A dynamic, digital International Board
“Keeping apart, staying together” was the meeting’s theme
Special events

Dr. Nir London presenting at the International Board on his 'COVID Moonshot' drug discovery project
More than 1,200 people took part in the Weizmann Institute of Science held its 72nd Annual General Meeting of the International Board in November, thanks to the digital format which allowed friends everywhere to participate.
The Institute bestowed honorary PhDs on seven extraordinary individuals, and Prof. Alon Chen, Weizmann President updated the global Weizmann family on research and other developments on campus including new flagship projects and COVD-19 research. In focus was the prospective Institute for Infectious Disease Research—which will take insights from coronavirus research to the next level—as well as the Institute for Brain and Neural Sciences and the Frontiers of the Universe flagship projects.
The Board meeting presented an opportunity to thank Prof. Jehuda Reinharz for his years of service as International Board Chairman, and he passed the baton to Cathy Beck. Cathy has been a major force in developing and expanding Weizmann Canada, as its Chair for six years, until 2016, and a member of the Institute’s Executive Board. Rooted in a friendship begun by her late parents, Tom and Mary Beck, Cathy has deepened her dedication to the Weizmann Institute over the years, and assisted on many levels.
Cathy was one of the PhD honoris causa recipients this year, in recognition of her longstanding devotion. “I personally look forward to working closely with Cathy and drawing on her expertise and wise counsel to secure the future of the Institute for years to come,” says Prof. Chen.
The keynote speaker of the PhD ceremony was Meir Shalev, whose life’s work reflects the beauty and rich intricacies of Israel—the land and its people—through stories read by generations of children and adults. For more on the PhD recipients, read here.