Home built W-band (95 GHz) DNP spectrometer

This spectrometer is dedicated for low temperature solid state DNP measurements. It is specifically designed for systematic studies of the spin dynamics underlying DNP in solids at low temperatures. The spectrometer functions as a fully operational NMR spectrometer (144 MHz) and pulse EPR spectrometer (95 GHz) with a microwave (MW) power of up to 300 mW   at the entrance of the probehead where the sample is placed, generating a MW B1 field as high as 670 KHz. The combined NMR/EPR probe comprises of an open-structure horn-reflector configuration that functions as a low Q EPR cavity and an RF coil that can accommodate a 30μl-50μl sample tube. (shared with Prof. Shimon Vega)

We are constantly engaged in instrumental developments, concentrating primarily on the EPR and DNP spectrometer where our goal is to increase the sensitivity  and flexibility in terms of multiple resonance experiments.



  • Feintuch, A.; Shimon, D.; Hovav, Y.; Banerjee, D.; Kaminker, I.; Lipkin, Y.; Zibzener, K.; Epel, B.; Vega, S.; Goldfarb, D. A Dynamic Nuclear Polarization spectrometer at 95 GHz/144 MHz with EPR and NMR excitation and detection capabilities. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2011, 209, 136-141.