
Interview in Nature (2018)



A movie about the Bat-Lab - Weizmann Institute of Science (2018) (In English)

Watch a Discovery Channel movie on the work done in the lab (2009) (In English):

and a movie produced by the Weizmann Institute of Science (2014) (In English):

and the following interview on Israel TV channel 10 - London & Kirschenbaum show (2011) (In Hebrew)

and another interview on the London & Kirschenbaum TV show (2013) (In Hebrew).

and another interview with Rafi Carasso on TV Channel 10 (2018) (In Hebrew).

and an Interview on TV Channel 20 (2019) (In Hebrew)

Listen to a Radio interview on Voice of Israel: (RESHET BET, in Hebrew)

Read an article in Walla: (In Hebrew)

and an interview in The Marker on "The 50 Sharpest Brains in Israel"... (In Hebrew)


and extensive News coverage of our paper in Nature about 3D head-direction cells:  (in English)