A half century of science teaching

The 50th anniversary celebration brought together international leaders in science education.
Science teaching experts from Israel and around the world convened at The David Lopatie Conference Centre on campus in January to mark the 50th anniversary of the Department of Science Teaching. The conference, organized by department head Prof. Anat Yarden, Dr. Ronnie Karsenty, Dr. Bat-Shahar Dorfman, and Shani Partush, highlighted the department’s pioneering role in advancing science pedagogy at a national level, and the science education research field around the world.
Among the keynote speakers was Prof. Helen Quinn of Stanford University, former Chair of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Board on Science Education, and a world-leading science education expert.
Participants invoked the vision of the late Prof. Amos de-Shalit, which he articulated to the Institute’s Executive Council in 1968 in a proposal to establish the department. He talked about the central role science teachers play in developing and revising teaching and learning materials and thereby continually advancing and enhancing school learning.
Says Prof. Yarden: “We always keep in mind one particular thing that he said: ‘I have always felt a deep need to respond, in any way I could, to younger people who had an urge and curiosity to understand nature better.’”