Weizmann Institute of Science
"The Oren lab investigates how sexually dimorphic patterns in the brain emerge, from synapse formation to animal behavior, using C. elegans as an animal model."
Weizmann Institute of Science
"The group of Dr. Regev-Rudzki focuses on biological aspects of the malaria parasite, particularly on the host-parasite and parasite-parasite communication."
Weizmann Institute of Science
"Prof. Shilo lab addresses the mechanisms underlying interactions between cells, that give rise to the polarity of the embryo, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model."
Weizmann Institute of Science
"The research in Tzahor lab is at the cross between developmental biology and regenerative medicine, aiming to develop novel approaches for mammalian heart regeneration."
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
"The Millay lab is interested in the mechanisms that govern the development and regeneration of skeletal muscle."
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
"The Zaritsky lab produces biological insights along with specialized analytic tools that reveal hidden patterns in dynamic cell imaging data, motivated by fundamental questions in cell biology."
California Institute of Technology
"The Lois group investigates the mechanisms by which the coordinated activity of neurons connected to each other in circuits gives rise to brain function."