking into the rocks of Acheulo-Yabrudian Qesem Cave (Israel, 420-200 kya)
Abstract: The Acheulo-Yabrudian Cultural Complex (AYCC, ~420,000-200,000 years ago) is a l -
Lecture / SeminarThursday13Feb2020
What can the femur tell us about human behavior and health?
Abstract: Physical anthropologists have long used skeletal remains to recreate the lifesty -
Lecture / SeminarThursday6Feb2020
The earliest evidence of a Lisfranc’s fracture
Abstract: Recent archaeological excavations at Manot Cave, an Early Upper Palaeolithic sit